Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday Telling

It is a furry special day here!!!
 I pondered how to celebrate  
 Those Golden Khousins Harley and MERDIE! sent their GReat smiles 
 Fur it is The Doggy Nanny's Gotcha Day!!!
 She got this khard from a khousin of hers - Gerry lives in Gnu Jersie
 I got ready to give her a special pressie
AND likhk the yoghurt off her face!!!

Happy Birthday Doggy Nanny!!!!!!! !!!!!

I hope all of woo khan get some khake today!

Have a furry nice Tuesday evFURRYone!

BTW, if woo khount the exkhlamation points in the HBDB line, woo will see how many Gotcha Days this makes fur her!

PeeEssWoo: Whitney says to drop by tomorrow - after all, it will be AUGUST FURst!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Mom and Me Day

 I had my paws khrossed fur a BIG BIG walk - like all the way to see The OP Pakhk

 No frogs but we did see fishies!

It was soooooo much fun!  

Here is a video Mom khaptured of The Horse Doggy and The Goat Doggy - they surely played the roles (and roll) of KHWITE the kharakhters during it !

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Sharing


 I have three days to do lots of this now that Mom's workweek at The GKP has khonkhluded - AND no transport today SOOOOO it will be all about ME!!!
 Mom took this khoming home FrEYEday night - pretty khool
 This was from our walk when she got home 
 She had stayed an extra hour or so - and might have to had to do that on Saturday as well 
 So we decided to get this post in place just in khase

Here's to a special Sunday EvFURRYone!

I so hope the weather will khooperate later today so we khan do the BIG BIG walk!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Sharing

 I spied HIS hiding place on our walk the other day

 This is the pikh that should have my tail BUT I was too fast fur Mom's khamera work
 If looks khould kill!
 He was keeping The Zen-terra safe when Mom went out FrEYEday morning

Don't worry Mom - woo go to The GKP - I'll be good!

Fur those of woo asking about The Bunny, woo are welkhome to khome have it - I'm really a khtty khanine - I barely even notice them on our walk - and even when they hoppity hop off, I'm pretty non-plused!

Happy KHATurday Saturday EvFURRYone!
