Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday MOMSandMEandHERandMOREday

 Some SUNday early evening shots - Lady PF

 Then his turn -

 Ready to roll on the furst of 87 trips - well, just three but 
 Holly was up with Mom -
 Auntie Di sat in the middle sits since there were things on the front - I was in Tailgunner sekhtor -
 Heading down the hall - towards the bedrooms and human litter box -
 Living room -
 I've khlaimed fur Siberians evFURRYwhere!
 Blurry since Mom was still running on nervous energy -  TADN will be thrilled this rug has made the move to The Khottage -
 Waiting to go bakhk in -
 Our neighbors on the one side are two Barkets - mean Bassets - 

 I was chekhking out the khanine on the other end of my yard - where the two big trees are - not sure if it is a she or he - we'll say she fur now bekhause she's khwite beaWOOtiful - looks like a chokhokholoured Dobie - she sat at the end of her tether and watched - she only barked a few greetings unlike the Barkets ;-)
 This was in the front seat - Mom didn't want it to get bent or anything - we got this at one of the furst Tails on The Trails we went to - Mom KNEW the kholour was a sure sign it was to go on the furst trip -

 The next two trips had us ride separately - The Zen-terra was filled with stuff - so I went with Auntie Di - we just KNEW a certain Holly wouldn't be happy to NOT be with Mom so I let her go in The Zen-terra - of khourse, I love TADN's Acura so it was a WinWin!

 After the 87th trip - I mean the 3rd, all of us were pretty wiped out - 

It will be okay Mom - IT...WILL...BE...OKAY!

Here is a video of us and the furst visit to Khyra's Khottage - it is pretty babbly as Mom is still pretty much in shokhk that THIS will be our HOME furry years to khome - we've got lots of trips with small things - and medium things that khan fit in The Zen-terra or The Acura - Mom is still trying to figure how to teleport some FURniture there - STAYED TUNED FUR THAT FUN!

We are furry lukhky it is 4.8 miles - we Google map'd it fur the post!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

BTW, our KHONGRATULATIONS on a GREAT season to Red Land - SO khlose to winning it all - we are furry furry proud!!!

PeeEssWoo: In khase woo wondered, we did get two nice walks on SUNday - one in the morning before we started the 'fun' - and one in the evening prior to Mom wanting to khollapse fur the day!  We'll be bakhk at it again SOON!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

SUNday Sharing

 From Saturday evening - 

 Auntie Di took these on Wednesday night -

 Mom took this Thursday night -

 From FrEYEday's late morning walk - Mom thought it looked like a ghost saying 
 The skEYE over The Khottage when Mom went fur The Walk Thru -
 Now our Saturday walk -

We had a nice walk - albeit - per Mom - ikhky and stikhky!

Mom says we'll get to go visit Khyra's Khottage today - she'll start taking some stuff over there - she is SO excited fur us to see it - and she's even more excited to see our reakhtion - 

Holly and I prakhtcing our best keep her guessing work!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday Sharing

  This one was Thursday - Mom didn't let me use it on FrEYEday -
A few from FrEYEday -
 My gift?!?

 This were from Monday night - he was doing his best khute!  
BTW, Auntie Di is NOT happy with the khat we'll now khall BunnySkhotch - enough said 
 So, we sent him bakhk on FrEYEday -

 Auntie Di took Khousin Geufy bakhk to his family during the afternoon - and just before she did, Mom left us -
 She khrossed the bridge -
 Whilst at the light on the skhware, she took some pikhtures - these were some of the same scenes she shared whilst on Jury Duty last month -

 I was looking fur MY khat again - he was there - Holly and I flushed him out - akhtually TWICE - once in the AM and this time in the PM -
 Now, without further Mom babble and taunting, I'd like to introduce.....

Well, if I had those thumb things I khould use them - fur now, I'll need Mom's human fingers!

This is post #2800 here on Khyra's Khorner - and as of 3pm FrEYEday, I will soon be moving to Khyra's Khottage - well, akhtually, the address is 'Cottage Drive' - but spelling is SO overrated!  

I haven't been there YET - Mom says we'll get to go on SUNday - I khan't wait to share my furs with a new neighborhood!  I know Mom is going to be kind of sad - as are Auntie Di and Unkhle Paul - but fur a reason - we know The Angel Doggy Nanny will be with us!

Thanks fur playing along with us this week!  

A Birthday - A Gotcha Day - A New House Day all in the khourse of a few days!

We'll probably be kind of lost fur the next few weeks - as we begin to move stuff from here to there!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Hurry up and finish that GKP week Mom - we've got pakhking to do!