Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Khaturday Sharing

It is SOMEONE'S birthday today!!!

We didn't get a chance fur a new pikh SOOOO the one above is from the arkhhives as well as the link to last year's post fur her!


This handsome year old or so fella will be Mom's passenger this afternoon/early evening - she'll get to meet Drama in Hagerstown Merryland and chauffeur him to Harrisburg Pawsylvania!
He has khwite the trek in store fur him this weekend - he's starting his journey in Columbia/Cayce SC and will khonkhlude it Sunday evening in Ottawa ONT Khanada - thanks to Ontario Aussies!

The nice Mary Lady sent Mom an email about Drama (aka Indigo) needing transport bekhause one of the legs needed was one of Mom's 'normal' legs - and since no one had gotten in touch with her about a transport, Mom wrote bakhk and ofFURed to help

In the meantime, the nice Brittany folks khontakhted her about helping this weekend - and given the softheartedeasypushovFUR she is, she said yes to them too - SOOOOOO Sunday AM she hits The Bed and Biskhuit in Etters fur a trip fur two to Allentown fur NEBRAN - she'll share more about Copper and Trooper tomorrow with pikhs and stuff fur both transports on Monday!

Mom snagged some pikhs of Butterskhotch last Friday night when she was flashie beastie'ing the sky
It was another one of our wikhked hot days
And she was hanging out in the jungle
I think this was something about talk to the tail
Off she went
Of khourse, I had to watch all of this take place
Mom was silly and furgot to inkhlude these pikhs fur Norwood on FrEYEday - here is Jake on Frog Island
He studied them khwite well as woo see!
I watched him do his froggie doggie stuff
Please furgive The Blur Known As Froggie Merdie - she was enjoying one of the yummy treats we got from Jake and Fergi - we'll be uploading those pikhs and videos to the Photobukhket Album sometime soon - and we'll share all of them at that time - with Mom on the road both days this weekend, our free time is a bit khompromised



Khyra and Khousin Merdie

PeeEssWoo: We'll try to get some pikhs of The Birthday GiRl ! ! !

Friday, July 30, 2010

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All Power of the Paw Edition

Last week when Mom's transport inkhluded those sweet puppies, the nice Mary Lady sent all the drivers some puppy boukhwets - virtually of khourse! Mom kept the pikhs to share 'here'

So we wanted to share them with Phantom - and start the P-o-t-P fur him - I know many of woo have already visited his Thursday post which updated all of us on his lumpy thing BUT if woo haven't, please stop ovFUR and let him know woo are thinking of him and the rest of The OP KS Pakhk - humans inkhluded of khourse!

I'm already sending my best Sibe Vibes
And thinking furry furry intently fur a pawsitive outkhome
Merdie is too
She's had her own lumpy times so she knows about snips and khuts and stitchings
In the Merdie Zone
We saw on Miley and Maggie's Thursday post that Maggie khould use some P-o-t-P too - I don't know if all of woo have met these special Golden GiRls BUT please chekhk out what Maggie is up against - perhaps woo have some advice fur her
Here is this week's panorama shot - Mom snagged this last Friday night - it khame out pretty nice - and HERE IS THE LINK TO THIS WEEK'S SKY AND STUFF SLIDESHOW - she inkhluded some of the shots she snagged whilst driving into Sunday's storm

We are still working on recharging - we appreciated evFURRYone's understanding - we'll get khaught up on stuff so we khan soon share the rest of our Jake and Fergi Adventure - with some special VA furiendship as well!

Happy FrEYEday to All - please have a safe weekend!


Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Special Edition - Help Find Angus

Please Crosspost all over -
Angus is small stocky German shepherd who was lost from
712 Iowa Ave
in Colorado Springs ,
he is microchipped and has on a yellow home again tag .
Please crosspost and help Dianna find her dog .
If you find Angus call Dianna at 719-223-9585
or call Connie Williams at GSDRColorado at 719-836-0594 or 719-207-0323
or Call the home again number on his tag .
Connie Palmer WilliamsGerman Shepherd Rescue of Central Colorado "
"but, I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep...
Robert Frost

Thursday Thinking

Merdie and I are thinking we need a day or two to throw up some easy posts prior to sharing more of the stuffs we need to paw along here - we don't want to rush through things sooooo we are going to ponder and pause fur a bit

BTW, Khousin Merdie khame bakhk fur a mini-session of Khamp Khyra - Auntie Shannon, Brandon, and Jaden went down the shore fur a few days which means Unkhle Paul will be working longer hours - he didn't want Merdie to be alone all that time so I said I'd watch her!


Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Walkin' Wednesday 2010 - Welkhome Edition!!!

Furst it is time fur this week's Walkin' Wednesday - with the LINK fur THAT found HERE!
Some High Biskhuits
Dinner plate variety would be SOOOO furry appropriate!
But NOW is the time fur THE REAL AHHHHHHHHHHS!

Here is the video of me meeting Sally and Jake - then NinaGirl and Fergi!

They arrived early Tuesday afternoon - and we had LOTS of fun hanging out in the yard!******The Trio at The Tree!!!Look who was chekhking out The Xterra: Fergi and Jake!

Here is a video of that too!

We had so much fun meeting Jake, Fergi, and their furry special humans!

We even got to take a short walk SOOOOO here is a bonus video fur this week!

I was saying TTFN!

It was so great to meet them! We've got LOTS more pikhs we'll share throughout the week - plus, we got some furry khool pressies and surprises - we'll share them as well - virtually of khourse!

Thank woo furry furry much - it was truly a pleasure getting to share my tree with all of woo!



PeeEssWoo: HAPPY PUDDLES DAY!!! - make sure woo chekhk out Minna K's Puddles Roast - it's boooooooty-i-full!