SADurday, Khaturday?!?

Well, one of our 'stuffs' we did was visit Mom's office to find out about next week...WELL, she gets to go bakhk next week with each week being that ear playing thing hooooomans do!
I guess it wasn't THAT bad fur her to be home with me this week!
I also got to meet mom's roomie (Kathy) and another furiend (Kim) she works with! Kim akhtually reads my blog when she khan! HI KIM! They went to lunch whilst I guarded the Xterra!
Ohhh Khyra - so sorry about your snoooowwwwww! It's those darned tiny furry things, isn't it? I get to guard the jeep when Mom goes to work sometimes - what a drag - but after I usually at least get to go for a run, so I've gotten used to it. But bummer that your snow's disappeared - heck, spring's around the corner!
xo Hugs and licks,
We are so sad that almost all your snow has left. I'm sure that the rest will be gone before you wake your mom up in the morning.
But very exciting that you got to go to the office twice this week. I hear that your local sweetie was there.
Princess Eva
Oh Khyra, we're sorry to see that all the snow is melting away. Maybe there is one more snowstorm left this winter.
Maybe if you wave that fluffy tail just right, the snow G-ds will send you just one more glorious day of the white stuff.
Our daffodils and crocus have started blooming in the garden. I think the snow days are over for us too.
#2, that's funny!
Maybe it will snow tons this weekend?
Oh no! Your snow really is melting fast... How sad! Truly sad indeed... I feel your pain my friend.
I hope you're still having a grrrrEAT weekend even if the snow is gone...
Oh no, it's gone. Poor Khyra. Do you think it might make one more appearance???
Noah xx
Dear Khyra who's so missing her snow,
I am so sorry about your snow. Don't worry, it'll be back in a few short months.
What about the cats? Don't tell me you've tasted some!
Did you hear about the moving target practice on dogs (by who else but the Talibans)? It's shocking! I'm still trying to get over it.
Licks n wags,
Well I am glad you survived the week at home with your Mom, but I am sad all your snow is leaving :( I just khant figure out where it all goes?!
So sorry about your snow, Khyra!! But the office stuff sounds good!
I'm furry sorry to see all your snow has gone Khyra. I will wish fur some more fur you.
Big licks to you
Hi Khyra. We're sorry that your snow is gone. Here it's bright and sunny today, spring is here to stay, we think... What we can't stand is the hot in summer...
Is it possible that the snow comes back, only for a while?
Happy weekend
Hiya Khyra
im sooooooo soooo so sorry bout ur snow I hate those things.
anyway the point of mi visit is to come and tell you about the award you won on my blog.
It is the rockin dog blog one.
you won the coveted award because ur blog is plain pawsome.
hope u have a grrrreat day.
Love travis the dog
Hi, Khyra...
I'm sorry your snow went away...We know how much you love it...
Your just gonna have to focus on keeping BM & #2 in line until your snow comes back...
Abby xxxooo
We are melting here too and not sad at all. At first I thought you were sad because the grass was brown (that makes momma sad). Enjoy getting muddy today. I know I will.
That snow thief is relentless. He is working over ours as well. it is supposed to be in the 60's here today. Yuck. Though the good side of that is some of the summer roads will start opening up soon and we can go to some of our favorite hikes.
What are you going to do about that Khat?
We're sorry you're losing all your snow, Khyra! Maybe those evil c-a-t-s ate it all!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Do you think those cats stole your snow? They looked rather smug like they had a plan. Sometimes Mica steals my treats so I know that look!
Your pal,
Sorry woo are sad about your snow. maybe if woo dig woo will find it :)
So sorry about the snow, but the snow thief left you a khat at your tree. That was a nice present wasn't it!
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi the other dog
Glad your mom gets to go back to you can get some work done!
We're sorry your snow has gone away. Our woofies don't like snow 'cause they hate to get their paws wet.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
hi khrya!
oh we are so sorry your snow has gone away, but i bet you will have at least one more visit from the white stuff before it warms up for spring. :)
we love your fluffy tail!
m & e
yep, same thing has happened here, blooming snow thief has arrived overnight and taken most of it away!
I hope your Mum's ear playing gets better soon.
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Khyra
We keep seeing your name on blog comments and thinking we must come by and "Hi"!
We are sorry your snow has all gone - the same thing happened in Scotland and we were not pleased either.
Still spring will come and it will be nice to see flowers for a change.
Nice to meet you.
Martha & Bailey xx
Sorry to see that your snow is gone. But on the other paw it does mean spring is on its way.
love & wags,
Boy we have certainly missed a lot. First you have snow then you have none. That is just sick. We know how much you enjoy it...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra - you can come visit me - I live in Maine and we have at least 3 feet of snow left in our yard!!! ;-)
Hi Khyra! Love that floofy tail, snow or no snow. Hopefully the ear playing thing will go all right
See ya!
We are sorry about your snow - story of our winter - but we are happy that Mom will let woo nap in peace next week!!! Mom thinks BM #2 is the cuter of the two.
We have another mild day in Kansas, but promises of some wild storms overnight. We will have to check in with AO4's Stormy to get the real story.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Oh No... your beautiful snow :(
I can feel your sadness from here.. it's breaking my heart.
Cheer up though beWOOtiful, just think.. by the end of today that will be one day closer to the next time it snows!
Those Khats have a nerve! Sittong under YOUR tree. How dare they!! Hmmm still.. if they are getting careless that could mean we are getting closer to the answer to the elusive question... do they taste like chicken!
love, licks, tailwags and snooooter-rubs
Ben xxxx
Khyra, Who stole your precious snow? We know it wasn't the kitties. They don't like it like you do. We're sorry you are so sad because of it.
But it sounds like you had a nice trip to your mom's workplace.
Yup, our snow had to go too. In exchange, it left behind a nice muddy yard to dig in!
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
It's so sad that it melts! I'm glad that you had fun with your mom last week.
Khyra, I am very sorry you lost all of your beautiful snow!
Khyra! What happened to your snow? BTW, I think Ben is super hot. I know you are his gf, but I have a big crush on him too. Please don't tell Joey.
Poor Khyra! We are sorry about the snow melt plus the absolute outrage of interloper kitties hanging around YOUR tree! Tiger doesn't let interlopers in our yard, but he has made a friend down the street, another black cat we call "the Nemesis" b/c Tiger used to hate him (or her, we don't know). They hang out together in our alley. Glad you had such a good week with your Mom!
Why didn't YOU get to do lunch? What's this "guard the Xterra" stuff? That's an outrage!
Play bows,
Hi, Khyra!
I know you feel sad without your beautiful snow!
sure you had a great week with your mom at home!
Kisses and hugs
You looked so happy in the snow hope you get more soon
we're so sad for you losing your snow. do those mean cats steal it away? probably.
we really like your furry tail. it's beautiful and inspirational to us.
Sorry to see your snow disappearing. It's always fun to see your khat fan club hanging out waiting to catch a glimpse of you!
It's good that your mom gets to go back to work next week!
Hi, Khyra -
We feel bad that you are losing your beautiful snow. We are losing the snow we have pretty quick, too. Mama slipped and fell on black ice the other day so she will be relieved when the ice is gone.
You are a beautiful dog. We hope that you didn't feel too sad looking at Hershey's puppy pictures - the stripes Mama noticed in your fur look like the stripes Hershey had in her puppy fur.
Kaci and I (Hershey) talked on the phone - there is still a lot of snow in New Hampshire - she will be more than happy to send you some!
Love -
Hershey, Kaci and Mama
My furiend, I am so sorry about woos snow. It is not fair. Stella has billions of snows, and woos don't. And I don't. Hey, let's take Stella up on her offer to go get some snow. I'll drive! Haroooooooooo!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Wow, you need to get out there and patrol your yard! Next thing you know, the cats and the squirrels will be out there dancing under YOUR tree, in YOUR yard. That would be terrible.
Snow, no snow, cats, and no cats? Your yard is constantly changing. I hope you did not chase the cats away?
We are sorry your snow has gone Khyra. Ours has too but the humans are quite pleased, we don't see why, we loved it..hehe
Holly & Zac...XX
Hey khyra how are you???
Hope you feeling well.
You totally deserved my award do you like it???
You would hate living in Australia because we never,ever,EVER have snow.
Which is really bad because I have always wanted to lick it!!!
Love Travis
Hi Khyra
Too bad about your snow. We still have plenty, but it is finally starting to melt.
We are happy your mommy is going back to work.
Love Ruby & Penny
I'm sorry you're losing your snow, Kyra. Ours is melting fast too but we still have lots. Maybe I can send you some to sprinkle over the grass!
Have I told you how much I love your floofy tail? :)
Poor Khyra!
Sorry your snow is gone!
What a cute floofy tail you have!
Khyra- those snow thieves again!
You hafta figure out what to do!
We are getting some snow tonight- I will try to blow it your way!
Hey Khyra...thanks for coming over to help nurse Lacie...we need all the help we can get...
You ready for a few rounds of poker?
Hi, Khyra.
We're sorry to see that all the snow is melting .
Great pictures.
So sorry to see that your snow went away. Jack frost will be here again before you know it. =)
Hey Khyra I totally agree
Humans get so amused about the slightest things.
Love Travis
The snow thief strikes again! Can nothing stop this evil villain? He makes Trouble look like a piker ...
Sorry that your snow is gone! I like the pics with the fluffy tail! :)
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