Wait until I tell you about my big day on Friday!

Well, about 11am, Mom leashed me up and we headed to the Xterra. We went to work - I got to see Sampson for a bit. Mom found out she'll be working next week! (Good, I am really getting tired of her taking my pikhtures ALL THE TIME)
She went to lunch with Kathy and Kim again...I guarded the Xterra....THEN THE FUN STARTED!!!
We went HERE
and visited OUR Mt. Pisgah with an elevation of a whopping 885-ft!!!

Please khlikh H E R E fur the furst video and H E R E
fur the sekhond (that one is furrrrrry windy noisy since we were on top of the hill at the overlook)

Here is the third video
And NOW some scenery of ME hiking fur the furst time!!!

Please khome bakhk tomorrow fur more pikhs of my day and MORE videos!!!
I would like to invite evfurryone bakhk here NEXT SATURDAY, March 28th fur a furry special post! I will be having a furry famous guest on my blog! I am soooo excited she'll be stopping by! More details to khome!
Great photos! I can't decide which one is my favorite but the Kween of the World may be it. But what is Meeshka going to say about that!
Princess Eva
Dear Khyra, It is Queen of the Werld for us in terms of favorit pix. But what byutiful piktures overall! Wow! You do an outstanding job of walking your human. Also, in terms of the Swiss Account commint you left for us, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA snort snort and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! We are still cracking up! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
That looks like fun! We can see you smilin, we would be too! How cool yer Mom took you there to smell the smells!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures and videos of your great day!
Kisses and hugs
What a great pictures and videos, Khyra! Can I come along on the next hike?
PS...thank you for introducing me to Togo, Tagar and the pups! They are so cute!
That looks like a pawsome adventure Khyra. Can I come next time?
Big licks to you
oooo who is the special guest next week?
Gruffs from the Scruff
Hi Khyra, great climber. Isn't is dangerous, being so big? We think your breed is ready to pull and run but we see you are able to do almost anything.
Hi Khyra
Queen of the World! Loved the pictures and cant wait for the surprise next week.
Martha would just love that walk, she loves to climb too and gaze at the view. Good job sniffing too Miss Fluffy Tail! Your mom would have loved that hike too.
Have a lovely Saturday.
Martha & Bailey xx
Looks like you had a great day hiking. Those rocks were so big! I'd ask you to send me one but it definitely wouldn't fit in my mom's coffee table. You have such a fluffy tail like my brother Ziggy. Ziggy is part huskey (maybe sibe?). His tail sure looks like yours, just a different color. When he's tired it falls down but otherwise it curls up over his back. I noticed yours was curled up in the beginning but hanging down in the end. Does that happen to you when you get tired too?
Hi, Khyra...
Wow...What a great day at the park...I almost felt like I was there, too...
I love your Kween of the World picture...
Can't wait to see more...
Abby xxxooo
Wow Khyra! You look like a page from "Call of the Wild" brought to life as you scale those boulders (they may be rocks to you, but they're definitely boulders to me!). Looks like you had a ball!
Your pal,
Ahhhh, what a wonderful day that must have been. You look so intrepid climbing those rhocks(?)[muzzer doesn't have the hang of the spelling thing]
Have a restful day and we will look forward to seeing your pictures tomorrow.
And of course...the special guest when the time comes.
WOW what an awesome day you had with your mom Khyra!!
Next week mom is taking me to the doggie park and the best part of all Paris doesn't get to come!
That looks like a lot of fun - you are in your element hiking and climbing.
Wow, that looks like a great adventure! We don't have any hills around here, let alone mountains to climb! You are a very lucky dog!
Happy Spring! You're a lucky dog to go on fun hikes with your mom. (not that I want to hike)
This acknowledgement is long overdue. You were so kind to act on Daisy's suggestion and leave a comforting comment upon my beloved Jake’s passing last month. Thank you for your support during this difficult time for me. Jake’s memory will forever live in my heart and mind.
~J&B’s Mom Nancy
oh what a fabulous day and hike!
how wonderful!
happy first day of spring k and mom!
m & e
You looked so happy on your walk, so very exciting, thank you for sharing it with us. What a great park, maybe you will get to fly a kite this summer?
Woo look so amazing on the big rocks. You sure made it look easy climbing on those. I am hoping to get some time out today. Maybe the dogpark if j and k can get off their butts and do the yardwork soon. Can't wait to see you furry special guest next week.
PS. I got a skwerl!
As we told your Mom yesterday, the Khween of the World photo is THE best - you look so good on your throne. You did a really great job scaling those big rocks, too bad they are too big for Pedro's table.
The videos were fun too, stupid humans and all, they really make us want to go to a place like that too.
Where will your adventures with Mom take you next?
Glad to hear that the flashy beastie will get some rest next week - all for a good cause.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
What fun you had!!! Hiking, climbing, sniffing, leaving fresh pee mail!!!
We're so flat here in South Florida that the only time we get to climb is when we run over a mound on the golf course or scoot out of a sand trap.
Mom forgot how many interesting things there are to see in her home state!! (Ad how beautiful once things start to green again.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh what an adventure you had Khyra. We would love to go mountain climbing with you too...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
you are the pertiest Khween we have ever seen. Did you see any nasty sneaky squirrels in the park?
Beautiful pictures and video of you Khyra!!!
You sure had a fun hike.
We wonder who your guest will be?
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Oh Khyra! What a pawfect post today!! Gorgeous pics and videos of you. It sure was windy in the 2nd video.
What a totally amazing place to go for a hike!
~lickies, Ludo
Wooo Khra, love the Queen of the world picture> I am sure you felt great! I had fun just watching you-
Love Kira the other one
You are climbing just like a mountain goat. Way, way up there.
What an awesome park that you got to go to! We would love to climb on those huge rocks with you! Mom said we were going for a long walk this afternoon so we are very excited! Mom was glad to see Miss Fluffy Tail shooting the dirt behind her because she thought we were funny when we thrown dirt and leaves on her. MFT was certainly checking out all of the smells that were hidden under the snow all winter long!
Thor and Marco Polo
What a great adventure you went on Khyra! And I loved your Queen of the World pose! Good news on your mom going back to work next week too!
you are like a freakin mountain climber! I could never do that!
What a cool adventure! Could you see Kansas from up there on the rocks?
Ha roo roo roo - wait 'til Storm sees the picture you posed for her. That's really great.
Play bows,
Wow Khyra you look like you had alot of fun! Those are some beautiful pictures. I've never been hiking before but Jessie takes me to the campground she works at. Have you ever been camping?
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
What a truly lovely day you had. I bet you were all ready for a snooze when you got back.
You all looked so good together too.
Hugs Ginger Jasper.
PS Ben not having chicken either
Woos & a-roos! What a furry fun day! We LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of woo hiking!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
No wonder you're in great shape, hiking, jogging daily.
Me only dreaming, that my daily exercise.
Which spa did you go for pampering, you fur coat is wavy like ocean waves!
You're such a happy hiker!
Whoops, I kind of threw up during the third movie with all the jerky camera action.
Momma wants to know how that flexi leash works for you. She was afraid to get one for pee-wee that he might break it, but you are much stronger than him.
The rock climbing was a little scary, but you handled it well.
Oh yeah, Momma also wants to say its nice to see she isn't the only one who doesn't let her doggies off leash. Whatever.
What a big day. I'll have to have a nap now.
Huffle Mawson
WOW your Queen of The World pic is grrrreat!!!
My humans are not whales but they come from a country in the UK called Wales.
Wales is small and the capital is Cardiff it is a lovely place but very rainy so they moved to Australia in 2003!
Hope This Helps
Love Travis!!!
Awesome pictures and video. So glad you got to go to your Mt Pisgah and the rocks look a lot like our Mt Pisgah. You should tell your mom to go every weekend from now on to different parks. It is what we do.
Wow! That looks like the greatest walk EVER! Can't wait to see your celebrity guest!
wally t.
Hi Khyra
You can submit an application fur your Mum if you like but I'm not sure how many other hoomans will be lookin' fur love so you might end up with a heap more furries in your house!
Hugs from the Stud
Scooby Doo
Hi Khyra! I think you're a natural hiker! I can't wait to see who the guest will be!
See ya!
Khyra, thanks for taking us along on your adventure. You look so happy climbing and exploring ... and yes, you definitely look like Kween of the World. And that gorgeous tail of yours is the Kween of Tails! You're a beauty.
That sure looks like fun!
And we have no clue who your guest could possibly be. Guess we'll have to wait to find out.
Rest up for next hike.
Looks like your Friday was a little ... rocky! (RIMSHOT)
Wow, that looks like a great place for a hike. I bet there were lots of great new smells there versus your neighborhood!
Looks like a great trip, Khyra!
Gus and Waldo
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