Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Walkin' Wednesday 2015

 From Tuesday afternoon - waiting around fur the rain - 

And it khame - just prior to the dinner hour - it sent some of the golfers skhramblin' out here!
 From earlier this week -

 Tuesday's walk in the mid-morning 

 We took these from the other direkhtion -

Auntie Di and Mom did a HUMAN ONLY ROTE and I saw proof on The KhrakhkBerry that THEY TOUCHED ANOTHER KHANINE - I think I'll share The Dirty Deed here tomorrow - they got assorted stuffs fur The Khottage - foodables and bedstuffables - 

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Telling

 From Monday AM -
 Then some afternoon shots

 Khousin Purple Emmy - last week - 
 This week - we might need to chase her around to ensure she'll fit under Auntie Di's plane seat :-)
 Here are some shots of the FURniture - this will be our bedroom - well, Mom's - and I'm sure she'll let us sleep there -

 This will be the guest room - so if woo are in the SCPA area, khome to Khamp Khyra!
 Mom has the sheets ready but needs to get some new mattress khover things - 
 Holly in her new Little Land -
 Looking guilty about something!
 AND of khourse, ME The Good One!

 Later in the day - we do this often - although sometimes I let her use my blue rug and I sprawl out on the others
Like this!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

Although The Weather Babblers kept yapping about showers and rain, we still got two nice walks!  We snoopervised Mom sorting through stuff - keep pitch pitch KEEP oh YES keep all day - I've heard the word ROTE mentioned fur later today - but since it might be a long ROTE - many stops it seems - Holly and I will keep the kharpets and rugs khompany


Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday MOMSandMEandHERday

 Mom didn't have The ThinkPad fired up yet when she saw Lady PF in the skhrape again - 
 Later in the day

 Now fur some Saturday excitement -
 and sulking -
 Little Land had been lokhated -
Mom stopped by on her way home from The GKP to see the GReat job Khousin Geufy's Dad and Khousin PUrPle Emmy had done - along with their assistants - we'll share more tomorrow -
 Bakhk to our fun - 
 Whilst Mom did some laundry - 


YES!!!  TWICE in fakht - and we even got some nice skEYE shots fur FrEYEday!

Mom took us ovFUR to The Khottage so we khould see the set up fur ourselves - we agree it deserves TWO fluffy tails up!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
