Monday, December 31, 2007

Fur All My Fur-iends!

My hu-mom doesn't want to fight the blog photo layout until NEXT year so she says YOU figure out the order!
We want to share bananasikhles with all my NEW FRIENDS! Khome on by Khyra's Khorner and help yourself to one!
Tank woo fur being my pals!
I wuv woo all!
Have a great and FUZZY '08!
Pee-Ess: Vote for Tubey! Vote for Tubey!! Vote for Tubey!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

And on Saturday, it was the WHITE trukhk

With my friend J.R. The Male Mail Kharrier! We found out he's ex-Airborne Ranger - two tours in fakht!

Well, this time the treasures were from my MALGALPAL Hbbb!!! I went howlistikh with sniffing of the kharton and found it khontained all kinds of khool stuff! I wonder how her mom knew my mom khraved khoffee khups that BIG!?!

Tank Woo fur the furry nice pressies! Yours should FINALLY make it to YOUR house by this Wednesday!

Friday, December 28, 2007

MY turn for the big brown trukhk!

Well, today was MY turn for the big brown trukhk to bring pressies from one of my HANDSOME admirers! He lives in Iowa and proudly has MY PIKH near his khrate to khause him to have sweet dreams! He had his person send ME and my person A BOX!

LOOKIE WHAT HE SENT ME! A KHAT!! He listens to me and knows how much I want one and HE made it happen fur me!!! He was even kind enough to inkhlude a bottle of HIS special Summit brew for me to wash down my khat!

He also inkhluded a new bandana FUR me! And some khookies!! And a sweet sled that said "Happy Howlidays 2007 Phyll and Khyra" Way KHOOL!

I kept chekhking the box to make sure he wasn't in there SOMEWHERE!

Tank Woo Summi! Woo are the bestest!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Other Khousin

We all know my FAVOURITE - and now much lighter - MalGalPal Hbbb has a Sibe/Wolf Sib Abby. Well, this is my khousin Abby - the poor khanine lives in Phoenix - good thing she's not a Sibe! Her hu-mom is my hu-mom's sister Diane. Diane found Abby some years ago now. She advertised to try and find her bipeds but never did. And VOILA: another happy ending!

Here is her giant bone Santa Paws gave her. I thought of it when I read Turbo's blog and wanted to share it AND HER with you! My hu-mom says Diane keeps asking Abby what her parents were but Abby ain't talkin' We think Lab and some kind of Chesapeake or something else kind of retriever/spaniel. She's a big girl too - Hbbb may be a moose - Abby is a horse! I want to meet her someday - I know she'd love to play with ME!

Wags and Wuv,


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After!

Well, my doggy nanny knit me a stokhking and filled it with fun stuff for me - here's my edible khristmas khard! PLUS, she had some of those stoopid antlers around - well, they'd seen their better days and ended up flopping around like a bow! I humoured her - after all, it WAS khristmas!

Hope woo all had a happy day too!

Wags and Wuv,

Pee-S: Do woo think it is too soon to start Khyra's Khristmas Khountdown for '08?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Have a Furry Khrazy Khristmas!

I hope woo all have a Khrazy Khristmas!

It is 50 degrees and SUNNY here in PA - almost seems like Okhtober!!

SO, in my mind, I'll think back to earlier this year and hope for some of this SOON!!!

Have a great husky howliday with your wuv ones!!!!

Wags and Wuv,


Monday, December 24, 2007

Time to Start Watching

...fur Santa Paws!

Glad that router thing will allow me access from the yard - the battery on the laptop is freshly charged as well!

Have a furry lovely khristmas eve all my furry pals!

Don't furget to khlaw those bi-peds early and often tomorrow!



One Holly Bolly!

Only ONE pup khould have been khonsidered fur today!

It is the SEKHOND Gotacha Day fur Miss Holly Bolly Banana Boo!

I'm sure her mom and dad khan't believe it was only two years ago they saw this Fur Khid of the Khorn!

She has khome so far from the 70+# pup found on Khristmas Eve 2005 to the very khaptivating 120+# MalGal she is today!
Was there ever a doubt Hbbb would be today's feature???
Wags, Walks, and SO MUCH WUV,

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Two Ekhhos Ekhhoing

Ekhho is repeating all the recharging being done by The Khalling Khapps!
Wags and Wuv,

Saturday, December 22, 2007

News Flash!!!

We interrupt your khalm and peaceful Saturday night with your bi-peds to inform you I got a furry special khristmas gift from Turbo !

How's 'bout dem fancy new graphikhs?

Thanks so furry much Tubey - it is tres khool!!

Wags and Wuv,

Khampaign Khoordinator
Tubey '08

Three Khalling Khapps

Okay - I khan't take khredit fur this one - akhtually, Sky was the kreative inspiration fur this one!
Tank Woo!
Wuv and Wags,
Pee-S: Maybe I should khall this Three Khomfy Khapps!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Four Furry Friends

Two pikhs - Two dogs per pikh - Four Furry Friends!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Five Merry MayaMarie's

She's our STAR today!

Hopefully, her bi-peds don't have to have the HuskyKhool Box on today fur her!

Wags and Wuv,


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Six Sitka's Swimming...

Yep - as part of Khyra's khristmas khountdown, let's take a new approach to that dayz o'khristmas!