Well, yesterday I told you I would share what I got to do in the afternoon. Well, we went and met up with Mom's other Sibes at
Cousler Park of khourse it SHOULD be Khousler but...
We did the LONGER of the two trails - of khourse!

That is Banshey, Azure, and Destyny...with Kyrye in the bakhk...

Banshey, Azure, Destyny, Kyrye...

A shot out towards the hills woo see from my bakhkyard...

Banshey, Azure, Destyny...Kyrye in the bakhk...

Kyrye...she was 14 on Okhtober 28th!

More Kyrye! She did really really well keeping up with ME!

Me of khourse!

All of us!

All of us again!

Some steer doggies!

Mom took this shot as we waited to pull out onto Church Road to head home!
Mom took a short video of Banshey, Destyny, and Azure...please
khlikhk H E R E if woo would like to see them in akhtion!
Since I had soooo much fun showing them my MFT moves, I khame bakhk to rest on my patio fur a bit.

Look what khame to visit me!

One of those long tailed rodents!

I was still resting so I let him move along THIS time without incident! Butterskhotch #2 and I did tag it later but that happened too khwikhkly fur Mom to get any decent pikhs!

After my full day of walking with my sibs AND then my normal walk, I was khwite the relaxed khanine!
Now, here is my Thursday! It was RAINING!

But I LOVE being Princess RainKhloud!


Mean Mom made me khome in so I moped...

More moping...

But then the rain stopped and I got to return to Yard Statue Duty!

Nothing says khome on northern hemisphere spring like a nice damp patio!
I hope woo enjoyed my afternoon, evening, and morning!
Happy Friday!
PeeEssWoo: Mom should find out later today if she gets to go bakhk to work next week...stay tuned fur a pupdate!
And all have purple leashes!
A very special afternoon for your mom to have all of you together.
Princess Eva
Wow, what a fun time with all your friends! I bet you loved it!
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra!
I enjoyed a lot your post showing us what you did during the day!
sure it was great to met your friends!
Did you let that squirrel to do what he wanted?? Hmmmmm
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra! See - my date went great! Thanks for all your advice and concern, but there was nothing to worry about - it was just sweet little Lacie.
See ya!
P.S. Hopefully the pupdate on your mom's work is positive.
hey Ms. Khyra, im inviting you to my birthday pawty this sunday. ill just send over your plane tickets okay? *wink*
drooly kisses,
Wow, your day sure is hectic, Khyra! Your photos are AWESOME, as usual! It looks like you had a great time with all your friends! Wish I was there too...=) Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Khyra
Great pictures today of you with all your friends! That looked a great day.
We were glad your mom brought you in when it was raining as you dont want to get all wet with all that fur!
Have the best weekend Khyra.
lots of love
Martha & Bailey xx
We love the multiple Sibe walk (and the Thundering Herd mention) and looks like you enjoyed hanging out with the others.
You would rather stay outside when it's raining, Khyra? WHY?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra
Thanks fur introducing us to your friends. You may all be sibes, but you still stood out as the prettiest :)
Big licks to you
That's great that you got to go on an adventure together!
How come those steer dogs didn't have to be on leashes? Is it an off-lead park?
Play bows,
Yard Statue Duty - HaHaHaHaHa!
Wow Khyra woo and your siblings are impressive when woo all get together - woo are a very nice looking family. I knew woo would khomment on my sleeping next to the chat. He is actually not too bad - he likes to play with me. The other 2 chats are not so friendly.
Hi, Khyra...
Busy day...Your friends are beautiful...
We had a beautiful spring day here yesterday...Today it's gonna rain...But that's OK, cuz it's gonna help make the grass get green...
I Love Spring...
Abby xxxooo
Wow, those are some regal pictures! You all look like you could stand in for the guards at the palace in London.
And of course you were the prettiest Sibeypoo there!
I will say that Kyrye looks like a puppy!
You guys are impressive individually, together you are awe inspiring.
It is so fun to see you all together and in action!
Daphne and Pruetts Mom
What wonderful friends you have and sounds like a wonderful afternoon.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Wow what a herd you all were. It is so great that you enjoy your outdoor time rain or shine. I could never just sit in the rain. =)
Hi Khyra
That must have been a good walk for you to let that squirrel go.
Do you all belong to the purple long leash club?
Paws crossed for you mom.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh that squirrel looked TASTY!
You have such cool looking friends. Hope you loved your hike!
oooo That sure does look like a fun pack! I think you should hook up a sled and you can all pull your hoomans around.
Now THAT was a very nice surprise video. They are all beautiful - and your Mom knows that our Mom would love to have a Banshey. but they are all gorgeous. Good for Kyrye for managing to keep up.
Hope Mom gets some good news and have a great weekend.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
What a fun day with all the other Sibes! You have been having very full days lately - hope you are getting enough naps in!
That looks like a really fun walk with all your relatives. Do you ever get to pull anything, like a sled?
I'm a bit khonfused... I thought you were an only dawg? I know you have sibe sibs but your mom said in the video her "other dogs". Do any of these other sibes live with you???
pee ess - I always know which one is you cause of the stripes along your side!
Nice video! You're a great breed indeed. Are you difficult to manage? [your mom should say something about it...] Ah, of course, we love your mom's comments, we think she could be on TV, making animal documentaries.
We think the the squirrel will be your friend, what would you do without it?
What fun to play with friends! You make an excellent rain princess. Alice won't go out in the rain at all; I guess she thinks she might melt.
Khyra we love all the pictures of the whole pack of you all! We moped when it rained here this week too. we would much prefer to be outside chewing sticks but the humans dont like us out in the rain since we get all messy and muddy. :( boo hiss.
we hope you have a good weekend khyra:)
benson and gibson
Wow! You are a bewootiful herd of Sibes! I'm glad you posted all the pics.
Good luck to Mom job-wise!
Woo make such a pretty pack!!!! Maybe I can come join woo for a walk - I'd fit right in with my fur color & purple collar & leash! I'll leave the boy home - his red leash would clash...
Great pics! And you know what, Khyra? You look cute even when you're moping!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
What a funt afternoon fur you and your pals!
Did you get the squirrel?
Sam & June
Wow, I love the second picture, you should be on showbiz, Khyra!
You had a lovely time by the looks. What a very lovely picture you all make together. Magic !!!
Hugs Ginger Jasper
We didn't know you had other Sibe sibs! They look like they'd be fun to hang with.
Happy Weekend!
Your pal,
Khyra, I loved seeing all your piccures of all the sibes. I would like to know more about them!
I not sure about the being out in the rain thing, it gets in my eyes.
~lickies, Ludo
You Sibes look so pretty all standing together!!!
Hi Khyra! Thank you for visiting my blog when Mom lost her job. everybody's comments mad her very happy. She's doing great now! That job was making her sicker than she knew. I'm loving the daily walks and lots of attention and kind of hope she doesn't find another job!
I'm going to add you to my reader list!
Oh they is beewootiful!!! Wasn't it fun having all your sibs together!!! I bet your mommy had a great time too. Maybe woo could have a sleepover with one of them at your house soon!!
Mya Boo Boo
My paws are crossed for your mum's work situation. Although I'm sure it's been good for you to have her at home with you.
Huffle Mawson
What a nice time out with the sibs. You must have been really relaxed to let that squirrel go by.
Great video Khyra. It's great seeing Kyrye out and about. Good on her for keeping up with you.
What a great day you must of had seeing all of those sibes! I am sure you needed a nap after that.
I too love laying in the rain!
-Kira the other one
omdog, I think Tanner must be part Alaskan Boston Terrier because all he does is pull pull pull too! Looks like you had a wonderful day, it is so cool to get to hang with your sibe sibs.
What a fun day! It's like a husky hike, only you're all from the same family (sorta).
Khyra- and no rain hat for you! Just a nice shower- right?
How fun to get together with all your friends! All so beautiful. I would love to hear you all howl! Mom had a pup like you once. Her name was Loba
nice to see your outing
Yay, looks like you had a fun day with your friends!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i see yoo ar compleetly immyoon to rayn just like my sister trixie!!! persunaly i melt in the rayn and so duz tucker but that is becuz vizslas are mayd of shoogar ha ha ok bye
You know none of those others were quite as fluffy as you. Makes me appreciate yourself even more.
I am sorry you had to cut your patrol short due to the rain. Just cause mom wanted to be inside why did you have to come in too?
P.S. Is the link to the birdies on your bloggy? I cannot find it.
WHoa! Check out all the pretty dogs. Are the purple leashes to celebrate my ma ape's alma mater, the Washington Huskies!
I wish my ma ape was as good at documenting my life on film as yours.
wally t.
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