Please show some love to Chef and his pawrents - they need our support and Cirkhle of Paws!

We are watching The Snow Thief slowly take our wonderful white stuff and replace it with wet!
It is just WRONG WRONG WRONG but I did get to work on my Siberian Sponge Khoat Monday night! It still absorbs khwite well!
ANWAY, here is this week's Walkin' Wednesday link - it is a bit longer than usual bekhause we were khlose enough to home it would have made fur a silly one NEXT time around! You will get to see me be KHWEEN OF MY SNOW MOUNTAIN and I guarantee DOUBLE shots of fluffy tail AND pantyloons!
Hey Khyra, did I hear a rumor that more fun is on the way?
Off to make those tough visits. Thanks for the heads up.
I just left Linda a comment,letting her know that I was diagnosed w/ melanoma many years ago and I am alive and well. I want to give her some hope...
Khyra, I wish I could take you to the Iditarod with me...you would fit right in!
Oh puppy, you need a snow maker for year round fun!
Wow. Still lots of snow in Feb! Who could resist your sweet face? Did you get to go out again?
hey Khyra,
Thanks for the very sad info on Trixie and Chef's dad. I pawed them prayers.
You look furry beautiful on your Snow Mound! I think the Snow Gods love you because you still have plenty of the fluffy white stuff hanging around! Enjoy it while you can!
All we have is raindrop falling on our heads. I think that might be an earworm.
I hope those clouds that I saw heading your way- dump lots of snow,
What you need to do is scoop up all the snow in your yard and add it to your little mountain. Looks like you have a lot of snow in the outer part, haul it up and make a throne out of it. Think of how fun that would be.
Your snow pal, Stella
So much sadness on the internet lately, just so much sadness. We will go by and paw our condolences. You are such a very considerate dog, Khyra - such a good baby.
We're sorry to hear about your furiend. Way too much sadness lately.
We enjoyed the walk with you Khyra! Wonder what your neighbors think of your mom filming your pantyloons in the street. Oh well, they probably are looking at them too! Wish we had a snow mountain here, heck, wish we had any snow here!
Oh so sad to hear another furiend has gone to the bridge. It is filling up so quick this year.
Enjoy your snow!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Wow, Khyra, you still have all that snow to enjoy. I wish I could come play with you.
Teddy Bear
Very nice walkies! I like your use of the snow banks along the road and of course your snow throne! I remember when I was little how I hated to see the grass start showing through the snow when it was melting. Sigh. Maybe I am part Sibe! Khool about snacks from the mailman too.
So sorry to hear about Trixie, she was a beautiful dog.
Looks like that snow thief is working overtime, he needs to take a break!
So sorry to hear about Trixie...=( So many sad things happening at one time, don't you think?
Love the photos of you in the snow! You look gorgeous, as usual! *grins* Can't believe it's still snowing when it's heading towards March. Weather these days has been crazy! Malaysia has been getting hotter again >.<"
If you need the sun... come over here ;)
* Please stop at our blog and do accept our special card as our most sincere gratitude and love for your support... Thanks & take care
~purrs & hugs~
Wow, instead of Walking Wednesday, we think that should have been Wandering and Watering Wednesday (Miss Kiska was glad to see another female marking as she has to top the silly boys here all the time). And we so look forward to Whicked Whitney Whednesday!
P.S. - Love the pose on top of Snow Queen Mountain at the end of the video!
Queen Khyra, we think you have a whole mountain range there for your kingdom. We hear another big storm is headed for the East coast, will it stay too far north of you? We hope you get some more since we don't seem to be able to hang on to it here at all.
We were so sad to hear about Trixie. And poor Chef and family, we so hope there has been no spread of the evil disease.
And we loved watching your tail perform so well:)
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Khyra, you are definately the snow queen.
oooh to much furriend are going to the rainbow bridge
hope ther are happy there togetter :)
El'bow & Hauwii
We have a little bit of snow falling here today - we will try to send it your way!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
That silly snow thief - is taking all of our snow and replacing it with mud. And all of our good crusties that we like to walk on are gone and we just fall right in.
Here's hoping for some more snow in VA and PA.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Hello Khyra and mom,
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. It is much much appreciated.
T and the Dog Woods Pack
Our snow is staying put for now. If yours goes away you can come over to my house and play in good old Minnesota snow!
We went and visited..and we love the fact that you still have some snow! We hope that is helping with all the sadness going around.
Wooos Miss Fluffy Tail woo are showing that tail off quite a bit I would say...
I hope all of friends will circle together and support everyone at this difficult time in the blogging world. We will be keeping them all in our Sibe Wooos!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We were so saddened by Miss Trixie's passing.
And yes, you are so the Snow Queen!
Khyra, it looks like your snow is there to stay!
We stopped by your friends' blogs.
Hey Khyra, you look so comfy and cozy in the snow. And more is on the way!!!! Yay for snow!
That was shocking news about The Dog Woods. I left them a note the other day.
Sorry to hear more sad news. Such a hard time right now for so many.
We enjoyed your snow pics Khyra and we have blizzard conditions here in Scotland today.
Do you want to catch a flight?
Martha & Bailey xxx
Sorry about that snow thief, Khyra -- but we think he may be returning some of what he took in a day or so.
We responded to both Chef's mom and to Trixie's -- thank you for always letting us know who is in pain so we can share our love with those who need it most.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
It looks like the snow is falling just for *you* .. you look perfect in da snow and PAWSOME too
wet licks
Oh noes, the snow thief! How I hate it!
Purrs, Siena Snowfox
We love how comfortable you look lying in the snow! We tend to get a bit cold when we're out there even though it is kind of fun to run around in.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
You REALLY like your snow! What do you do all summer long without it?!
HI Khyra,
More beautiful pictures of you. Wow! we wish we had a backyard like yours. It goes on forever and is the prettiest place we have ever seen!
If we lived with you we would never go inside the house. You are so lucky!
Riley and Star.
I hope the weatherman is right and you get MORE white stuff this week!
Thanks for always keeping us in the loop on who needs our paws!
your snow is melting sooo fast!!! Where is it going?!?! I woke up to some fresh white stuff!! It's super wet and rainy out though! I better get out and start guarding!!
Paws crossed for Trixi's two leggers.
Ummm Khyra, I hate to tell you this.. butt it is snowing here AGAIN. What little grass I could see yesterday is now covered again.
Love your pantyloons in the snow though.
I love the beautiful snowy pictures of you! I hope the snow thief doesn't take it all away!
We are so sad to hear all this bad news. I am putting my paws over my ears so I don't have to hear any more.
Hi Khyra and Mom,
It is so fun to come and see you out there in the snow, watchin and waitin!! You are very beautiful Khyra!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Bambi, Happy & Fern
Trixie was a beautiful dog...we are sorry to hear this news. :( Looks like you are back at the bird watching again...we had a few little ones show up at our house this weekend. Spring is on the way. :)
I know you are made for the snow dear Khyra, but why do you like to lay in it? Those pictures are always so pretty, but make me feel so cold!
More great shots of you Khyra!!
We just got back from Chef's blog. Our paws are crossed big time!!
Love your snowy pictures. Laying in the snow is just sooooo relaxing and refreshing and comfy....
We got some more SNOW and mom took a few videos and more pictures of us.
Sam & June
pee ess: are you getting more SNOW fur Thursday?
Great job, Khyra. That crossing works every time. Way to get your way. I'm on my way to watch your video now.
We think you look like Buck in "Call of the Wild." We are calling Hollywood.
Hi ya Khyra! Thank you for always keeping us updated, there is a lot of sadness, and joy out there.
Hope Merdie comes over this weekend!!!! :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
It seems like so many animal souls are leaving... mom has a blog friend who just lost her horse suddenly to a strange cancer. It's so sad, but I think it could be that we need extra angels watching us right now, and that's why so many are leaving...
On a happier note, it does my heart good to see your lovely Khrossed Paws, my beautiful Khyra!
We are very sad that another of your friends had to go. Just too many right now.
And we are sad that your snow is going too - but it will be back eventually.
you sure do like to hang in the snow!
Maybe you should invest in one of those snowmaker machines the ski resorts have!
Nice walkies Queen of the Montain Snow. You could hold your own winter olympics?!
Wiry love Eric xx
Hi Khyra
We love all those photos of you today! They are brillant!
Sorcha really loves 'Sorcha' - she insisted on a mention on her in our post today - which of course me and the NSLM were very happy to oblige her with!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Great video and its great to be back
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Phooey! My internets are acting up and won't play the movie properly. I will have to come back later.
The birds are back already? I love watching them and of course all the uber geeks where momma works do too. That means we have been pals for TWO YEARS! How did that happen?
We stopped over and wished Chef and family all well. It seems this year has brought nothing but sadness to blogland. We sure hope with all of us sending out heeling vibes things will work out..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Miss Khyra! Tail up, tail down, tail up, tail down, panty loons, no panty loons. How exciting. I watched that part of the movie about 452 times already.
I am not really understanding why you want to climb on those snow banks or how it is your leggies don't fall through more. You are very light on your feet.
Big rain today, right? That will make one HOOGE mess!
We enjoyed walkin Wednesday with you, Khyra! We sure hope your snow stays around until July! We know how much you love it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh no not another one! Too many good doggies have gone over the Bridge this winter.
Yes Khyra, winter is on the way out! I keep telling myself that anyway. BOL
Khyra you are going to turn into a snowflake you love that whit stuff so much. Make a snow dog/angel. Sorry another furry friend left us
Benny & Lily
You look so elegant in the snow! We went over to Chef's site to offer support -- you are always so good about alerting us of the troubles of others, so thank you.
w00fs, me and mama is afraid to open the googlereaderthingy too anymore...always sumthing sad..u can has ALL my snow mama says..
b safe,
Khyra! Meep here - I want to climb your tree ... :) purrs to you my friend
We have just about got rid of all our snow and mom and dad don't want anymore, Thank You Very Much.
We stopped at Chef's and gave our support.
more sad woos and pibble sniffles
from ush
Oh Khyra, its sad with so many going to the bridge. but the post about all the transports! Thats good news.
so sorry about your fine looking friend.
Sheeba was unwell yesterday, got better after a Paracetamol and herbal pill.
You look gorgeous in the snow
Hi, Khyra.
It is sad to know about Trixie and Chef's Dad!
I enjoyed your long walkie today!
Kisses and hugs
I can't believe that snow thief is taking youw bootiful white stuff. I'm so glad you wewe able to wowk youw Mom into letting you go out all ovew again!!1
I'm cwossing my paws and pwayig fow Chef's DAD! How howwibully sad that Twixie left so suddenly I am so sad fow his family.
Too much Too much sadness
smoochie kisses
So many sad happenings. There are just too many.
Looks like you had a super fun walk! I see your snow has melted a bit. But, from what I hear you have more coming!!!
We see you are still enjoying the white stuff. Looks like it's giving you a nice place to sit and contemplate life and I saw your crossed paws for your friends and their families. We really hope this ends soon!
Your pics always make us grin big doggy grins though. The CCC
Sorry to hear about your friend. It makes us sad to see so many recently going to the bridge.
we visited trixie too. so sad. she was a cutie pie. :(
We hope the snow lasts for a long time for you!
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