Time to enjoy THIS week's telling of where I stashed the biskhuits!
Mom was on The Doggy Nanny's desktop doing some things and noticed me enjoying some biskhuit pawsitioning - she even switched on the flashie beastie rekhording thingie and got THIS short khlip
Another day it went here
Me moving in to get it from there to my mouth and tummy!
Off in search of this day's spot
When she started to search she saw this
Then saw this!
Then I moved in to retrieve it!

The past few days I've taken it upstairs but when Mom takes the flashie beastie to dokhument it, I race her and get there prior to her being able to snag a shot!
All part of my mom excercise programme - snikhker snikhker!
Khome on bakhk fur Walkin' Wednesday!
Great hiding spots.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Khyra, love the video of you hiding a piece of your biscuit while eating the rest of it! You are just too cute and always make us smile with your biscuit hiding abilities!
Khyra...don't listen to Ginger...the views expressed are her own and have nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of us! The rest of us kitties adore our Grete woofie.
So, its kind of a game now, you hide the bone and when your Mom goes for Flashy, you quickly retrieve it? Did you say an exercise program? Busy girl, you are!
You're such a clever woofie, but if you lived here we'd find and eat your bone. Every time.
Ginger hides her treats all over our house, we enjoy her hide and seek games!!! Sometimes when the humans come over they find one here and there! xoxo
Oh, you is getting your mom going on the stairmaster! Very clever.
Did I hear the word biscuits?
Do I see you hiding biscuits!
You are very wise to find those special little hiding places, and then to try to get them before your mama decides she wants them- or the flashie beast monster.
I hope you ATE them all up
Well I don't blame you for racing her to the hiding spot! If she posted it online then EVERDOG would know where you keep them hidden!
I love the video!!! Very cute! So did you have 2 cookies or did you break part of it and hide it for later while you enjoyed the other part?
You are a Khomplex Khritter Khyra!
You just kill me the way you always try to hide your bones! I've never even carried one around, let alone tried to hide it somewhere! I make sure they get in my belly as quickly as possible!!
You're a great personal trainer, Khyra!
That doesn't work anymore around here! You are lucky you are an only puppy for the most part. There is ALWAYS someone in your back pocket around here, and it's usually NOT your Mom just trying to take pictures! It's usually someone who plans on EATING your stash themselves!
I still try it sometimes... used to get away with it all the time, but not with all these pups shadowing me at all times... Dott
Khyra, you are always coming up with new and fun hiding spaces. I love it!:)
Teddy Bear
Do be careful, MFT, woo don't want to get rug burn on your snooter!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
hey Khyra, Queen of the Snow Mound,
You find very clever hiding places! But how you can carry around a treat, and then hide it, and then walk away for a bit, escapes me. Once a treat is in my possession, it gets into my tummy as quickly as possible!
Good hiding spot for your treat. ;)
~ Bae
Great hiding job there Khyra!
You always brighten up my Tuesdays!
Your mountain is getting a little smaller and sneet and snain don't help build it back up. Maybe it is time for another big storm, don't you think?
Khyra...you are so cute with that biscuit routine! I think I should start something like that to get my mom in shape.
Take care and lotsaluv
You are good at hiding that biscuit.
We love the picture sof you on your snow pile.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Khyra, you make that biscuit look so tasty. We love the way you eat it slowly and crunch it and relish the flavor. We tend to eat ours a lot faster. You never seem to run out of good hiding spots - good thing so you can keep your Mom on her toes.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It is very important to keep one's human in good shape! Well, done! That looks like a fun game!
Khyra, your skills at cookie placement never cease to amaze me!! And your Mama exercise routine....pawesome!!!
Khyra - it RAINED here yesterday! Can you believe it? We still have lots of snow though but the rain was depressing!
You are the queen of biscuit-finding!
Miss Khyra,
That is just a very odd habit you have there for sure. Although the exercise program for mom sounds like a great bonus. You are most ladylike when you eat. No gulping, I see.
Wooos Khyra, I love your nose "covering" up woo cookie. I do the same thing, but with sand in the yard... I guess with all of that snow it is harder, or are woo not allowed to take your cookies outside?
-~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Great plan for keeping your mom in shape, Khyra!
You should publish a book on Great Hiding Places....I would buy it! You are SOOOO good.
I eat my bones as soon as I get them. I'm scared someone will find them and take them away!
Too funny! Ladybug walks around the house crying until she finds just the right spot.
I think you are one smart poochie - hiding your breakkies for an afternoon snackie!
That first shot of you and the snow is stunning !!!
We wonder what you like most, the treats or the snow""
heheheh...we love the games you play. We have no self discipline though, so we get exercise for the muzzer in other ways.
Whew. If I had your self control, I would prolly not be as substantial.
Gotta go think that over.
To funny Khyra.
Love Ruby & Penny
If you're worried about the shrinking snow, come visit us! I hear that dogs have mastered the art of 'beaming' so they can travel in an instant to someplace else. After all, that's the only way that Max could have visited so many places in one day!
So, please beam out and enjoy our snow! We'd love to have you, just so long as you don't teach R to howl even more than he already does!
You are for sure an OLYMPIC bisquit hiding champion,eh?
Woo are so khlever!!
Come see who's nesting in SFLA!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh Khyra~~If I was there, I would watch, retrieve and eat each and every bone so when you went back uh oh, no bone!! Then I would say Sorry Charlie!!! BOL
you got the looks and the brain ;) we luv ya
wet licks
So Khyra, how long before you go back for those hidden biskhuits? Do you always rememfur when you hid them?
Sam & June
pee ess: Today is the day we tell all about our recent RIDE.
Khyra we love it how you hide your biscuits! It is so fun!! We have never known any other doggies that did that - and it is one of our favorite things to see - so much fun!
No one has better hiding spots than you! Do you ever share those bones?? Do you have a favorite brand of bone? LOL...Josie wants to know...thanks for stopping by and visiting our blog with Josie rolling in the snow. She did it just for you!! No one does it better than you, but Josie tried.
Much Love,
Im sure you just don't want her to have documentation of the spots so that you can use them again!
You are really good with those biscuits. I wonder why we don't hide ours? We just scarf down our snackies.
Where is your snow going? I thought with all that snow it would last forever!
Somehow we missed the video...must go back to check it out. BabyRD eats her biscuits so quickly she could only hide the leftover scent of a biscuit! Now chew bones have been known to get buried in our farrr N.Idaho woods but never biscuits!! What a strong willpower you have Miss K!
Smooches from pooches,
Hootie and BabyRD
It is so good of you to play with your Mom so that she gets plenty of exercise!
Thanks for the great ideas on hiding places.
Misty the alpha Poodle
hi k & p!
what fun you are having over there!
great hiding places!
m & e
You sure have some nice hiding places Khyra.. We like it that we are keeping your Mom in shape. Mom's need lots of exercise to keep up with us pups..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You have to keep the mums on their toes.
Love all the hiding spots!
We really enjoyed your post yesterday - Sorcha was thrilled! She's printed off the photos of Sorcha to show her friends in school!
We're delighted that your Sorcha has gone to such a good home!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
We saw you rubbing your nose on the carpet as if to cover your biscuit half, Khyra! That was a great hiding spot!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Those are some good hiding spots! Do you ever bury your biscuits outside? (In the summer, I mean...) Sammy likes to bury his rawhide chewies in the dirt to ripen before enjoying -- yuck!!
Enjoy your snow, tho it seems at tho we have not seen the last of winter yet!
I love the Hiding Game/ Exercise Program you have developed for Mom. Keep her fit and healthy; no one can replace her!
Well, my friend, we did a pretty spontaneous thing today...we adopted a baby Eskie brother for me. My thought is I will train HIM to train Michael and it will be a win-win-win situation for all of us! It is a surpriseso don't mention it on my blog. we rescued a little guy on death row in CA and must wait until the weekend before we get to meet him (Michael has no clue).I always thought that I wanted to be an only child but when mom showed me the inmate picture of the dog, his haunted eyes got to me. I am pretty pampered and have lots enough to share...AND I know mom and dad love me totally and unconditionally...always will. So, our adventure takes yet another crazy turn. Isn't life grand?
Bummer! You just reminded me what I was going to post about today, Khyra. I was going to do a response to your Tuesday telling. Hmmm, let's see. It's my blog and I post as I want to. Perhaps tomorrow :)
I am in awe of doggies like you with the will power to save your treats like that :)
I love the hide and seek games that you're always playing with your momma! They're so funny! I don't have enough hiding places here. It seems like they can always spot my snacks when I leave them next to their bed.
We think it's a good idea to hide snacks. Then if you run out, BINGO! You got a spare!
Riley and Star.
I really love reading about your biscuit stashing adventures - I don't think I've ever known another dog to have so many different hiding places. You really think your choices through, Khyra!
Khyra, You did a great job covering the biscuit w/ the invisible dirt.
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
nom nom nom nom
wanna share your most delicious tweat
pibble sugars and wiggles from the wee ones
the houston woggie pack
Mischievous, aren't you, Khyra! You sure do exercise your mom. All that sitting in the car driving laps -- or is that legs? -- well, she needs you to watch her health.
Hi, Khyra!
I watched the video and loved how you tried to bury it and then I hear the crunch-crunch and I started drooling!
Kisses and hugs
What a day! Wow! Really, I think it is better put: What a month! If we were there, we'd be looking for hidden treats. A good relaxed nibble sounds just about perfect right now!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Hey Khyra,
How about a little excursion down our way. You'd be more than welcome to hide your biscuits anywhere you want in our house. We'll keep an eye on them for you. We'll make sure that no one else bothers them at all.
Khyra, you're so khlever with your biskhuit hiding! I love your hiding places! I could probably read a buiskhuit hiding post by you every day for the rest of my life and never grow bored. it never ceases to khrack me up!
wild dingo
I keep telling my mom we need to play this game.
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