I hope all had a nice weekend!
Here are some shots of me and 'them'

Some Saturday Sunning

And your point?

Skhwirrel Prey Spotted - if woo bigify the pikh, woo khan see THE tail...


Going fur it...

Looking at it...

Still looking at it...

BM's BIG Water Glass


The OTHER Purry One

The Hunted...

Purry Stalking...



Still hamming...

A touch of tongue akhtion...

Sunday Lounging...

Snow Nose...

Khlose Up!

More Khlose Up!
Please stop over and say some woos to
RiverHis brother Hootie khrossed over the weekend...he'll be missed furry much!
Did your mom tell you that we caught "something" but didn't leave enough for dad to ID it! But it must have been a squirrel or a bunny since we don't have any visiting cats.
Brice the Big Hunter
I love your pink nose.:)
Teddy Bear
You sure had a lot going on on Sunday! With visits from squirrels and cats I'm sure you didn't get any naps in so hopefully you can rest tomorrow! Love the close ups of your beautiful face!
Hi, Khyra!
I can see you had lots of visitors this weekend!
I like your close-ups!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
I have made a observation of you always being tethered when you're outside. My Titan, would roam and go and go and go if he wasn't leashed. Is that what your mom's worried about?
Hi Khyra,
We loved all your close up pics! Mom say she had the urge to rub noses with you cos your nose is so cute!
Looks like the snow's all gone... :(
Hi, it seems you never lose sight of the squirrel, is it always the same one?
Monday Monday... let's go to work!
Great close-ups, Khyra!
You had nice weather this past weekend, just like we did! We spent lots of time outdoors too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra
Loved your pictures today. Bailey and me have been talking and we think you could use us to help you hunt!
So what do you think?
We are very good at sniffing and following but sometimes need a bigger dog to help.
We think you fit the bill!
Martha & Bailey xx
Hello BeaWOOtiful,
wow, such gorgeous pictures *swooooon* I planted a kiss on that beaWOOtiful snooter!
Mum took Millie on the school run this morning so I could rest up a little, she never stops!! I miss my naps already!
We will scoot on over to Rivers place now,
love woo,
Ben xxxxx (Millie sends puppy kisses)
Cats and squirrels. Khyra, you are losing control of your tree!
I like your close ups Khyra :)
Big licks to you
I agree with the last comment Khyra, we are slowly taking over your tree. The pusscats rule Yaaaa.
No chicken..
Hugs GJ xx
PS the post is slow, you should have got a little something from accross the pond by now.. xx
Marvelous Monday Medley - nice way to start our day. Our favorites were "And your point" and "posing".
One of these days, MFT, woo will be successful.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
The "Khlose-ups" are always our favourites, Khyra!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Oooh your nose is soooo cute!
Happy Monday! (Is that possible?)!
Love your snow nose, it matches mine!
You are doing a great job on those squirrels, now you have to work on them khats!
-Kira The Florida Siberian
What happens if woo Khatch that Khat?
You are very beautiful Khyra! I didn't realize how many furry little creatures there were around there - lots apparently - for you to put up with! You must be very patient! But we both seem to love squirrels! Very exciting, indeed!
Love and Licks, xo
Love the Khlose up! Teka has a "flower" nose, but yours is cuter.
Hi Khrya,
I met a Huskie girl at the dog run this weekend. Unfortunately, I had a flashback of when a GIANT malamute (over 36" tall) grabbed my neck when I was getting a drink of water and I snapped and said some HBO words to her. I calmed down and went back to ball-playing, but it's the only time my Mommy has seen me go after a dog in the run. I was scared!
However, I'm sure if we met, you change my outlook on sled dogs with floofy tails!
Your pal,
Khyra - you are such a pretty girl! We love your nose close-ups.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi Khyra! Beautiful close ups! Looks like you saw lots of furry friends! -Hecky and Lola
Shhhh ... the B.M. is on a stakeout ...
oh wow! what a great way to spend the day. those furry kitties sure have a great water bowl. i'd be afraid of falling in! ha ha ha
sorry you didn't catch that squirrel. i was rooting for you.
thank you for the nice thoughts for my family
Hi Khyra
Looks like you had alot of visitors this weekend. You are a very hospitable gal.
Love your pink nose.
Love Ruby & Penny
happy monday k and mom!
we love the close ups!
Very pretty nose, I loves the close up!
~lickies, Ludo
That's a furry cute closeup shot of your cute button nose! Did you see something up the tree? And that fat cat looks really fun to chase after. Heehee!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Great set of photos! I especially like the large water glass!
I love the picture of the kitty hiding behind the bird feeder!
Play bows,
Zim - Honorary Kitty Cat!
snooot snooot snooooter kisses
That's about the most perfect specimen on a snow nose that I've seen in a long time.
Oh Khyra we LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures of you and the kitties! Those pesky squirrels - one day we will get them!!!
We will definitely stop by your friend's blog to send our purrs and wags and prayers :)
Benson and Gibson
he he he! My J says can she have BM's big water glass, she could do with one that size for her glass(es) of wine you know!
Lovely pics, Khyra!
Squirrels are my most hated things. Darn rabbits who climb trees.......
Marvin xxxxxxxxxx
Chasing squirrels is definitely a lot of fun.
Dear Khyra, well we do not know if these outstanding piktues of your adventchurs yesterday make us more deprest (sintz you cannot get the evil skwirls either) or whether they make us feel better sintz obyusly you have the same skwirl challenges too! We had been getting madder and madder all weekend about the skwirl feeding going on at our house and then we made that post and our Humans saw it and all they did was laff. We have had it! Pleaz let us know as soon as you get the swirl. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
You sure have good eyes! My mom and I had a hard time finding that squirrel in the picture but we finally "think" we did! Are those your kitties or just trespassing kitties? Looks like you had a fun weekend. We're gonna go see River now.
Wow, Khyra - did you manage to get any sleep at all?? You sure look like you had a busy weekend!
Honey the Great Dane
Squirrels are evil. Be vigilant.
I'm not sure about that orange cat.
Cute snow nose!
Huffle Mawson
Awesome nose shot. Did you catch that kitty?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a snooter!! You almost got that squirrel, maybe you and the cat could join forces?
you are so funny. You think I should send the squirrel to Pedro for his table?? he he he.
I love taking a sunbath. You look so perty!!
Looks like you had a nice weekend.
We meet the handsome Ben when they came to see Millie.
Thank you for all the nice thing you said about her.
Khyra....we saw it!! Was that another one halfway up the tree too? Cheeky things! So do you and the purry ones team up to catch them?
Love all your photos, especially the snooter ones :D
Slobbers xx
I khan't believe those khats are so very brave drinking out of that bird bath. Do the squirrels go in there too?? Its like wild animal kingdom over there!
What a great way to start your week!
And thanks for your kind comments, Sola is laid low and I'm consumed.
One day you will get them, Khyra! I love the snow nose!
I loves your closeups, Khyra (I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille)
I layed out on the porch all afternoon today and snoozed, no squirrels and toasty warm.
Good stuff!
That last snout shot made Mom get all SQUEE-y. Does your Mom give you a big smoochie kiss on your nose, too? Just wondering.
Your pal,
First off... LOVE the snooter shot! And second... We like cats and all, but they are not allowed in the bird bath!
So you didn't get the squirrel? That's a bummer. Well, I guess there is always next weekend!
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