This afternoon, one of the parents got off the khlutch whilst my mom was watching the live feed - video NOT food - and she saw there are now FOUR eggs under there! We've not been able to khatch a good shot of 'em from the still kham shots - so woo will have to take my woo fur it!
If you want to have some fun AND pass some time, check out the site http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/falcon/
There is a link to the media player live feed - it is always fun to LISTEN as the shot shows one of them on the khlutch yet the other arrives and kharries on like KHRAZY!
On Thursday, this was added to the info part of the page:
There are now three eggs in the nest. The adults will begin brooding for increasingly longer periods of time as the clutch grows. When the clutch is complete, most likely at four to five eggs, brooding will be continuous. The male and female share brooding duties; the male will sit 30 to 40 percent of the entire time it takes to hatch the full clutch.
It truly is a shared parenting!
We'll keep trying to get a shot of the eggs BUT this will have to hold woo over!