Sunday, April 30, 2017

SUNday Sharing


 Look at the wing feathers making themselves known!

 Bring more please!
 We are sharing the post with another branch of our Golden Retriever tree - 
 Khousin Emmy!
Who sent us this furry beaWOOtiful FlutterBy fur The Khottage Living Room wall!

Thanks Khousin Emmy AND Auntie Di ;-)

Mom survived her 'short' week - oh wait, it was a NORMAL week!

We khan't wait fur our weekend time!
PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur the wishes fur Khousin Geufy's birthday!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Saturday Sharing

 It is a furry special day!
 Khousin Geufy is SEVEN!!!!!!!

 We hope Angel MERDIE! is celebrating at The Rainbow Bridge!
 Now fur The Birds!

 Furry mobile as they work on eskhaping The Skhrape!

 Now to more prakhtice fur later tonight!

We are ready!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!


Friday, April 28, 2017

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 SUNday -

 Monday -
 Tuesday -
 Wednesday AM -
 And PM!
 Thursday as Mom finished at The GKP -
 Mom found THIS Monday night after having dinner with Fred -
 Stargazing time!
 NOW fur today's BIRDS!

Is it Saturday night YET?!?

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRone!
