Ah yes! I'll get to rest up this week!
Since I won't get out as much this week during the day, I took advantage of the opp on Sunday

I'm glad evfurryone enjoyed seeing the furst egg! Mom will keep her eyes on the khamera and attempt to get pikhs of each new egg!
The Pawsylvanina site has LOTS of interesting stuff on it about them...inkhluding THIS page and THIS page too!
And here are two more videos from last Friday's hike...
Happy Monday Evfurryone!
DawgMom had DawgDaddy watchin those Falcons today, that is such a cool cam. Glad to see you have nice weather, we had pawesome weather today and DagMom took our videos playing with DawgDaddy, she hasn't uploaded them yet tho.
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
HI, Khyra!
You had a pawesome week and you finished it with style!
I hope you mom has a good week at her work!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra
Our Dad, who cant believe we are all blogging, is now hooked on your peregrine falcons!!
He is more excited than us! We will show him the links when he comes home - as long as he remembers our present!
We are glad you are taking it easy this week - that stretch out on the patio should do it!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Happy Monday Khyra!
It looks like you have had a furry relaxing start to the week.
Big licks to you
Looks like you had a pawsome week. :)
~ Bae
Hi, Khyra...
I love your park videos...
I hope you don't miss your Mom too much when she goes back to work...
Abby xxxooo
hey khyra! pics our up on the pawty... we had a blast having you around... we had yours in part 2 so stay tuned!
drooly kisses,
You can't fool us, MFT, you just loved having Mom home with you and look at all the extra fun you had. Hope you still have a good week on your own.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Have a great Monday, Khyra!
Hi Khyra- I am glad you had such a fun week, but you better catch up on your napping now, after all we are Not Border Collies!
-Kira The Other One
You are indeed an expert at being yourself. We do not know anyone who does it better. Hope you don't miss your mom too much this week.
Ah yes, you do you well!
No mom? We feel your pain. Ous will wave at woo when she drives by later this week, ok?
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hey wonderful that egg-plosion. It's nice to see new life begin.
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar luking very comfy indeed!!! and i am glad to see that peregrine took the hobbit is doing wel and laying eggs after his trawmatik adventchers in the war of the ring and -- wot??? oh dada sez that the peregrine falcon is not the saym thing as peregrine took the hobbit ummmm shoor dada ok wotever yoo say and its just a coinsidense that they hav the saym naym i am soooo shoor!!!! ok bye
You do it best of all! And those Falcons are really cool!
Sounds like you had a great weekend! You look so happy stretching out on the patio in the sun - great feeling, isn't it?
Hugs xo Sammie
Love your videos. wish we could join you.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Are you feeling OK? Your color looks a bit off in that second picture....
What a pawsome relaxing weekend you had Khyra! We also lounged about outdoors as the weather was finally climate enough for us to do so!
We LOVE when you make videos for us all to watch!
Wags and kisses,
Benson and Gibson
You look so cool and relaxed on the patio. You are going to be lonely this week without your mum .I think you may find somthing to amuse you though.
Ben says not chicken.
Hugs GJ xx
I think I've finally khonvinced my mom to goof off for a couple of minutes at work and go check out that falcon site!
I likes that black and white shot of you.
Have fun whilst your Mom is back at work!
~lickies, Ludo
You look pretty comfy out there! I got to snooze outside yesterday, too. Mom thought it was a little too chilly, but I didn't want to come in the house. That sunshine felt so good on the old furs.
Your pal,
Hey Khyra, this weekend was pawsome! It was so nice outside, we don't blame you for not wanting to go inside.
Sam & June
hi k and mom!
oh what a great sunday!
we cannot wait to hear about both of your adventures this week!
m & e
What me and my Mom want to know is why isn't the Mom Peregrine Falcon SITTING on her egg. Isn't it important to keep them snuggy and warm while they are turning into little falcons?
I am glad you are comfy and resting up for your next big outing!
Hi Khyra
That's a beautiful picture of you lying in the sun. We like it in black & white too.
We're glad mom is working.
Love Ruby & Penny
I would love to run and play in that yard.
What a beautiful place for a walk. I sure could leave some pee-mail there......Gus
Enjoy your time to yourself!!! Can you check out the falcon cam yurself, or do you need to wait until mom comes home?
Jake and Just Harry
The falcons are so cool, and love to see the egg too.
Looks like you had a pawsome week!
What a great way to finish your weekend, all stretched out in style. =)
My mom watched the Falcons today and she was worried cause the little red egg was sitting there all alone! Don't they have to sit on it like a chicken??
Love the B&W shot Khyra.
Nice videos, it is cool how things change with the seasons and how that in a few weeks that forest/wood will look really different.
Holly & Zac...XX
Ciao dolce Khyra!
Your sunny spot near the tree looks like a very cozy place to take a nap, mia bellissima amica!
Tanti baci!
It looks like you were really enjoying yourself!
You probably need a vacation from your mom's time off anyway.
Looks like you had a very relaxing weekend! I bet you sure missed your mom today!
Love the videos! :)
omdog you heard about our khrazy winds?? I was in the bathroom hiding a lot bekhause I was sure it was going to storm. It was VERY scary!! One of the spring training games had 14 home runs because the wind was blowing the balls right out of the park!
You certainly need to rest up after your exciting weekend!
What a great Monday you had.:)
Teddy Bear
I love stretching out in the sunshine!
YOu do do it well K. You look amazing even in Black and White. I hope for more eggs. Bring on the eggy weggies!
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