Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday Telling

 Mom kept pretty busy on Monday so she didn't khatch much PF time -

 She did go bakhk to an old post of ours -
 to snag some old shots of The PF Palace fledgling help!
 Now fur telling of our SUNday -

 synkhronized staring, eh!
 now fur some  Mom's Monday telling - she had some Kohl's khash to use soooooo - she left us - and saw this in the lot as she went in
 and this when she khame out -
 she saw the wine thingie in the khlose out area so she brought it home - and staged it next to a khork khollekhtor fur a pikhture
 she found this khute skirt fur only five green paper$$$$$ - she was thrilled - I showed my approval by photobombing

she khouldn't pass up this scent fur our warmers - OH YEA!   Angel Mango RH is surely pharting his approval too!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!


Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday MOMandMEandHERday

 PF Palace SUNday!

 And the 'usual' Monday post here - we share the exciting times we had Saturday night -

Yep - SSDN!

Of khourse, we did enjoy a nice SUNday - we had visitors - then a walk - then Mom went to the store as it was way too warm fur us to ride along - then we just did nappy stuff - and enjoyed having Mom around - with the doors and windows open - although she keeps getting khloser and khloser to turning on The Magikh Husky Khool Air Machine ;-)

We know this is MEMORIAL DAY - please keep in mind all that gave their all - Mom has an old poster in her brain right now -

PEACEful Monday EvFURRYone!


Sunday, May 29, 2016

SUNday Sharing

 Saturday morning whilst Mom enjoyed her khffee and got ready fur the last day of May fur The GKP!

 When she had a chance on FrEYEday, she saw some of The Twitter Feed fur The PF's on their page - they've been flying - and doing well!!!

And The Falcon Wire has news and a link to their banding video!
 The skEYE as she left us -

 Bunny T Rabbit was grazing just beyond the kharport - and as Mom tried to get a shot THERE, BTR moved HERE!
 Then she released The Hounds - as 'they' say!

 Our Dobie admirer was watching us!
One last stretch of the legs and in we khame fur dinner - then a short trip to The AGJ Store - then a warm warm walk - but we told her we wouldn't mind!

I've 'seen' the mental notes of 'stuff' to do on her weekend - we'll see how THAT goes!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!
