This is why we are SOOOO eggcited!
Saturday morning around 11:15 or so, Mom plopped out her furst egg of 2009!

Again, woo khan khlikhk H E R E to get to the state site with the live khamera feed and watch! She'll probably add to her khlutch over the next week or so...probably an egg every khouple of days!
After my big day amongst the rokhks AND my normal walk, I did have some khwiet time Friday evening...
After my big day amongst the rokhks AND my normal walk, I did have some khwiet time Friday evening...

Here are some more shots from Friday's hike...

Here are THREE more videos of my day...they are the next three in the sekhwence of the day!
I hope woo enjoy them...
Please khlikhk the numbers below
for 1)
This one has some rokhk harvesting fur Pedro and some pawesome khlimbing!
Have a great Sunday evfurryone!
PeeEssWoo: I'm glad woo are khurious as to my guest on SATURDAY! Any guesses?
PeeEssWoo: I'm glad woo are khurious as to my guest on SATURDAY! Any guesses?
Of course we're curious, but Momma won't let us ask.
How long until they hatch?
Princess Eva
What a wonderful trip for you, Khyra, to be out in the wild. And what a nimble girlie your Mom is to manage you on a leash, rock climbing and shooting a video all at the same time. My Mom could maybe do one thing but not all three!
Is this a contest? I think your Auntie from AZ is coming for a visit!
Hi, Khyra!
Yes, you were the Queen of Rocks! I loved your videos!
How many rocks did you find for Pedro??
Kisses and hugs
w00f's Khyra, thats a bute ti ful place to go for a walkie...and oooo baby will have to watch it now..
b safe,
How exciting for the hawk family! We'll have to check in on them from time to time to see how they're doing!
There are huge rocks like that at Sleeping Giant! We love our hikes there!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ohhh Khyra you are so lucky to have that beautiful place to visit. I agree with your mum about the colours they are lovely.
That last view through the trees was just super even if it was overcast.
Mum and me thought the egg hatch was cool, we have been trying to watch them but usually get there when its dark because of the time difference. We will try harder now.
Hope you enjoy our Sunday.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
No Ben wont be able to tell you. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm curious, but then I am a cat. We like to know what's going on.
Huffle Mawson
Hi Khyra
We are so eggcited about the egg! Just in time for Easter! You will have to keep a good watch on things and be there with the camera at just the right moment.
The pictures of your hike are great -that is just our kind of country.
Nice to see you are also having plenty of down time - dont want to overdo things now.
lots of love
Martha & Bailey xx
Gorgeous egg! And beautiful pics of you, Khyra, and the lovely scenery around you!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
We are very excited about the egg! Momma likes to watch the birdies at work when she is on the conference calls.
What a great trip that must have been, we have no hill or rocks here in florida, so when we go for walkies, we just walk, no climbing. I would like to try that sometime. Looks like fun. -Kira
Pee Ess, Mommy loved the colors in the rocks too, way cool!
Hi, Khyra...
Wow...What fun...
I love how your Mom lets you blaze the trail...Looks like that's not always the easiest trail for your Mom...But, she is such a good sport...
How eggciting about the egg...Can't wait to watch that story unfold...
Abby xxxooo
What a pawsome trip. And "Rusty and The Thundering Herd" (as described in Video 5, much to Natasha's horror) would love to climb those rocks with you. But, of course, they are not quite so accommodating about waiting for humans to find footing.
OH Boy. Does this make you an Aunt? Are you gonna name them. Can't wait.
WOW an Easter Egg!!!
Very neat egg!
LOVE the pictures from your hike. Our mom misses hills and mountains.
Have a great Sunday!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
I thought only bunnies laid eggs?? And aren't they suppose to be neon colors with stripes? Man I'm confused.
Beautiful views. Mom likes the pretty colors of the rocks too. We spotted your tail..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
More FAB photos AND loved the videos!!! Your mom sure was brave to walk on those rocks holding a video camera :)
Very cool about the eggs...are they chocolate? And your walk looked great, lovely views and very cool rocks to climb ;D
We're so curious now about your it Bark Kent?
Slobbers xx
Wow Khyra, looks like you have had some pretty exciting stuff going on! I can't wait to see the baby hawk hatch out of its shell.
We're afraid of hawks here. Pedro is so little and some of the hawks get so big they might try to eat him! I hope your hawk family is nice to little doggies!
Congratz on the baby egg!
What a great adventure you had, Khyra! I love the pictures and videos of your hike! That place is beautiful and so many things to explore! You´re a lucky dog! You look beautiful, as always =)
Happy Sunday!
Congratulations to the mommabird and daddybird!
Is that a hawk??? IIIIII aaammmmm ddeeeaaathhhhlyyyyyy affffffrrraaaaiiiiddd oofffff hhahhawwwwwwks. OOonnnneee trrriiiieeddd toooo gggeeettt MIdddgggggeettt aannnddd eeeeaaattt hhhherrrrr.
Wow you actually got to see her have the eggs, that is just so cool, loved your tour of the walks, and great pics of the scenery. =)
Great pictures from your hike. We have nothing to close to us here in England, and it looks amazing!
Exciting news about the egg!
Congrats to the mama on her first egg!
Furry khool pictures MFT. We especially liked the glimpse of your FT behind that big boulder!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Your Mom is very brave to go khliming on all those rocks with you! Like she said, she doesn't have fur wheel drive, LOL. Looks like you had a great time!
If will be wonderful to watch the birds hatch their young.
Such a pretty place Khyra. You looks so excited. There musta beed so many good wonderful smells. I can almost get a whiff of them through watching you.
How cool for mommy and Daddy Falcon. I hope the eggs hatch ok.
~lickies, Ludo
peeess. I agree with Stella too.
How exciting to watch the Mama hawk laying an egg and your hike was super. I don't get to do much hiking, being a city dog. You make me want to move to the country! I can't even imagine who your guest will be but I can't wait to find out. Have a great Sunday - your Mama must need a rest!
Hi Khyra
We loved watching your hiking videos. They made us feel like we were hiking with you.
We can't wait to see your visitor.
Love Ruby & Penny
hi Khyra, we are so happy that your hawk (is it a hawk?) is laying eggs. we can't wait to see some chicks.
you got some beautiful photos from your hike. that's a pretty place with a great view.
How exciting to see the first egg! And what a cool place for a hike Khyra!
More rock fun!!! We are not sure we could get our Mom on those rocks. But we wouldn't mind trying.
We wonder how many eggs there will be this year.
Happy Sunday.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
More great photos and videos! I love watching your videos. Your mom does a great job filming and narrating! Mom tried to video me on my walks and it just doesn't work. :)
Hey... is that the Pennsylvania Ocean I see out there?!?
Beautiful views! Mom said the rocks remind her of her days back in PA.
Play bows,
What a beautiful road trip! And I'm so eggcited for the birdies' egg! Very neat! And I'd love to know about your guest - who could it be? It's so good to be back reading blogs again! I'm starting to feel better and thank you so much for your support, Khyra and mom!
xo Love, Sammie
Hi Khyra,
we have lots of ducks, geese, swans etc. In short, there are lots of birds around my area and I am hoping that they will come to lay eggs in my garden.
Wow, that's a really different egg. It's red! At least it looks red. So cool. I wonder if they will be more? I watched your videos and really like the one where you were looking for a rock for me! I wonder if I could embed the video into my blog when the rock arrives?? Ask your mom if she knows how and also ask her how she gets so many pictures to get big when you khlick on them. My mom can only get the 1st picture to get big.
Woo Woo Lady Khyra!
Woo has sum bewoootiful pics!
Congrats to momma and poppa bird on their new egg. Will we git to see da birdy?
Be careful on dem rocks. We don't want woo and your Maw to trip and fall and hurt sumthin'.
Husky kisses,
The birds are back! We enjoyed them last year. Thanks fur sharing your very khool hike.
What a pawesome thing to see! I bet everyone was excited to see the 1st egg.
Teddy Bear
Khyra, you are a beautiful queen! :) We thought that your videos were very pawsome! And update us continuosly on the hawk family! -Hec & Lola
Gosh Khyra..what a totally khool website...we hafta go back when it's light outside!!!...where were you in PA that was that pretty??? Oh my...what a bootiful day you had for a hike!!!
We can't wait for it to warm's almost the end of March...Spring better be here soonest!!!
Love ya...
Laciegirlie...your favorite Lakie...
Do you think you'll get to go to that park for walks often? It looks really fun!
PS. I am a very sheltered girl, so I don't know what you mean when you say your mom saw the birds doing it.
Kat is so clueless. I know what you mean! They were eating worms! That is the only thing I think of when I hear that. Like if my mom said, "Oh look, Steve's doing it", I hope she means "Oh look, Steve's eating happy hearts cookies".
Hi Khyra, what KOOK pics of the mama hawk and her egg! You mean to say your mom saw the mama and daddy hawk getting KREATIVE?
And what a KOOL hills you have to walk up and down. Looks cold- but beautiful.
What an exciting weekend you had Khyra. Your hiking place is really beautiful and so are your Sibe pals.
Holly & Zac...XX
Great shots of the falcons and their eggs. Ok, I feel silly for asking, but are these YOUR falcons, or did you get the photos from elsewhere?? I'm lost. Sorry.
Behr Behr :)
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