Friday, February 14, 2014

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

 Some RED fur Valentine's Day

 Khameron Khardinal
 Khooper D Hawk was khamouflaged in the tree - the khloudy bakhkground makes it hard to the roost -
 Mom was REALLY bummed on Tuesday - fur just prior to our heading out fur Walk #1, Edgrrr/Edna Eagle was cirkhling just above the yard and the golf khourse - by the time she got the khamera on, it had drifted out of view -
 Then there is ROBIN - akhtually, we saw more on  our Monday walk - but this one didn't eskhape the flashie beast 

 It was BLUE again on Monday

 And Robin was still hanging around
Now, your moment of Zen-terra ;-)




Duke said...

The cardinal looks so pretty in the snow! Happy Valentine's Day, Khyra!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Day Khyra!!!!
I love Cardinals! they are so beautiful!!! One of my fav birds for sure, and blue jays to!
Have a special day!
ღღ Husky love hugz ღღ
Frum our pack at love is being owned by a husky

Anonymous said...

The cardinal is the perfect image for the day.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Happy Valentine's Day

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Khyra!

A friend of #1's who is in West Chester, PA, wrote and told her she had never seen so much snow!

Oh, and #1 LOVES cardinals. We don't have them in Europe so I have never seen one.


Elyse K said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Khyra and Mom!

Little Reufus said...

Habby Balentines Day, Miss Khyra!!! Yeuf Sweet Snooter makes me smile!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Valentines Day Khyra and mom!
The sky photos are so beautious and the beautiful birdies too!