Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday Telling

Here are the two exchanges from Sunday - the furst is from the nice lady fostering Thea and Veta - the sekhond is from their last driver - she took them to the reskhue's facility and helped them get settled in TOGETHER as woo see!
I'm going to paw my khlosing now so as to not tempt the blogger FURmatting elves!
I hope woo have a furry Telling Tuesday too!
I have just heard from Janet, our last driver, and Thea and Veta are safely at LaMancha! They have been placed in a kennel together, and are being settled in for the night.
Today was a HUGE day for them, as this is the first "real" car adventure, except for short trips around my town, that they have ever had. THANK YOU, from them, and from me, for the kindness and compassion you showered on them today to help them on their journey. I know you join me in looking forward to their "happy day" story, and I will keep you posted!
Thank you Dru and the staff of LaMancha for saving them and for seeing that these two pretty ladies have great potential. Thank you also for helping them to find good, solid forever homes where they will be loved and valued companions.
With my sincerest gratitude,
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for bringing Veta and Thea safely to me. They were both very calm and relaxed when they arrived in Lancaster and during the transport to LaMancha.
There was so much happening when we unloaded Thea and Veta at LaMancha that I didn't get a chance to take photos. Sorry! Dru and I took them on leash to a run that she had cleared out so the two of them could be together. It was clear they have bonded and Thea growled when we went to let her out of the cage when Veta was first led away alone. So we brought her back and opened the crate so we could lead them to the kennel together. Veta went right out the doggie door into the run but Thea wasn't sure of that swinging door at first! She soon followed Veta outside.
Thanks for helping to give these girls a chance for a good home and thank you, Anita, for the chance to be involved!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday MOMday

Take it Mom!

I was bummed for just ahead of the minivan was a vehicle with a great plate that read CREWZING - thought it would have been great for SummV and his Iowa Crew - which is how his mummi refers to them! I also saw a large white Toyota SUV with GR8WHT - and another car with FIRECRKR on it!

Late Sunday afternoon we got the email they had arrived and were settling in - I'll share the email in another post for I don't want to risk pasting it in here now - with my luck from the past few days, I'd lose the entire post!
Since the camera had crapped out, I didn't get a chance to do a dedication video BUT the run was for our pals in MN and IA that made Khyra's Trek to The Tundra a reality! Thanks V and S! I couldn't help but think of Thelma and Louise each time I thought of Thea and Veta - and somehow I pictured Shelly and Vicky taking their turns too!
Here is the small Photobucket for Veta and Thea - with just one video - I'm glad I did get the one I did so you can see how beaWOOtiful she was! I'm sad I didn't have the chance to do the same for Thea
Once again, we can so see why RESCUES ROCK!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday Sharing

Mom was surprised to learn Lamancha Animal Rescue is the only nationally rekhognised group for Karelian Bear Dogs!

As I pawed on Saturday's post, the link for the khombined Photobukhket of the trek home is HERE - and HERE is a VIDEO of me ready to leave Indiana! - and I think Mom gets kind of LES as she babbled her stuff - and I entertained her with some of my biskhuit hiding skills!
Once again, we hope all have enjoyed our look bakhk at nine of the most inkhredible days of our lives!
Mom khan still rekhall the text message Auntie Vicky sent - asking if Mom had given thought to the proposal - and just think of the blogging possibilities!
That was certainly furry furry true - 2503 miles of memories to share!
PeeEssWoo: Mom's week at The GKP was FURRY intense since she was off on Thursday - she and her opposite shift khounterpart akhkhomplished SO much but Mom's head is still kind of spinning - I'm going to let her dekhompress prior to my letting her help me visit the blogs!