Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday Thinking

 Wednesday morning's viewing spot -

 Cheers from Fred!
 He got the ribs - and apples - and brokhkholi -
 Mom did the nutty gentleman salad - fried khat and feta and red onion and strawberries and pineapples and NUTS of khourse!
 Now fur some THINKING!

Problems solved!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Walkin' Wednesday 2017

 AKA The Too Wet TO Walk Edition -
 Khan woo see The PF?

 But did snag this on our SUNday walk -
 And she took this on her walk to Sheetz -
 This is pretty much what we did all day on Tuesday - 


Mom did a ROTE but left us to guard The Khottage since she bribed us with TOAST prior to her departure, we were khool with that!

Sadly, it is THAT day again - BOO :-(

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Khome on Saturday Night!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday Telling

 It was a PF morning!

 This khritter was spending time on the porch SUNday morning - Mom says it looks like an insekht wearing a leaf khostume!

 Our usual SUNday routine - we watch out -
 we nap -

 we watch out -
 and guard The Khottage whilst Mom walks to Sheetz -

We hears lots of mmmmmmmm's!

Another beaWOOtiful day here in PAWSylvania - I ever chose The Khondo route fur our walk - but I did have some flashbakhks from THAT 'big adventure' earlier this year - Mom talked me through it - and Holly just soldiered on -

Fred and Mom met fur dinner so you'll be teased by some tasty stuff on Thursday -

Once again, please keep all in the path of Harvey in your thoughts -
Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!


Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday MOMandMEandHERday

 She is surely a funny Lady PF!

 This was late in the afternoon - just after Mom snagged this, it was time fur a flyoff - she khouldn't snag that one in time -
 Look what I found on the KhrakhkBerry - Mom had this at work on Saturday - she admitted this was khake batter with khookie dough - 
 and this was blakhk raspberry!  There was an Open House at The GKP fur the associates to bring their HUMANs to see where they worked and all - there was assorted foods and human puppy akhtivities - balloon shapes and face painting - and there were SNOW khones and ICE KHREAM - akhtually, Mom got talking the ICE KHREAM dippers - they were akhtually some of TADN's old neighbors - Auntie Di used to babysit fur the Beck human puppies - and one of them was there helping her mom - of khourse, she's far from a human puppy anymore - Deanna has surely grown up - she's probably 30something now - PLUS, they had some of those Golden Deuftriever dogs - and they still do - akhtually, during one of our longest hikes, Mom and I did walk past the lane to go bakhk to their khurrent residence - where they make the ICE KHREAM!  Woo about SMALL WORLDS!!!
 Now fur our inkhredibly exciting Saturday night - before The Internets refused to load on The ThinkPAWd - Mom is thinking it's a Windows 10 issue since the iPAWd and the KhrakhkBerry still had theirs - 

 So glad she saw me eleven years ago!  
Of khourse, a khottage with a KHAT would have been nice too :-)

Our SUNday was khwite boring - just the kind we like - slept until 10ish - a walk - some toast - waited fur Mom to return from Sheetz with her paper - then some naps - and dinner - and pre-bedtime naps!

Once again, thank woo evFURRYone fur the wishes here and on FB !  

We will keep our paws khrossed fur those dealing with Hurrikhane Harvey to stay safe as the big dry out khommences later this week -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!


Saturday, August 26, 2017

SUNday Sharing

Thank WOO EvFURRYone who made our Gotcha Days so special!

We had some ETHERnet issues which khomsumed our Saturday night 

Hopefully Mom will be able to khrakhk the khode so she can share more 

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: I am SO going to mess with The Virgo in The Khottage and hopefully post this has been a sometime since we've had to paw our post via email...ready...set...GO!
 Here goes nothing!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.