Thursday Evening's SkEYE
which we'll dedikhate to Poppy, Penny, Patches, and their mom
They lost the special man in their lives Friday Afternoon
What do woo think my eyes spy?

Akhtually, this was BroFur during the blizzard on Wednesday

A khondo Mom khreated fur him - thanks fur the suggestion OP KS Momster!

Of khourse, BroFur preferred to 'ruff' it

Mom noticed Butterskhotch appreciated the Khytty Khondo she khrafted

Here is a shot in the daylight - Mom originally just had the two boxes on the ground but the direkhtion of this storm made that khorner of the porch subjekht to snow. She didn't want the boxes to get soggy SO she brought out this table that Merdie's boys used to play with and VOILA, Khytty Khondo!

When Mom went out to khapture the evening skEYE pikh, Butterskhotch was already hanging around and started vamping

Then a pose

After Mom took the pikh of me watching Mom watching them, she noticed BroFur was on the sill watching her

Later in the evening, Mom spotted them in their units - and Mom chekhked prior to our going to bed - they were there then - let the rekhords reflekht Butterskotch chose the larger sekhond story unit which left BroFur the unit that used to house Harp Lagers!
Maybe I should see if she's interested in ordering some of the items from THIS SITE - She is a Virgo and they do like to keep their things organised and orderly!
(Thanks to Moose's Assistant fur sending that one my way)
Another of my khritter pals was hanging around on Thursday
He/she was going fur the same run of sap as Woody
and then he/she sat and pondered life
And so did I - no, this is not the same pikh as yesterday's - I like this spot and Mom thought the hollowed out portion of the snow looked kind of heart shaped SO we wanted to share it as a pre-Valentine's Day greeting!
NOTE FROM MOM HERE: I want to apologise for not commenting on many of Friday's blogs - we did read them all - but there was just too much going on in 'our' collective heads on Friday that I just couldn't do it - thanks for understanding!
PeeEssWoo: Please share some love with Hoover The Battery Powered Dog - he lost his sister recently
How very nice of you to think of the kitties and even build them their own little condo. They looked quite comfy too. You're just quite the humanitarian... or should I say dogitarian?!
No, it should be catitarian because you're promoting cat welfare. Glad we cleared that up.
Yes, I see that you have a lot to share. Would be certainly a pleasure to pop over and play a bit. Unfortunatelly you're sooo far away.
But I told daddy to play lottery, so we have a chance to win. And then my dear, we will come.
Nice woooh
Yes, Khyra, Friday was a bad day. And to think that Thursday night's sky was so pretty..
Two cats sleeping so close to my house would make me a nervous wreck and ruin my night and the night of everyone within earshot. I don't know how you do it, Khrya. I could just not allow that. And, speaking of cats, I'm kinda surprised that they are as smart as that. They knew enough to use the bootiful condo that your mom so kindly made for them. What a wonderful gesture on your mom's part. My next-door neighbor cat is so dumb that I don't think he knows enough to come out of the cold like your neighborhood cats do.
And then there's the squirrel. Don't even get me started on those. But my biggest problem here as you know from my blog is the bunny. He drives me nuts. And yesterday my mom saw two bunnies together. So it's even worse than I thought. And, If they continue to multiply at this rate, I may be in need of help this spring.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
What great kitty condos! I loved seeing them in there.
How funny that you call the cat houses units.Made us BOL cuz our folks call their condo their unit.
They sure look comfy!
Oh guess what I saw at the dog park today? 4 6wk old Huskies. They were so cute.They stayed under the guys chair cuz it was their first time away from the mommy and they were so little & adorable.
WelshieHugs, Hootie
That was furry nice of your mom to make a Khytty Khondo for Butterscotch and Brofur! It's good that they have a nice warm place out of the snow since they probably don't like the snow near as much as you do. We like your photo in the heart shaped portion.
We'll go show support for your friends. We're sorry to hear that news.
Your mom is so cool for taking care of the feline puppies!! And you are very cool for giving her time to do things for others!!!
Furry decent of you to khonstruct khitty khondos, they obviously appreciate it furry much! (Although we think brofur looks ruggedly handsome with a little snow on his fur - gives a kind of " Sibe"-air about him.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
What a terrible, awful, horrible day. My heart goes out to a lot of heartbroken apes.
Your Mom made such a lovely condo for Butterscotch and Brother. I'm sure they love it! Great sky photo.:) How close to you get to your cat siblings???
Teddy Bear
Lovely photos as usual.
Hmm, your poor bros don't look to be enjoying the snow as much as you my puppy pal!
So many bad and sad things happening lately!!
What is wrong with your Brofur, I think hes mad!
He should be curled up inside!!! Like me
Your pal, Koda
love that you id someting for the kitties
El'bow & Hauwii
hey Khyra,
Once again your mom shows she is an Angel! This time she is an Angel to the kitties. I love her Khitty Khondos! And obviously the kitties do, too! Such a great idea to keep the kitties warm and out of the cold wind and snow.
What a funny squirrel, just hanging out pondering on life. Was your tummy growling for a bit of squirrel meat?
I am saddened by all of the losses that you have been informing us about. Too much saddness. Too many wonderful animals, and humans, leaving.
Wooo - Khitty Kharetakher. Khind!
We love the picture of you and your drift!
What beautiful snow you have there! And the kitty condo looks very attractive! And it looks like they appreciated it!
The Puppies
Your mom is very nice to those kitties!
Those kitties are pretty smart - they know when to move into that special condo,next step into the garage, and then the house:)
Looks like the squirrel kingdom isn't too bothered by the snow either.
We were so saddened at the news from the airdales. A real tough loss for all.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
We are very glad Butterscotch and Brofur had some shelter from the snow. And we loved the organization photos. Seven Catses! Man, what a feast
Khyra your mom is so Khlever to build that grrreat Kitty Khondo.
Those condos were very cool. Your Mom was nice to make them so that Butterskhotch and BroFur would have some protection from the nasty weather.
We did stop by Poppy, Penny and Patches blog yesterday when we saw what your Mom posted on FB. So sad.
That picture of you int he snow is great.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mom you sure are taking good care of the kitties. They look so cute in their little condo's..
Khyra enjoy your snow. Ours is almost gone already...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You are so sensitive and caring. You are even taking care of the cats. Wow! You sure do look cold out there. We still have some snow on the ground here too.
Thanks for your comments, I mean, er, warnings about my date tomorrow with Lacie. You are sweet to think of me, but I've got to experience things myself. I'm Irish, you know. Not that I think you are full of blarney, it's just, well, I'm smitten.
Irish Love,
You are so thoughtful to build Brofur and Butterscotch such lovely winter condos! They seemed to warm up to them by evening!!! Furry generous Khyra! And love the photo of you in the snow heart! You are too bootiful!
big Hugs xo
You and your mom are so thoughtful to build shelter for the needy kitties.
Hi, Khyra!
The condos are pawesome. Glad to see the kitties enjoying them. Your mom is the best!
I saw the kitties very well organized in that site!
The same happened with us last night. We read lots of blogs but we felt very sad so we decided to turn off the computer and wait until today. And this morning we are still sad.
Have a nice saturday
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra, your mom is so inventive! It was kind to provide shelter for your kitty cat brother and friend.
This cold weather is not good to be out in - well unless you are a siberian husky.
Martha & Bailey xx
Loved the kitty condo. What kind of katz are those though? They amaze me. They're out in the snow? Our katz are by the heater all the time. Spoiled brats!
U sure have a nice home. I like the kitteh houses. :)
Hi ya Khyra and mom... That was some creative kitty condo architecture!! Love the photos. And, the "kitty organizer" blog! It is quite funny and brings big smiles, as guess what dad does for a living...designs kitty stuff, like bamboo kitty condos!!:) However, we definitely think the best creations are the ones we make ourselves! Right!?
Anyway...it's been busy...some sadness and some excitment...
All the emotions have been at the surface lately.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Thanks for the pics of our feline companions. It looks very cold.
Oh thats so nice they have condos for themselves. You made us smile too!! Love Joey and Kealani
Haa!! Bunk beds for the kitties. How nice of your Mom to make them a comfy shelter. Tried building yourself an igloo in all your snow Khrya?
Wiry love Eric xx
Isn't it just like a cat to not even appreciate your mom's hard work to make him a condo?
Thanks for Sharing about Penny, Poppy & Patches' Dad. We had not see that yet. So much sadness on Friday :-(
Those Khondos look pretty Khozy for sure!
Your mum is very nice to make the kitty shelter for Butterscotch and bruffer.. I am sure theyrealy appreciate that.. Poor things would not ave been happy with all that snow. I love the heart shape snow picture.. Yes mum we do understand.. Hugs GJ xx
you and your mommy are sooooooooooooooo sweet bulding those Kitty condos for your friends!!!!
And we can see they appreciated their new house soooo much!!!
What a great great photos of you sweety....
the last one is wonderful and you look like a beautiful queen!!!!
Ehy sweety...we wish you and your mommy a very very happy Valentine's day!!!!
We send you tons of love and kisses and hugs!!!
You're sooooo special for us!!!!!!
What a cute kitty condo, Khyra! It looks like the kitties are very appreciative!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Valentine's Day (tomorrow)!
That is wonderful that your mom made a kitty condo so that the kitties won't freeze!
You look lovely in that one photo... that last one!
Monty says hi to you Khyra!
I love the photeo of you in the heart-shaped snow.
Glad to hear Butterscotch and Brofur were warm and made it through the storm alright!
It looks like Mom's got a good grasp on the new camera!
I hate to admit it, but BroFur and Butterskhotch are really starting to grow on me! They are looking really cute! :) That was so nice of your mom to build that kitty condo for them!
So much sad news this week. :(
I love seeing you in your SNOW!!! :)
Love the Kitty Kondo, very kozy!
I am so glad you look after the kitties Khyra. It's very kind of you. I will go visit Hoover now.
What a great kitty condo.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Java and the pups
You are so kind to help the kitties outside!
Lots of sad news and I missed most of it because I am so behind. :-( Good of you to provide condos to the kitties.
you are just so kind and thoughtful
those meow meows are quite bewootiful
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
those are some crazy cat brothers you have
Those cat condos look like a snuggly place for those kitties to escape the cold!
We are so thankful you and your Mom built a condo for those kitties. Don't they have a home?
Aww..poor cats trying to stay warm and dry. BRR...sure is cold out.
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