I have to khonfess - and please don't think any less of me fur it - BUT I've never had butter! I know that might khome as a shokhk to my khanine pals BUT -I know at least one of my fur-iends on here is also BUTTER deprived - we khonfided this to each other earlier this week - even thought about a support group fur each other -
So, fur my New Year's Revolution, I WILL HAVE BUTTER THIS YEAR!
This is Farm Show Time in PA - and each year, they khreate some skhulpture from BUTTER - this year's is a skhhool bus with a khow and mini-bipeds
http://wfmz.com/view/?id=202657 will take woo to a story about it!
So, now that I've bared my soul to woo, please help me get BUTTER - and maybe get BUTTERS too!
Wags and Wuv,
Khyra - butter is the khoolest. It is best when you eat five stikhks at once then have runny poops!!!
We haven't had butter either. Mom and Dad are very stingy with the people food.
Don't worry Khyra, I've never had butter either! Apparently it isn't on my stupid 'diet' list!
And, what are they going to do with all that butter once they are done? Who gets to eat it?
I thought I was one of the only khanines in the universe - although one from Kansas did admit he hadn't either -
As for the skhulpture, get your mom to read the link to you - it will be turned into bio-fuel!
Wags and Wuv,
I think maybe we can plan a take over of the farm show and get some butter. I can stow away in my humans car next Saturday....I heard them talking about maybe going to that farm place.
Kisses, Sky boy
KHOOL! I'll meet woo at KHameron Street - we'll sneak in - look khute and have LOTS of butter!!!
What do woo think?!?
Wags and Wuv,
Hey, Khyra--drop Ari a note some time: she's figured out how to leap onto the kitchen counter to steal a stick of butter. I'm sure she'd love to share her secret.
Khyra - As I confessed to you via email ... none of us have ever had butter. Our bipeds are like Steve & Kat's - very stingy with people food. Sure, Dave knows how to counter surf, but the butter is stashed in the magic cold box all the time. We even went on a butter quest for the longest time ... but to no avail. Maybe this is the year! Ha roo.
Play bows,
I haven't tasted butter before either, Khyra. My hoomans hoard all the butter to themselves. Boo-hoo.
Oooh, I loooove butter. I ate a bunch of sticks once and had poops forever.
Butter is best when swiped from the counter, Khyra. GO FOR IT!!!
Maddox, the pro on swiping butter AND cheese! (I'm on mom's blog!)
Oooh....sometimes I get a lick of the butter when my head is in the fridge and Mom isn't looking! Be sure to check out my blog Khyra - you've earned an award!
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