And now khomes the special part...Ari has pawmitted ME to share an excerpt FROM THE BOOK!!! Khan woo believe it??? The book's chapters are the months of the year. Since we are khlosing in on the end of March, Ari thought March would be khwite appropriate
. . . . Ari dances crazily around my feet, stopping only to chew on my fingers when I try to lace up my hiking boots. Just shy of four months old, Ari is small—about fiftee pounds—and her proportions remain infant-round. One of her ears stands up wolfishly; the other flops over like the RCA dog’s. None of this, however, makes her any less of an opponent when it comes to getting things done. Ari’s teeth are still the temporary ones allotted to baby animals—jagged little numbers that pierce the skin with little effort. They hurt. A lot. As she bites at my hands, I pick her up and set her on the floor near the kitchen table, wrongly thinking that she will stay seated there. She doesn’t, of course. Instead, she springs up again and beats me back to where my other boot rests, eager to continue complicating my attempts at getting dressed and tumbling over our other shoes in the process.
I try reasoning with her and am rewarded with a play-growl and more pouncing. I suggest that this is not helpful. She gives an even bigger, goofier gurgle: Come on, silly! We’re having a ton of fun, right?
“You may be, but I’m not,” I correct aloud, as if to cure the puppy of her naiveté. My response rouses Greg in his office upstairs. His voice wafts down, asking playfully if everything is okay. I assure him that it is—I am in perfect control. My voice belies this assertion. It also prompts Ari to offer an even bigger play-growl, then to topple over onto her back like a clumsy bug. She looks first alarmed and then pleased with this inadvertent floor show, and soon tries it again for the amusement of us both before ducking for cover under a chair.
Like just about any mammalian toddler, this baby dog is nothing short of a rolling ball of contradictions. She vacillates between fierce and terrified with a speed that would dizzy an Olympic Ping-Pong player. Also like other kids her age, she clowns and tests limits and seeks maternal security all in a single instant. Her attention span is limited to a few bursting seconds; her confidence is as much predicated on mine as it is anything else. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, then, that biting shoelaces, clamoring to go outside, and flopping onto the foyer tile are all equally interesting to her right now.
Further complicating her child-like tendencies is Ari’s life before moving into our house. Animal behaviorists tell us that a puppy’s cognition begins in the womb and reaches its first crucial peak at around twelve weeks. What happens along the way has a lot to do with how that dog views—and responds to—the world. Puppies birthed by mothers under a fair amount of stress can exhibit more timidity and emotionality. Those who spend their first weeks without a lot of human contact can grow to be fearful or at least unsure of humans and what they want. Both factors can affect things like trainability, ease of entering domestic life, and ability to bond with a caregiver.
From what we know of Ari’s life at the shelter, her early days were far from a doggy Head Start program. Prior to our arrival, she had never left the four-foot-by-four-foot enclosure that was home to her litter. Once they were weaned from their mom, the only contact they had with other creatures was their time together as siblings and the occasional attention of an overworked shelter employee. They had never been inside a house or on any surface other than concrete, nor had they been given the space to distinguish between where they slept and where they pooped. Factor in the DNA of her two primitive-breed parents (both of whom were under plenty of shelter-induced stress during conception and pregnancy), and what we have is something a whole lot like a feral dog on our hands.
Does this affect our feelings about Ari? Only insofar as it makes us want to love her all the more. We want to give Ari the kind of affection and security she should have had from the moment she was born. We would probably want this for any animal who had endured such an experience, but it doesn’t hurt that this particular one is beyond adorable in just about everything she does. Like other infant dogs, Ari is a perfect example of Mother Nature’s warranty program: She is just too cute in her boxiness, her floppy ear, her curious blue eyes to elicit a reaction other than love, particularly at times like this, when she wags a little puppy tail from under the nearby chair. Momentarily suspending my project to get my hiking boots laced, I reach down and stroke her tawny coat—more fleece than fur—and am rewarded with a warm lick of my palm. Sheer bliss
(From Adventures with Ari: A Puppy, A Leash, and Our Year Outdoors by Kathryn Miles. Skyhorse Publishing, 2009).
I think Ari's entertaining me took a toll on her - or was it khonsuming the soupsikhle?
All I khan say is WOW! But don't take it from me....chekhk out THIS REVIEW
So, now that you've read what Ari shared with me...and the great review, I think woo owe yourself a khopy!

Mom and I were extremely flattered and happy to have had the opportunity to introduce the BLOGosphere to Ari's Adventures!
Very cool. The story of the soupcicle sounds like something the boy would do.
Princess Eva
I love reading about Ari. She is very good at training her mum, isn't she?
Huffle Mawson
Awwwdorable!!! What a great excerpt!! Thanks fur sharing.
Your BG,
Thanks for sharing! Ari is so cute!
PS...I'm going to be on vacation and won't be able to blog or comment till I get back.
I love Ari too!
Kisses and hugs
w00f's, me will have to git mama to check into gitting dat loves stories about animals..
b safe,
What an awsome story! We loved it. Thank you for sharring!
We have never read Ari's blog but enjoyed the exert from the book. We will make a point of visiting soon.
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xx
Good job. It is always a pleasure to read a good book.
Oh that sounds like a very cool book. um says she will go across to check out getting one. She said that it would be a god book to take away with her on hols. WHAT when were are you going.!!!
( calm down not for a few months GJ )
So glad you enjoyed your visit.
Hugs GJ and his mum Carol xx
Missed you lots lately. funny thing is I heard about Kathryn and Ari's book on Facebook first! We have loved them for long time. LOL
Hugs, Kathy & Kodak
What a very good exclusive. That sound like a very good book!
~lickies, Ludo
We just recently met Ari through her book. And we have enjoyed all the adventures and beautiful pictures very much. The book will be on our list to get a copy.
MFT, you did a great job, but we are not surprised.
Happy weekend.
Woos, the OP Pack
Great excerpt. Thanks for sharing.
And we are convinced that Ari was defending the soup from intruders.
OH what a great story. Mom says she need to buy that one.. A real celeb among us..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
wow! how exciting.
Ari's a coll dog!
Great interview K!
We just got a copy of the book and we're looking forward to having time to read it.
Woooo, how exciting! Your first celebrity interview!
I enjoyed reading that excerpt very much! Thanks for sharing!
this is very exciting. it's not every day that you get to met a real author and the star of the book in the same day.
Neat-o! That sounds like an awesome book. We love reading books about dogs or cats.
Wow that was great!! and all a bit too familiar for Mum right now BOL!
Will definatley be looking at getting a copy of that book!
Sounds like you had a great time Khyra.. Maybe I should talk to Mum about writing a book so you can come over, have a tour and do a review (worth a trip over the big pond??)
Ben xxxx
Very nice! I want to read more about Ari. I'll need to get Kelly to buy the book and then she can read it to me.
That seems like a really good book. My mom read the except for me and I told her she needs to buy the book so we can find out if Ari ever got to go outside that day! We just checked out the falcon cam. So cool!
Hey there, Khyra! Sorree we iz slow getting to yur site! We enjoyed catching up, though! Wat a fun birdie camera woo have! Waldo iz verry inturrested in da birdz, but prolly cuz he wants to be chasing dem.
Da book sounds good! We will have to check dat one out!
Gus and Waldo
Cool....I have visited Ari's blog before too and she has a great life in Maine it seems! I will definitely have to add the book to my list! Thanks for letting me know!
Very awesome. Mom is going to go to book store her next day off and get a copy. It is like a blog in a book. Thank you for sharing it with us today. So excited.
wow that sounds great!
Wow - you guys know someone famerous. How cool!
Sounds like Ari had a hard start in life like Lilly. Thank dogness they found great furrever homes!
Ari is wonderful - must to get a copy! Thanks for the intro to Kathryn!
xo Love,
Hi Khyra! Any book with a dog in it is the best kind of book! Thanks for telling us about it.
See ya!
Well I just happen to know that Mom has an plastikh khard and I bet she will get this book! The excerpt was great and we love anything about dogs!! So khool its a blogger buddy!
Thanks for sharing Khyra. You are such a great friend!
Teddy Bear
I bet you'll be doing book reviews on an on-going basis now! That was great!
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