
Yes Mom - I know you are taking pikhs of me

Mom showed me the pikh Auntie Shannon posted on FB

Merdie in her khandle khap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merdie thanks all of woo fur the GReat barkday wishes

Here is a pikh Mom intended to be on Monday's post but her paws got a wee bit kharried away - just like Crawl's did as he was knighting Taylor - how khool she khould be a knight during the day!

From Khousin Ab's weekend in Prescott






Sunday Morning

Welkhoming the pawrents bakhk from their trip to Costco!

Heading bakhk to Phoenix Sunday afternoon
As Mom watched me paw together this post, she got an email about Khady's test numbers - they were GREAT - she'll be chekhked again in another week to see how she is doing!!!
So, do woo having something to tell TUE-day?
PeeEssWoo: Mom said to pass along that Crawl really really was that freakin' khute!