The Other PF is perched on the top of the box - you khan just about make out the feather if woo look in the upper left of the pikhture!
It was wet - it was damp - it was - just about evFURRYthing in one day -
We went fur a drive to okhkhupy ourselves - we wish we khould have taken some pikhs to show woo the 10,000 lakes Pawsylvania has now but the windows were too khlouded -
As the temps dropped, it bekhame more ice like - Fred's Odyssey had ice pellets on his wipers - yet woo khan see Lake FT by the tree near the street -
I sprawled out in protest of the khonditions - the yard was nothing but mud holes - and any trip out rekhwire paw wiping prior to being permitted bakhk in -
I made sure the chair didn't try to wander away
Mom took a few shots of what was happening outside - wet and white with snail and snain and snow and rain - repeat -
The snow was gathering at the base of my tree - and by dark, it was white evFURRYwhere!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: Paws khrossed we'll FINALLY get to meet a famous world travelling khanine pal later today - let's just say, this ain't DIRTVILLE Stumpy!!!