Shortly after I put this post together

We saw the sad news that Hamish had khrossed
Sadly, we only recently had started to visit him - we had always seen him 'around' but had nevFUR really khrossed paths - after all, there are so many blogs to visit in a day and we just khan't hit 'em all - but during times like these, we khan show furiendship even after "we've" passed fur we shall get to meet again one day down the trail

But furst some of ME

Friday's furst lookout point was 'here'

So Mom went into the laundry room and raised the blinds to snag me from 'there'

I went ovFUR to chekhk her out

I'm laughing at woo silly Mom

That is where she was shooting me from
Now to THEM

Woo know what I'm watching


That is how they usually spend their overnights - Mom diskhovered that one night prior to bed - she didn't want to go bakhk and grab the flashie beastie but then she saw they do this during the day too

3/4 view of The Khat Khondo

BroFur is still not khwite as sociable as Butteskhotch

Of khourse, my mom TOUCHED her several times

Rubbed her nekhk and belleh!
I hope all of woo have a great Saturday with and/or without KHATS!
Just came from Hamish's blog earlier. Damn Khyra. The more people we meet, the more of these stories we run into. It's a good thing this is such a supportive community.
You didn't really think I would talk cats, did you? ;)
We're so sorry to hear about your furiend Hamish. There's been a lot of sadness lately it seems. We'll go leave some words for his family.
You are just too cute looking at your mom through the window with your butt propped up on the snow bank!
The kitties are cute too all curled up together in their condo! Hopefully one day Brofur will let your mom pet him too!
Wow - the kitties are adorable, sleeping in the box like that!
Mom told me we're getting several more inches of SNOW tonight and Sunday...I thought of you! :)
Oh, they are sleeping together to keep warm. That is so cool! :)
Butterscotch and Brofur must have a little Sibe in them to sleep out in the cold every night. Do the doughnut thing and all.
I'm glad your Mom takes care of them!
You look gorgeous. Of course!!
I can't believe your mom was cheating on you with the khats!! Oh well, I guess they need some kindness and affection too.
Dear Khyra
We visited Hamish's family and left some love.
Our heart is sad for the eyes that are raining.
I have my candles lit.
Khyra- you and your mom always know what to say- thank you for always having the words.
Doggy world is a sad place right now, but you always help cheer us up with all the photos of you and your fluffy tail and kitties and birdies.
There has been so much sadness- it is hard to see the keyboard - if you know what i mean
tweedles They.nefur leave. we know!!
Misty the alpha Poodle
Thanks for telling us about Hamish. And keep those kitties warm.
Riley and Star.
hey Khyra,
So sorry to read of yet another loss. I will paw my way over to Hamish's blog to paw support for his family.
I just LOVE the two laundry room window shots! Your smiling laugh is contagious! But, I want to know why you have tons of snow and I am sitting in mud and rain? Not fair.
p.s. Great kitty shots! They look so sweet sleeping together in their kitty condo!
Everyone needs to click and biggify the kondo shot, it is too cute!!!
I do love your laughing face! I sit on Ma's bed and watch the "khats" go by...
Sorry to hear about dear Hamish!
PS Fantastical waterfall tail!
We never got the chance to meet Hamish either, Khyra. We feel so badly for his mom and his friends that are hurting.
Our snow is melting too fast! The temps have been around 40 degrees and it's slowing fading away! boohoo
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
A good Saturday to you too! We are glad the ginger and white siblings have a place to hang out.
P.S.: Gentle purrs to your furriend's humans.
Cats in a box! Can I get those by mail order? Nommy.
Hey! I can see grass in my yard! Hooray!
Glad to see your snow is hanging around - our's is still here too.
That's a nice kitty condo to keep the cats warm at night - better than letting them in your house! :)
How nice of your mom to build the kitty condo for them.
Hi Khyra - it is very sad about Hamish, we didn't know him but went to pay our condolances - he seemed a fiesty and charasmatic fellow and we bet he's having a good old romp at the rainbow bridge!
We do love the photos of you in the snow - it's nice to see a doggie in her natural habitat :))
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Aw, Brofur & Butterscotch & Brofur look furry cute cuddled together in the khat khondo - probably a big help to keep them khozy-warm too! we're furry envious woo still have SO MUCH SNOW! Ours is all but gone. : (
We'll drop by Hamish's to woo our respects.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-ro & moo too
We love the laundry room shot, Khyra!
Nice pad for Butterscotch and Brofur! That is until they make the ultimate move... into the house?
RIP sweet Hamish, you will be missed.
Khyra, you look wonderful, Toby thanks you for helping with his fundraising, you sure are a great doggy!!
Toby's Raiser
We were so sorry to hear about Hamish....
Mama and I always love your Khaturdays!! We are trying to decide whether to get me a kitty sister or a puppy sister...hmmmmmmm
Mom didn't open the window and offer drive through food service?
w00fs, its sad about Hamish, we hadnt got to meeted him either..he looked like a fine little guy sees cats ever day...anddd me barks and barks and barks..
b safe,
You still have lots of snow, don't you? Can you believe our Mom is actually wishing our yard were covered with snow too so we could run around with Ciara? She let us out this morning and we had a lot of fun chasing her all over. We did a pretty good job of getting the little one all muddy, but Mom said it was worth it to see us all do zoomies together.
Have a good weekend.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're sorry about Hamish. We didn't know him, but we'll visit his blog today.
You look so cute with snow on your nose!!!
The kitties look warm and snug in their condo. It's nice that they keep each other warm.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We will go visit Hamish's blog and offer words of comfort.
BroFur and Butteskhotch look very comfy in the condo. ~AFSS
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I love the first pic of you....perfect! Love those kitties!
oh Khyra, one of the BEST blogger (we two are not kidding here) but you are one bootiful fur-pal of evewybody who make sure to visit as many bloggie as possible *wet licks* we wuv ya and fank ya for telling us about Hamish. We are off to visiting his bloggie to confowt his mama (or daddy/or both).
but before we go, we wanted to woof to you and say dat you wook as pwetty as evew. and dos are khool kitties
have a pawsome weekend
licks and tail wags
Wooos MFT! I see woo have cats too now... he, he, he, Mum is kitten sitting again this weekend, I have 2in the house, but she won't let me play with them yet... Bentley never wants to play.
I just LOVE that picture of woo looking in with snow on the nose, how perfectly Khyra~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
The bridge is calling way too many of our furends.
Grrreat shots of you in your snow. The Kat Khondo is just soooo cute.
PeeS... I hear that I am supposed to get RAIN (AKA Cloud pee) to wash all my snow away. I hope that is true, butt that it doesn't get to YOURS. I'm just sayin'.
We just got back from Hamish's blog!! We didn't know him, but we wish we had known him.
Happy weekend, Khyra!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Khyra, next thing you know, those cats will be trying to take over your kingdom!
We were so sad to read about Hamish yesterday!
Khyra, you're too smart. Was your mom trying to pull a fast one on you by going behind the blinds? Tsk tsk. Nice try silly mommy. The kitties look adorable
Ahhhh cute with that snow on your nose! Those kitties sure look comfy in their special house.
I stopped by as you told me too for Hamish. You look so cute in the window. Cute kitties and condo.
At least they get to sleep in a Harp box, not some crappy budweiser box. sheesh, all mom talks about is beer.
we were sorry to hear about the dear old Hamish passing, what a fun little dude.
So much sadness in doggie bloggie world lately...
Khyra, you are so sweet to share your mom w/ Brofur and Butterscotch! They are beautiful kitties.
Hugs and belly rubs.
Oh we spend every day with KHATS now! We will go visit Hammish. Sounds like what happened to our brother Sprocket last summer.
Oh we wanted to ask your momma are those little feral kittehs your mom is helping out?
Wow, I guess those kitties are getting cozy in the condo. They look kind of cute, even though I don't like to admit it.
Hi Khyra, yes it is very sad about Hamish - we are still feeling sad today - it was very sudden and perhaps that makes it more difficult or perhaps it is never going to be easy.
At the moment we are finding it harder to blog but we did enjoy seeing your pics in the snow and your smiling face.
Those cats certainly look all comfy for the snow!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Silly you have snow on your nose..BOL You have a fun day teasing mom
Benny & Lily
How thoughtful to remember Hamish
Yes we are sorry to hear about Hamish!!
Hope you have agreat weekend Khyra!! Hugs, Joey and Kealani
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i didnt no hamish eether but i went and sed gudbye to him ennyway too menny dogs and peepuls hav ben leeving laytly!!! ok bye
We visitied Hamish's blog yesterday. Everytime this happens I feel like I've lost part of the family...
The kitties look cuddly warm in the condo!
I just visted Hamish's blog. It is so sad and I am speechless now
Thank you for the post
Hugs and friendship
Awwwwwwwwww sweety...
we love love love your sweet smile!!!!
What a beautiful girl you're!!!!!
The kitties are sooo cute and we love seeing them all curled up in their condo!!!!
Thanks for sharing them with us!!!!
And you have tons of snow!!!
today we got sun finally!!!!YEPPYY!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!!
We love you and your mommy a lot!!!!!
We visited Hamish blog yesterday. We didn't know him either, but he looks like he was a cutie!
And you look very dute laughing at your Mom!
It does our hearts so good to see Butterscotch and Brofur cureld up in the kitty condo. We hate taht any animal has to be outside on such cold nights. We imagine they really appreciate that bit of protection that you and your Mom have given them. Meowm gets winter homes from No More Homeless Pets for the feral kitties around here. They are made of styrofoam coolers that pharmacies get their refrigerated drugs in (the pharmacies donate them to NMHP). Then NMHP cuts a hole in them, tapes them together with duct tape, and covers them in heavy plastic. They put straw inside them, cause it dries out better than blankets and they sell them. We currently have 3 on our porch and the kitties love them!
Our poor friend Hamish, feel very sad about his leaving. But your photos made me smile and the cats look sort of cool.For 5 minutes. Then they need a good chase. Tried it yet?
Wiry love Eric x
We have left our sadness over at Hamish's bloggy. So many of our dear friends leaving for heaven...sigh.
Momma always feels so sads when she sees outside animals trying to keep warm. We know that your momma is doing her best and that is wonderful but it is always so bad sads when people don't spay or neuter and then animals have to make their own way in this big world.
Thank you to your momma for her compassion.
We jest don't unnerstand about dem kitties.
Godspeed Hamish.
Husky kisses,
We agree, the Bridge has too many of our buddies! We hope and pray they are having fun together while we cry.... xoxo
I didn't know Hamish, but I wish I did. We went over to visit.
Ok, the cats, they're still kind cute to me! HELP! :P
I can't get enough of your snow pics! I love the one where you're laughing at your mom! Hee hee! So cute! :)
Just visited Hamish's blog to send condolences. Didn't know him, but my mom knows how his mom feels.
The cats look comfortable in their duplex. They really lucked out, given the rotten housing market. hehehe.
A weekend with cats is a good thing. Seriously. Very sad about Hamish, isn't it?
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for letting us know about Hamish. I will go right over and share some love.
I tried to send you some more snow but mean Mr. Winter would not listen to me this time. Sorry.
Those kitties are very brave to spend the winter outdoors. Good thing they have thick fur coats. It is very nice of your mom to make them a sleeping spot where they can stay dry.
We are sorry about Hamish.
Hey! you look so cutes with the snow on your nose!
And that kitty condo looks like it is real comfy! I understands how BroFur feels about being touched. It is hard to lets them humans close when you are scared of them!
I didn't know Hamish, but it is so nice to see all the kind words about Hamish. Hamish seemed like a great pet. This is such sad news for everyone.
The cats are cute! You have to love them!!
Hi, Khyra!
I did not know Hamish either but I went to his blog to tell his mom we are so sorry.
Your smiling picture is pawesome!
Glad they are enjoying the condo together!
Kisses and hugs
love the laughing face :)
My Sweet Khra, the more folks we come to know... the more we come to understand.
I love you and all those who are pushin me forward. I do.
We met Hamish through Max's World Tour and were hoping to get to know him better when we found out. We did go over and leave some love for his hurting Mom.
We LOVE to see these pics of you enjoying your snow, and hope, for your sake, that it sticks around for a while yet.
Pssst... Khyra... Your blog has an infestation of C-A-T-S... OC
Wow, look at Brother and Butterscotch all cozied up together. We are so so sorry to hear about Hamish.:(
Teddy Bear
Sorry about the friend.
We want that cat condo. Looks very nice and comfy.
So sorry to hear about Hamish. You look sad too
Very sorry to hear about your friend. :(
Khyra, I love your pictures - especially the ones with you "laughing" at Mom, and with you looking at Brother and Butterscotch. Tell your mom she's awesome for taking care of those kitties and for transporting/helping other dogs get loving homes. You have an AWESOME mama!
Too many sad "khrossings" lately...God bless all who grieve...
our mommish had a meow meow just like that
so furry cute
we are so sad to hear of more passings
we'llgo over and leave our sad woos
pibble sugars
the houston pibble pack
guero, coco chanel, brinks, bella and lucky
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