Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday MOMandMEday

 The Other PF is perched on the top of the box - you khan just about make out the feather if woo look in the upper left of the pikhture!

 It was wet - it was damp - it was - just about evFURRYthing in one day - 
 We went fur a drive to okhkhupy ourselves - we wish we khould have taken some pikhs to show woo the 10,000 lakes Pawsylvania has now but the windows were too khlouded -
 As the temps dropped, it bekhame more ice like - Fred's Odyssey had ice pellets on his wipers - yet woo khan see Lake FT by the tree near the street - 
 I sprawled out in protest of the khonditions - the yard was nothing but mud holes - and any trip out rekhwire paw wiping prior to being permitted bakhk in - 
 I made sure the chair didn't try to wander away
 Mom took a few shots of what was happening outside - wet and white with snail and snain and snow and rain - repeat - 
The snow was gathering at the base of my tree - and by dark, it was white evFURRYwhere!  

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Paws khrossed we'll FINALLY get to meet a famous world travelling khanine pal later today - let's just say, this ain't DIRTVILLE Stumpy!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Sharing

 It was rainy and khloudy on Saturday so this is all the better we khould do when Mom get home from The GKP

Resting up fur my THREE days with Mom!!!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday Sharing

 From FrEYEday evening

 Downward Dog?  Falling Falkhon!

 A few shots from my khounselor days
A little blurry but woo get the idea!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!


Friday, March 28, 2014

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 From Thursday night
 Mom was SO eggcitied to snag this one - fur THAT khwikhkly she was
 bakhk on 'em!
 SUNday night when we went fur our walk Mom spotted some khool stuff in the skEYE - so out khame the flashie beastie - as she marveled about the image - and was sad she knew the khamera wouldn't do it justice - 
 So she took one with the khrakhkberry - and YES, more of the scene was evident - 
 Then more with the khamera - as she realized the inkhredible scene around the setting sun - 
 The khlouds gave the appearance of wings - 
 And YES, she really did talk aloud to herself - and to me  - about what we were seeing - especially since a furiend of ours from Whitehorse YT had khrossed in his sleep Sunday morning - Antare had sent us a sign from his journey!
 The image was with us as we hit the khornfield area too - we felt so special to have gotten to enjoy and appreciate it - 
 A Golden Photobomb
Of khourse, this is what Mom had framed up - another kind of Da Bomb ;-)

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Thinking

 Wednesday evening from The PF Palace

 His chair

 My tree!


Well, this mini session of Khamp Khyra khonkhluded Wednesday evening after our walk - we know Khousin Geufy will be bakhk again - how soon?  One nevFUR knows!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

Khyra and Khousin Harley

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Walkin' Wednesday 2014

 A few scenes from Tuesday - not much going on up there - 

 Mom hasn't seen any guesses on hatch date yet but it will be some time around Easter - so we hope she's got some WiFi up there - wonder if she's playing Angry Birds or Hatchlings ;-) ?
 NOW some Monday  pikhs of our walk - 

 Good thing we rekhorded THIS on Monday
fur this was much of our Tuesday - we got a walk in the morning - and then Khousin Geufy and I went on ROTE fur the stops at BJ's and the grocery store - he is a pretty good ROTE khompanion but he's challenged when it khomes time to get IN The Zen-terra - he SO didn't get the jumpin' gene!

His humans will be rekhlaiming him later today - so we hope woo've enjoyed his mini-visit to Khamp Khyra!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

Khyra and Khousin Harley