Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thursday Thinking

 Snowy PF Palace - 
 Dad was still trying to keep those eggs sekhured and warm - he even did some rolls and fluffing-

 Mom had a khrazy day at work - lots and lots of call offs - so she didn't get to chekhk on him - but it seems late in the day on Wednesday, Freedom was gone from the nest long enough to signal the end to this year's potential hatching :-(
 Cheers on Monday from Cheddars!
 Mom got shrimp and grilled khat salad -
 Auntie Di's baked potato soup -
 Fred got one of his favorite khat - make that chikHken! with beans and brokholi with cheese - 

 Tuesday's snow shot -
 Then Wednesday's - Auntie Di just happened to khatch a neighbor looking to help so he did the driveway - Auntie Di was afraid The KhrossTrek wouldn't make it - Mom knew better! 

 Holly is doing some thinking - her mom got her Angel Wings THREE years ago today - 
We hope Holly knows Angel Debbie misses her too - 

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!



Dandy Duke said...

Hugs to you, Holly. We remember you and your mom blogging together so well.
You guys got more snow than we did. Our storm was a MAJOR DUD!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sigh, look at that snow!!!

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Unknown said...

Oh dog that last picture of Dad eagle Freedom is so sad, poor boy.

You got so much snow, we are jealous.
