Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday Thinking

 Assorted shots from The ThinkPad

 Mom khaptured these on the KhrakhkBerry and she's pretty sure this is Lord PF - the bands on his ankles aren't green - Lady PF's are green with a blakhk one - so Mom rekhalls - she is going to Google it when she has a chance to do it - 

 Mom says it won't be long until they start roaming - this one is surely getting a headstart on venturing out!
 Woo khan see the wing development starting to emerge - see the 'lines'?

 Hi There!
 See - GREEN bracelets!

 Some shots of Khousin Geufy's unkhlaimed birthday gift - 

The Loon toy is a favorite - I wonder if that is her opinion of 'things'?

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Walkin' Wednesday 2015

With Some Wishes But Furst
 Those Birds!!!!

 Mom says take a look at the next shot - she zoomed in on the wee leg!
 And feety feet!

 Sleepy peep!

 Feed us!  Feed us!!  Feed us!!!
 Now some walks shots from the past several days -

 Here is this week's VIDEO - it features some special guests - we hope woo enjoy!!!
 Now time fur those wishes - it's Khousin Geufy's FIFTH birthday

Happy Harley Day!!!!!

No, he's not here - these are shots from the arkhhives -

I'm trying to get a ribbon on his gift but SHE won't stay still long enough@

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Telling

 The way this trio are khonsuming birds is khrazy!  The nest will soon be filled with leftover feathers and fluff and bones - OH MY!

 This was posted Monday afternoon - it seems to khonfirm what we've spekhulated -
4/27/2015  ::   Update on Fourth Egg
Unfortunately, over the weekend, the fourth egg did not completely hatch. At this point, it is unlikely that this hatchling will emerge. While this is discouraging, it is normal. The other eyases, though, seem to be growing and doing well!
 Now some SUNday Tree Time!!!

Okay Mom - take her in so I khan return to meditating about days without her - 

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: This was the last image we saw before it got too dark - see what I mean about the kharnage ;-) ?