Look what Mom found when she khame home fur the daily shot -
She wasn't totally surprised bekhause when she looked just prior to heading to The GKP on FrEYEday, she thought the parents were in the nest - they were THAT big!
Some of their memories fur us - Mom and Dad have 'em stashed somewhere fur they are in the yard - making lokhator noises - we just hope those mutant FoUR legged chikhkens - okay KHATS - don't find 'em furst ;-(
FrEYEday morning - notice what had been posted since Mom chekhked on Thursday
5/29/2014 :: Eyases Nearly Ready to Take Flight!
At 6:15 PM last evening, May 28th the black-banded male eyas fledged prematurely, catching a gust of wind while wing-flapping at the edge of the nest ledge. He was rescued by afterhours watch and rescue volunteers and taken to the roof of the Rachel Carson State Office Building. This eyas and his siblings are not quite ready to fledge on their own yet but will be within several days. At this point in their young lives, they are most vulnerable and watch and rescue activities can play a key role in their survival.
FrEYEday evening
With THIS update when she logged on FrEYEday night:
5/30/2014 :: Fledging Update
Early this morning, the green-banded male made his first flight landing on a lower ledge of the Rachel Carson Building. After a few more short flights, the male landed on the Aberdeen Street sidewalk. He's was rescued, examined and released onto the building's roof.
The black-banded male made some short flights and now is on a ledge of the neighboring Harrisburg University Building.
The Falcon Watch and Rescue volunteers are keeping a close eye on the young fledges
Okay Mom - ready? After all, we didn't walk Wednesday OR Thursday - and woo SO need it!
Get the skhort and the sneaks - I'll be ready!
Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!