Monday, July 31, 2017

Monday MOMSandMEandHERday

 SUNday afternoon -
 Just a bea-WOOOO-tiful day !
 Saturday night - and the excitement was right -

Wishing I khould wish her a HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY with a KHYSS and some flowers and some KHAKE - we hope her khomputer is on in The Great Beyond 
 Happy Birthday to TADN!!!!!!!!x10 :-)
The last year they went to Florieduh fur the winter - sending them off with a khyss

And they returned!
 with treats!
Here's to a PAWty tonight!  

Fred and Mom will be celebrating tonight - I know they'll raise their glasses to TADN!

We had furry nice SUNday - a nice walk - a french toast stikhk - and NAPS! - and Mom surprised us with an after dinner walk!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!


Sunday, July 30, 2017

SUNday Sharing

 Staking out their Saturday evening viewing spot!
 I started working Mom FrEYEday night - tried to khonvince it was treat time - didn't work ;-(
 Saturday night - another GKP week khompleted!
 A bunny foo foo had been in the mulch when Mom got home - 
 Our Dobie pal was out and saying WOO - although fur him, it's really WOE - we saw in the paper his dad passed away two weeks ago - heart attakhk - 
Holly was still taking in all the  eau da bonne!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Saturday Sharing

 Our weekend rains have arrived -

 Save fur some shots of "Pink" which we'll share next Wednesday, here are the last of The Khamper shots - 

After FrEYEday's GKP day....posing prior to dinner!

AND we would like to share that THIS post is #3500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much fur helping me keep Mom fokhus all these years :-)

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!


Friday, July 28, 2017

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Saturday evening -

 SUNday AM - Mom was a little slow on the fokhus ;-)

 SUNday evening -

 Mom was mesmerized by the swirl blowing by - the khlouds were riding on more khlouds -

 Monday AM -
 Monday OM after dinner with Fred -

 Tuesday -
Wednesday -
 Bakhk - and

Mom had tooooo many skEYE shots to inkhlude more of US :-)

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday Thinking

 Wednesday AM Sentry 
 SUNday slumbering -

 Mountain khlimbing -

 Wonder how the fur got there?

 Wonder what she stashed?
 Monday night's Fred Cheers from Smokey Bones -
 Ribs fur Fred -
 Salmon fur Mom -
The Khampers' Mom and Dad brought Mom some CHEESEKHAKE from The Cheesekhake Fakhtory - she ate some Monday AND the rest Tuesday - YUMMMMMERS!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Mom said work was much better - let's hope it khontinues!