Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday MOMday

 No PFs home at the palace when I was checking -
Just about 7pm - 31 - and Wintry Mix - huh?
BTW, I checked - it is - ting ting on the patio roof 

We were a bit late in falling asleep FrEYEday night, so we didn't fight sleeping in -

I noticed as soon as we pulled up -
New Open/Closed signs - even Connie inside noticed I had noticed!  I tried to get a shot of the CLOSED side but the light inside from outside was far from cooperative -
The ears were signaling don't forget the tax -
Soup & Sweets -
Bacon Cheese Egg Whole Wheat Toast -
Because it is SO tasty -
And so filling the tax portion was BIG -
The DOG - as seen when I popped the bag in the back -
Looking innocent of course -

Happily consumed -
Red Velvet Cookies&Cream Bar - PB&J Bar - Tiramisu Cake - Crackers & SUNday Soup -
A favorite - chicken noodle - simply good!

This week's WFH start was much better than last week's - so a smooth day - I did have a nice scent coming from the crockpot all day - and it might be time to let the contents out -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

SUNday Sharing

 Lady PF enjoying her Harrisburg Saturday morning -

And then afternoon -
Heading towards 7pm - 29 - Clear -
Now to lunch on FrEYEday - 2Delicious - and again, it so was!

We did the lunch special again - I mean frEYES, drink, and a gyro for $1.00 less than the gyro price alone - like DUH -
Auntie Di went with the Philly Cheesesteak one -
I went with the traditional lamb version - 
Tax for The DOG!
Yes - this one -
I added another lamb chunk - and a few of our takeaway fries - had to balance the payment -
Oh a happy DOG!
After dropping off Auntie Di, a quick trip to TSC - 4Health was on special - and I wanted to pick up some toys for one of Security Staff - Robin just added a puppy - and we have been diverting some of Willow's excess stock, but I wanted to get some puppy oriented ones - especially as Robin named him WILLOW for the character in one of her favorite movies -I've seen pictures and videos - he's one darling and spunky Pomsky!
This was in the lot at TSC - of course NAK would have spelled it KHLEVER - but this works -
When back at The Khottage, more tax being offered - 

Our Saturday went as planned - of course, sharing to come -

Of course, we are wondering where the weekEND went and how could it be time to to start another work week?


Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday Sharing

 Lady PF said BRING IT RAIN - I won't melt -

Heading towards 730pm - 46 - Cloudy - and yes roller coaster temps -
As promised, I did participate in Adult Beveraging - and of course, I had to chuckle at the name when I pulled this one from the frig -

And it was good - unlike Old Evil de$troying our country -
So FrEYEday morning MissSubtle was at it -

Happy 'venture time -

Yes - happy - in The KhrossTrek and headed to visit her auntie and khousin -

A happy Golden Roll -

Decorated with leafing and mud -

Sadly, Emmy is on the side of the frig door so no pictures of her -

Thanks for the kharrot Auntie Di -
Ready to head for our foodable stop - sharing shots of that here tomorrow -
FEBWOOARY - The KhattleDOGS wathching me in The GKP Office -
From The Khottage's Front Door -
Above the television in The Living Room -
Benny KhatChat - or as we call him LICORICE - he is over near NAK's Khorner of The Khottage -

Happy FebWOOary EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!