It khaptures all of us that took part in The Max Tour!
I know being part of that will always be one of my most favourite blogging experiences!
Akhtually, Mom khaught me at the end of a yawn but it makes fur a better story this way!
Savouring the snow
And thinking The Snow Thief khan't take it if I'm there
I want to see him try!
Now to share my thanks fur this tasty and sweet award from
Keiko The Puggle and CoCo (and Tiffane too)!
Thank woo SNOWIE BABY fur this beaWOOtiful one!
We were pleasantly suprised to read a khomment on our blog saying we should visit Under One Roof's blog fur a thank you khard
We had seen a rekhwest on Amy and Her House of Snakhks blog to paw some words of support fur Itni's khrossing
Now fur some happy news
Here is Alonna in her new life
Mom had transported Alonna (along with her mom and siblings) last September - Mom rekhalls it was a fun transport - Cailyn The Mom was an awesome mom to her pups - very attentive and it showed in how well the pups travelled and interakhted
with each other and the drivers
This is Rexie
Rexie in the snow!
Rexie showing some tongue!
Mom says THAT was another fun one too! Two khrates filled with pup pup puppies and snoopervised by one furry special mom!

We MIGHT be getting more but that remains to be 'seen' as I paw this post together! On Tuesday, the weather babblers started mentioning some storm they seem to have neglekhted to inkhlude in their forekhast - one of those 'just an inch or two either way is going to blah blah blah how much we get'
So, khome bakhk tomorrow fur MY report on how much we got!
Now to share my thanks fur this tasty and sweet award from


We had seen a rekhwest on Amy and Her House of Snakhks blog to paw some words of support fur Itni's khrossing
Now fur some happy news

with each other and the drivers

Rexie used to be khalled FUSION - and she was one of Victoria and The Ten Speeds pups as my mom nikhknamed them during the transport!
Mom says THAT was another fun one too! Two khrates filled with pup pup puppies and snoopervised by one furry special mom!
It is alway so khool and rewarding to get the email updates from the furever families touched by our furry hearts! THAT is why I let Mom take the Xterra on the weekends!
See woo here tomorrow!
PeeEssWoo: Mom and I want to thank woo fur stopping by Trixie's and Chef's blogs to paw some woo's and purr's of support!
It must make your heart so happy to see your former passengers living it up. Just as I can't help but giggle every time I see the tour pic. So many happy pooches...
Just a couple of inches predicted for you? They're saying a FOOT here!
It's so nice to see pics of the old transport dogs in their new homes! Rescue is so important, and people like your mom make such a huge impact!
Awww that is so wonderful Khyra. Your peeps are very special to volunteer their time and talents like that. You must be so proud.
I wonder how much lovely snow you will get? Can you send me a snowball?
You are so generous to share your Xterra and your mom. We love the see these happy pictures.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Yea them weather babblers don't know what they are talking about half the time.
Thanks for posting the updated pictures of the transport pups. It is pawsome to see them enjoying life in their new homes!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I know how happy you must feel to see your passengers happy in new homes. What a great thing you are doing.
I love your blog. I think I'm writing from my blog for people who like to write (I'm a children's author).
I have a blog for animal lovers at
Please come vist me!
Hey there Khyra
It's THursday and I am just so thankful to have you as a bloggy-buddy! I love you very much!
(Today is Max's 19th day of grace)
Thanks for the happy updates. It is wonderful to see the "after" photos of well adjusted dogs in loving forever homes. The Tour Picture is just awesome and shows the real essence of our community!
Mom says "Thanks Phyll, you are one of the few who got the Quinn reference!" That would be my choice for a name but we are going to see what Michael suggests.
Oooh, doesn't that just warm your heart?
We'll be looking for snow photos tomorrow!
With all of the sadness of late on the blogs, seeing happy faces and reading great updates made our momma's rescue heart ☺smile☺. Thank you for our momma's smile 'cause she needs to do that more...
Khyra, it is just lovely to see those happy faces your mom helped on their way to their forever homes.
We love the pic by Asta's mom. It really captures the day.
We hope the snow thief doesn't visit for a while.
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps we knew you would understand that Martha had to hide her biscuits!
I hope that more white stuff comes your way.:) What a nice update on Alonna and Rexie. It's great to see that they're so happy and loving life.:)
Teddy Bear
I guess the snow thief is not going to work his magic then!
wonderful work your pawrents do for the pups. give them chi-wa kisses from the ram man.
You still got more snow than I do.
And I can't see the snow sniffers.
But as you look so komfy, I hope for you the snow will rest a little bit longer.
Nice woooh
That tour pic is awesome! We enjoyed checking out Max's stops, especially with mutual furiends.
Woo STILL have a ton of snow there, MFT! We've just had 2 days of rain that polished off any remaining snow piles here.
~jack a-roo & moo too
That is a very special picture, and I wish we had been a part of it! Our heart was there even if we didn't know about it.
It IS nice to hear what's going on with those that have passed through on their way to new forever homes, and we love getting updates on Gracie. The CCC
You still have that much snow??? Wow.. you are one lucky girl Khyra.. I am sure snow likes you as much as you like it!
Great news on the 'happily ever after' ending for the pups.. nothing beats that!
hey Khyra,
The Snow Gods sure love you! I can't believe they are giving you more of the white fluffy stuff while mine has slowly disappeared into almost nothingness. What are your bribing the Snow Gods with? Will you woof me your secret?
Congratulations on your pretty awards! Very sweet!
So thrilled to read of Aloona's and Rexie's happy lives! Thanks for the update!
p.s. Yes, the howling story is better than the yawn, but it is a cute photo whatever story you use!
Hi Khyra
Lovely to get the pup updates and hear about how well they are doing in their new forever homes!
Loved the 'howling' photo!
Ami's photo is fantastic - isn't it! We were so happy to be part of Max's World Tour!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
We have been hearing from special friends in PA about how much snow they are expecting. Keep us posted, Khyra!
We loved reading about the transport pups who are enjoying their new homes!
Cool what an awesome photo of all those doggies. We recognise some of our maties in there.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We got some more and it is totally fun. That snow thief is really having to work hard, because Ma Nature keeps adding more.
I can't believe you even still have snow. We just have mud.
Nice to see those happy pups enjoying their furever homes.
I love that photo collage of all the pups who went on the tour! It is awesome!!!!
Keep enjoying your snow!
What an awesome tribute to those who have helped Max and his family through these hard times!
I love when we are updated on those you helped to safety!
Wow, Khyra - we really thought you had found your woo in that pic!!!One of these days you are really going to surprise your Mom.
And more snow for you??? What about us? We are thinking more and more every day that we need to move East.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Awww! How cool to see all the pups living the good life!
It sounds like you are going to get your wish for more snow!
we want more happy news
it makes us happy
El'bow & Hauwii
Woos Miss Khyra! I am sure woo are happy to see that some of woo transports have happy safe homes! We wish that all can be safe and happy too!
I hope your snow thief does not take away woo snow, woo look so happy!
~Husky Kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We know those pupsters will never forget your mom Khyra!
Snow maybies and happy forever home news! What a thankful week!
The weather blabbers here say that I'm going to get about 4 inches over the next days. If sooooo... it will BREAK the all time record for February it has stood since 1910.
I hope you get all that you want. You certainly deserve it for being such a Sweet Sibe.
oh what a special post k & p!
you make the world a wonderful place to be!
m & e
Hey Khyra,
Our dad doesn't allow any of us to say, even whisper, the "S" word. He says he can't wait until all of th "s" stuff has been melted by the "s#@*" thief. Dad says that all the "S" will mean that we will be up to our ankles in M-U-D throughout the spring, when, and if, it ever comes. Dad also requests that you at least try to temper whatever measures you have setup with the "s" Gods and be happy with what you've had to date. The golfers need to get back out in your backyard ASAP.
Don't forget to give your mom the requisite 13 sets of hugs and kisses from us down here in Bumpass, don't forget that 3 of those kisses need to be with sandpaper tongues. We thank her for all she does; BZ to her, and to you.
I luvs ur award! :) I are so glad ur friends are happy in their noo forever homes. :)
Who would know better than me how great it is to have your furever home? I just get happier when I read about pups you have transported that found good loving homes. Thank you!
WOW dat tour pic is PAWSOME!!!!
we always luv the pups who appear in your bloggie and find furrever homes
wet licks
feel so so bad that we missed the tour -- our mom has hung her head in shame. Bad mom!!
We've been hearing about the new snow -- so we think you'll have some more good times!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
hooray for the pups in their new lives!
Always great to hear good news of former passengers.
We won't be getting anymore snow, just rain today.
Sam & June
Oh Khyra, I'm sure the snow thief won't get your snow on your watch!
We have sunshine here right now...but there are some dark clouds forming. Maybe we are gonna get some more of that white stuff.
We love seeing pictures of your Mom's former passengers in their new homes!!!!! Thank you for sharing them!
Concats on your awards!
Hope you do get some more snow Khyra!
It's so wonderful to see those former passengers so happy and with furever homes! They brought a smile to our faces!
I bet this is the best reward for angels like your momma, getting the updates, Khyra. As for you, I so want to thank you for holding my hand yesterday through my crisis. You even got me to giggle a few times. You're a terrific girlfuriend and I hope others read my comment so they know it too.
Sheesch...more snow...better you than us...they're being very vague about the amounts...
I AM SO MAD AT SCRUFFY...that stoopid poem was bad enuff, but ME as a LANDSHARK? MOI?
But it was a darling tutu, wasn't it...and that icing on Petey's tennis ball cake was DIVINE...
Keep the snow in your half of the state.
Beautiful dog! We've been getting so much snow, its crazy. My Bella (border collie) loves to play in it though. Me, not so much. lol.
Khyra I have heard that they are calling the weather out there a Blizzacane because of the snow and winds. So hopefully some of that snow makes it your way!
And house of snacks - that is priceless! I love it!
Wow, that is a lot of pups that went on tour with Max.
Those pups are so cute!
Alonna and Rexie are so cute!
Thanks for the updates. We love to see happy ends!
Oh man... catching up with Khyra...hope she's not mad at us!
LOVE that rug she's sitting on. looks like a good one for wet doggies. you'll have to pee-mail me where woo got it. or maybe it doesn't really matter anyway.
so happy to see happy endings with your transports. you do amazing work. i so admire it.
Wee just love happy endings! We smile every time a fur-buddy finds the forever home. Our paws are doing the happy dance just thinking about this!! xoxo Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle
We loved being a part of the Max tour too, Khyra! It was sure special!
We can't wait to come back tomorrow and see how much snow you got! All we're getting is rain, rain, and more rain! YUK!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Khyra, would you please go visit here:
and spread the news to the doggie bloggies? Thanks tons!! This pooch needs some help!!!
Miss Khyra, I just went back and looked and see you have already visited Skeletor. You can disregard my last comment.
Hi Khyra!
Great to know the pups are happy and soo nice to see them!! Thanks for sharing!
Good thing the snow's staying with you!!
I love the way I'm your 58th comment! That is so cool!
Anywho, Smokes is jealous of your snow and we LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture Asta did!
You must love the snow so much that you can just sit there and totally enjoy yourself. My Mom does that with sun. I think the snow looks more fun though!
Your Mom is truly a wonderful lady - helping all those dogs!
Snow... snow.. snow...
I know you are waiting for more!
I love to see the pictures of the doggies you and your mom helped to go to their forever homes!
Kisses and hugs
Hope the weather blabbers are right and you get more snow! Me and BB think Allona's face looks lots like Sammy's. Thank you for sharing!
Did the snow monster dump more snow for you yet? I heard it is in the clouds above your head.
I remember the 10speed pups very well.
Your mom makes such a difference in the world
Khyra I hope you get a lot of snow.
The more the better, yes??
Love your pictures in the snow.
Tell mom we love seeing the rescue dogs and a specially when they are in their forever homes!!!..
Kiss for you Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Congratulations on your lovely awards! So nice to read the updates on your transports. Khyra is a very good girl to let Mom use "her" car to help her furiends!
Enjoy the snow while it's here. We love you lots.
Riley and Star.
Hiyah Khyra! Love yer header with the Max man! And all that lovely snow...arrrrroooooo! We have the same pup vehicle...an XTerra. She is letting the Idiot Marine drive it right now cuz he's like a wheeless wheelie. No wheels!
sniffies...hope you get more snow!
we'll never tire of sucess stories and is'nt asta and her mommish so vewy shpecial and kind to have made that pikshure for max
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
We love the happy stories!!!
Hi-Woo Khyra,
Great posin in yur pics. Snow is a-fallin in PGH. R mommy & daddy might (might unless weather gets fury bad) be up near yur wayz on Sat. at a horsie trade show & musical horsie show in Harrisburg. Mommy wuz really looking furward to it - we hopes they can still go!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
You must love the updates! My momma Ellie and I made sure my mom updated my foster mom who took such good care of us.
Hope you get lots of snow to play in. Grete woofie went to the v-e-t today and she's doing well and can increase her walkie time!
Always great to see the transports in their forever homes!
We love that picture of Rexie in the snow! We are getting some snow after two days of getting nothing but rain. Mama feels like a wet sponge!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
So nice....thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the pupdate on the pups! They are sooooo happy! I love Rexie's tongue pic! :)
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