Friday, March 31, 2017

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 SUNday -
 Monday -
 Tuesday -
 Wednesday -

 Thursday -
 Now fur feathered fun!

 OH NO!  Golden Invasion!
 Khousin Bentley -

Khamp Khyra is in session until late Tuesday - Khousins Harley and Bentley let their pawrents go to NYC to celebrate their FURst Gotcha-versary!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
Khounselor Khyra

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday Thinking

 Now fur LOTS of feathered shots!

 THAT footy foot......WOW!!!

 We wanted to wish FRED  a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  Last week, he joined the Monday night dinner date - Cheddars!
 and Smokey Bones this week - 

HAPPY FRED DAY!!!!!!!! !
 Now fur OUR thinking...

Hmmmm...we are thinking The Khottage is going to get GReatly invaded ;-)

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Too Wet For Walkin' Wednesday 2017 So Let's Wing It!

 It was one furry wet Tuesday 

 Eagle Umbrella!

 So we did lots of this - 

These shots were akhtually from SUNday but they are furry good representations of what the THREE of us did ALL day - there was so laundry -and some food prepping - but - THAT - WAS - IT!!!
Some mom had plans of of trip to the grocery store BUT even THAT didn't happen - zzzzzzzzzzz!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!
