Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday MOMandMEandHERday

 Yes, woo guessed it - PF khamera still frozen SO again, we thank The Pennsylvania Game Commission fur the link to The Hanover Eagle Khamera - and the pikhtures that have resulted!!!
 True to form, today's post will khover our furry exciting Saturday night -
 We had to rest up fur whatever FUN Mom had in store fur us - *WINK!*
 Really?  Get that stinky human paw away from Holly!

 I kept things lively by moving just as the shots were taken -

 A WORKING BREED - c'est moi!

 Rut roh - it appears as the demonikh possession has khommenced!

 Stay Khalm - stay furry furry khalm!
 Nothing to lose any naps over!
Okay - bakhk to her LITTLE Angelikh self!

We had TWO walks - and TWO Zen-terra trips - Life Is Good!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!


Sunday, February 28, 2016

SUNday Sharing

 The PF Khamera is still frozen SO I told Mom to share one of the EAGLE pikhtures - thanks Pennsylvania Game Commission!
Now, how we tried to khoax Mom to bed last week -

 She FINALLY took the hint - but it surely tired us out!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

We hear it is supposed to be beaWOOtiful here in PAWSylvania!

Bring It!


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday Sharing

 Well, the PF khamera got stukhk mid-morning on FrEYEday -
 BUT it was a nice day - but furry breezy!
 We asked THOSE khousins to share some images today - Khousin Bentley ofFURed her piggey -
 Khousin Emmy some frisbees -
 and HER khouch!
 Mom ofFURed one of the margaritas she had on Monday night - bekhause it was National Margarita Day -
 Her dinner - the paw-khrafted Asian!

 She made this on Tuesday - Shashuka -

 and she just might have eaten 3/4 of it ;-)
The avokhados and mango we mentioned from her produce bargain bekhame part of this salsa - with khorn and red pepper and other peppers and onion and cilantrol and garlikh and lime juice and Simply Orange OJ with Pineapple...rumor has it some of the tasty stuff may top some chikhken later this evening - 

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

We are khounting the minutes until Mom is FREE tonight!


Friday, February 26, 2016

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 From Thursday -
 Getting things ready!

 This is surely a furry reassuring sight to see!
 Doing his turkey imitation?
 SUNday morning -

 SUNday mid-day -
 Monday -
 I refused to look - although Whitney had stopped by and rolled in the frost - word is she'll be sharing that shot next Wednesday!
 Monday night -
 So much fur the FULL SNOW MOON!

 Wednesday -

Mom had to attempt to fit on and in the bed with me Wednesday night - 

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: The Weather Pros have visited Lancaster County on Thursday and said it was a tornado that hit Wednesday evening - they gave it the EF2 rating -