Sunday, November 30, 2014

SUNday Sharing

 We ran out of time last week to share these AND now your lukhk has run out - woo will be subjekhted to my LAST SUNday with Mom - 

 Akhtually the furst pikh on Saturday's post was from this same day - also known as the day I thought I'd nevFUR be walked again!
 There are few more pikhs right after this BUT woo just MIGHT see them this 'Whednesday' - whink whink ;-)

 Mom went fur the paper - 

 Making sure there wasn't anything else in this edition

Here is a shot from Saturday's Doggy Nanny Surveillance Khamera - she sent it to Mom at The GKP - don't I look SO khute and SO innocent?

Mom is home with me until mid-day Wednesday - woohoo!!!!!!

Paws khrossed some fun will happen!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday Sharing

 As promised, here are some pikhs from my Tuesday night khampers - this one is Jager
 EvFURRYone mobbed The Doggy Nanny and Fred -
 Douda - Doodah - Dudeah

 Pretzel in the bakhkground

 Pretzel was a khutie - 

 This one was all personality plus!

 Jager diskhovered Khousin Geufy's favorite toy on Wednesday morning - 
 Oh my - I won't khomplain about Khousin Geufy again ;-)

 A last Doga stretch from Pretzel - who insisted I kharry her out to the SubarWOO -

The Nice Irina Lady had left Atlanta by 6am on Tuesday - arrived at Khamp Khyra shortly before 8pm - three difFURent akhcidents had delayed their trek - and with the snow in the forekhast khombined with Thanksgiving Wednesday traffikh, she left khamp shortly before 7am - she should have arrived in Khonnekht-the-dots by 12n or so BUT she didn't get there until just before 2pm!  

Here is the PHOTOBUCKET with more pikhtures and a dark video - but we wanted woo to enjoy the khampers - I was out fur some fresh air at my tree -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYOne!


Friday, November 28, 2014

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Rest up my furiends - lots of pikhtures to khome on this one - 

 After all of those images, I ofFUR woo some of my Thanksgiving Day special meal - thank woo TSC!
 Special Thanksgiving Day time with Mom - it was nice to have her home - and boy howdy did we sleep in - if a furiend of Mom's hadn't khalled at 11:45, we just might have slept until the afternoon 
 Wow - look at that presentation - she surrounded the tasty stew with some of my 4health kibble - and topped it with a piece of kharrots she had khooked with the potatoes she used to make her dinner 

Less than khlear shot of hers but woo will get the idea - she made mixermashed potatoeskharrotsroasted red pepper, peas&roasted red pepper, and there are some turkey khutlet pieces there - she did them in the oven with some chardonnay and shaved garlikh - and I did get a wee bit of the turkey khutlet

We hope all of woo had a pleasant HOWLiday and/or Thursday The 27th!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Tomorrow we'll share the fun we had with our Tuesday night guests at Khamp Khyra