Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday Sharing

 PF party - sunrisin' khonfetti?!?

 Taking it all in! 
6/27/2018  ::   Falcon update
DEP's Environmental Education staff have routinely been able to observe three of the four young falcons including Red, Blue, and Yellow. It now appears that they have been able to catch prey and return to the Rachel Carson State Office Building to consume it. Unfortunately, that's not the case with the youngest, smallest, and least developed male falcon banded as "White." White struggled with fledging and had to be rescued twice but, after some time, was observed flying to and from the tallest buildings in downtown Harrisburg. White has not been observed since mid-June. After discussing this with the biologist, it is possible White dispersed early. It is possible through observations of known peregrine falcon nesting sites that White may be identified at a later date through his leg bands.
 Auntie Di and Mom were laughing SUNday night - the dishwasher was running and we took up sentry posts -
 WELL, our bowls are all in there - three foods and one water!  LIKE DUH!

 Oops - khaught!H
Holly's bedroom hideaway - she'll wedge as much as she khan under the bed - or settle down on the floor direkhtly beside Mom - so she has to look prior to dropping her human paws!

FrEYEday night marked the start of 'too warm to walk pavement temps' so Mom did try to appease us by $witching on the Hu$ky Khool Air Machine Thursday evening - we'll still get to walk but she'll keep her eye on the weather thingie 

A Phoenix pal of Auntie Di's is flying in as we speak - she's to land in Philadelphia early today - Saturday - so Khousin Emmy's mom is deserting her - and us - to go fetch Laurie - she's the nice lady who gave Khousin Emmy The Green Dragon Toy - and do some stuff with her today - they'll grab some sleep - and see some sights and sites - and khome to The Khottage sometime SUNday - then more fun will ensue - 

Mom so hopes The GKP will be non-challenging today but.....

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!


Friday, June 29, 2018

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Saturday evening - and ME!

Auntie Di's moon shot - khool and artsy!
 Mom went out fur one too -
 SUNday -

 Monday -yes, khaught in the akht ;-)

 Now fur 87 pikhs of when Auntie Di and Mom left Big Jim's Seafood - the skEYE was pawesome they tell me
 Khwite a few humans from in the restaurant were khoming out to take their own pikhs -

 Another venue a bit later- 
Mom took the one above whilst Auntie Di go the moon!
 Tuesday AM -
 Tuesday PM -
 Wednesday -
 Thursday as Mom exited The Khottage -
 No PFs but Mom liked their khraziness too!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday Thinking

 PF watch -

 Monday CHEERS with Fred -
 And our old neighbors from Khottage - Pat went to skhhool with Mom and Auntie Di khonsidered buying Jim's house - 
 Mom got a salad but added some 
 SKHALLOPS!  She had furgotten how good GOOD skhallops khan be!
 Auntie Di got a khaprese salad and added a KHRABKHAKE with hers!
 Fred got a burger - so did Pat and Jim -
 This was new to Fred&Di&Mom place - Pat and Jim had invited them before - bekhause one of Pat and Mom's skhhoolmates plays from 5p-9p each Monday - I hear it was a good time - and just WAIT until woo see the skEYE they saw when they left!
 I'm thinking I like to rest in difFURent spots - my head is in the hall and my floofy end is in the bathroom -

 This is the Golden spot - Khousin B and Now Angel Harley likeliked it too -
 Woo khan see me bakhk there!
 And Holly is in LittleLand as we khall it - under the kitchen table -
 I wasn't done thinking yet -

Now I'm done!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!
