We wanted to share some more thankful stuffs -

- well, here is her YouTube page where there are two videos showing how well she's doing!!!
Finally, we are thankful we have not seen the damaging flood waters so many around here have seen - as Mom and I put this together, our evening news has extended khoverage running - we've gotten 5"+ today - many people at The Great Kibble Provider didn't make it in - or if they did, they were late due to the flooding and road khlosures - Mom took an alternate route home - lukhkily fur her, I83 was moving normally by then - which wasn't the khase a few hours earlier -
Here is the link to our lokhal newspaper - that's where she snagged the pikh - and here is the link to the station we watch fur most of our news - the Susquehanna River is khwite khlose to flood stage as I paw this - the pikhs sent in by viewers are inkhredible -

Here is the link to our lokhal newspaper - that's where she snagged the pikh - and here is the link to the station we watch fur most of our news - the Susquehanna River is khwite khlose to flood stage as I paw this - the pikhs sent in by viewers are inkhredible -
We just wish we khould send some of it to our pals in Texas to help with the bad khonditions there
So much to be thankful fur - khrossing my paws in appreciation!
Aleera really is quite beautiful. Of course not as beaWOOtiful as you!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
It makes us all warm & fuzzy to see rescue pups in their furever homes! Well, OK, we're all warm & fuzzy in general, but woo know what we mean!
Good to see your golden khousins keeping everything in line. Did woo ever make it off the leash?
We're wagging our tails as hard as we can to help the hard rains here move off towards Texas.
~jack & moo
How fun you got to go on a road trip to see Merdie and Harley! Too bad your mom didn't take her leash off so you could run all over with Harley though.
Aleera is a beawootiful girl! We're glad she's happy with her pack!
We hope you all stay safe from all that rain. That's pretty scary! Summer is finally here and it's been 90 all week. Yuck!
We totally know what you are going through. We have been above flood stage here since May!!! Huge sections of I29 north and south of Omaha are still closed and the section of I680 coming into Omaha is in billions of pieces and could take months and months to fix. We sure hope that doesn't happen out there!
Hope you stay dry!
You are so busy! We love seeing all your travels and meeting all of your fun friends!
We are wishing we could send some of this water to Texas too. Last year at this time, the folks in Richmond were considering water restrictions! Wow, what a change.
Stay safe and dry.
THAT is a LOT of rain. YES I do wish we could send some of it to Texas where they need it sooooo badly. Feast or Famin.
We're glad you guys are safe. What a lovely Thankful Thursday you had:)
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
So many pictures of purrty woofies!!!
Thank goodness your MOm had a plce to store the frozen stsuff!
Yes, all the flooding and damage is just heart breaking! And the fires in Texas....just too much nastiness!
I've heard more than 1 weather forecaster talking about locusts next... creepy.
how much fun was that going with mom!
Benny & Lily
Hope you guys are all safe, heard about evacuations in Pa.
Sheila & Bob
Hamish & Sophie
Khyra, you are our kind of girl. Bud Light and Marlboro's; we are loading up the sled and mushing over.
Remy and Flash
I hope there was some food for you in those boxes!
I so love to see all those faces!! I have been thinking of you all today as I've been hearing about the Susquehanna this afternoon--Hope you all are okay!!!
Yay for getting your foodables back! That means things are getting back to normal!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo
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