Khome on bakhk tomorrow - the khalendar says furst Wednesday of the month - so we all know what that means - WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE!
Khome on bakhk tomorrow - the khalendar says furst Wednesday of the month - so we all know what that means - WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE!
She did and we khaptured this one
We mentioned on Sunday's post we had another video from the trip to share - and how it would tie in with a special announcement
Well, here is the video from somewhere on the road in Ohio - I know that by the speed I had locked on the cruise control - we were traveling along and a very appropriate Pink Floyd song came on the radio so I grabbed the camera and let it roll
We are in Blueberry's Brigade and have offered a transport for the auction!
Please check out it out along with all the other incredibly awesome items! JD and Max have surely been very busy collecting AGAIN!!!
Please spread the word and bid early AND often!Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
About an hour from here, the tunnels start - or end depending upon your direkhtion - along The PA Turnpike - with the furstlast one being a double dose - we exited to the just past full Full Beaver moon - Mom khouldn't get any pikhs since it was like 6:45pm with vehikhle lights and highway overhead lights - she tried - but it was a pawesome welkhome bakhk to my part of PA!
Of khourse, this was another pawesome AND tasty welkhome bakhk!
Here is the last Photobukhket Slideshow of THE TRIPIt khovers our Monday and Tuesday from Des Moines IA to Mishawaka IN to York PA!
Here is the video Mom shot Tuesday AM as we bid farewell to Indiana!
There isn't a transport this weekend so Mom and I get to spend more time together! We'll be bakhk tomorrow to share a furry special transport opportunity! I know some of woo have seen it already but we'll make our grand announcement here on Monday MOMday!Once again, we are furry glad all have enjoyed sharing our adventures!