PF Palace time
Peregrine falcons are a species found in some of the earth's harshest habitats. Historically, peregrines were most common from New England south to Georgia, the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific coast from Mexico north to Alaska and in the Arctic tundra. Most peregrine falcons from northern Alaska, Canada, and Greenland migrate in the fall to Central and South America. Peregrines that nest south of Canada migrate lesser distances and some, like Harrisburg's current female 48/E, do not migrate at all. In fact, 48/E was seen at the nest site this morning. These are hearty birds that should be fine during this stretch of extreme cold weather.
(From The Falcon Wire News on the PF Website)
He's back!
Slice smoked khat and khorn and mashed 'tators for me -
Fred got his favorite baked beans and pulled pork sammie -
Late Wednesday morning -
430pm -
720pm - yet this is almost tropical when compared to our pals in The Midwest -
so this seemed like a good opportunity to use one of Fred's pictures from his Florie-duh trip -
Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!
All of us at NAK's Khottage