Please keep him and his furamily in your thoughts
We need to encirkhle them with love and support
(the link will take woo to his blog)
(the link will take woo to his blog)

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: Merdie wasn't ovFUR - these were pikhs Mom snagged the last time she spent some time with us. AND those pikhs woo saw of my floofy self in the Xterra were beFUR we left the driveway. When Mom hits the road, I either lay down OR ride in the tailgunner spot in the bakhk khorner!
be still my heart
Great photos of you and Merdie. We are thinking of Max and sending good vibes his way.
Teddy Bear
I'm fine with Merdie leftovers! :)
Methinks woo have been a baaaad influence on innocent Merdie.... or are woo just helping her free her inner huzzy??? Such cute bellies!!!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Poor Max. We sure wish he and his family strength during such a difficult time.
You are Merdie are looking quite huzzified!
Holly and Khady Lynn
Awww, puppy tum!!
Merdie! stop taking advice on how to behave from that HUZZY Khyra! what will become of woo's wooputation? sigh.
wild dingo
oh Khyra & Merdie....we neede this and TQ for putting a smile on mumster's watery face
we are worried about Maxi too but we know he is in good hands
very nice! Maybe Merdie should join the 999 Goldens?
So very sad about Max. We are still hoping it is a terrible mistake and he will be fine. He is too young for this non-sense!
yabba dubba doo..!
look at the two of woo!!
We are sad to read about Max and keeping him and his family in our thoughts.
We loved your floosy pics - you girls sure know how to play the camera.
Martha & Bailey xxx
cute resting photos of u and merdie!!
and yep, we will keep max in our thoughts and prayers.
hey Khyra (and Merdie),
Is it legal to have two Huzzy's in one room?
Thank you for letting us know about Max. I, and my human K, are praying for him. It breaks our hearts to read of his plight. Loving thoughts being sent his way.
Suka (and K)
p.s. Khyra's mom: sorry you are having a bad time of things also. My human sends you luck (not that she has any right now!) :-> We both hope things start looking up for you. Cheers!
What a cute tummy area you have!!! And Merdie's is so nice too!
Great photos, we are all thinking of Max very much here in australia.
Hi Khyra
Yes we agree to you Merdie looks veeeeery innocent.
Nice woooh
Miss Merdie - we are shocked, shocked, shocked. Khyra we knew, but we thought you were such a lady.
Lovely photos of you and Merdie!
We are so upset for Max and his family.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Well, that woke me up for sure.
Lovely pics and poses!
Hubba hubba, Miss Merdie - you make our hearts beat loud and fast!!!
And MFT, very nice of you to let your cousin have some Wicked Wednesday time here.
Play bows, Phantom and Thunder
You mean Merdie is wikhked too? I have a hard time believing that!
When is Merdie coming back? We miss her!
Looking good, Khyra!
Those goldens are the "dennis the menace" of the dog world. I don't think merdie is as innocent as she would like us to believe. Sje sure is cute, though!
I didn't look. Honest I didn't. My heart belongs to Ruby and Penny.
Wooos MFT! BeaWoootiful! and Merdie too of course, absolutely whicked!
We are so concerned for Max too, ~sending love and puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful~
SOOO happy that you are getting some SNOWS ... : )
woohoowoohooo..double dose of delightful dogs.
Thank you Furry Much
Now those look like some contented and happy dogs. Give Miss Khyra a hug and cherish her sweetness!
You girls sure know how to work it!
Merdie is quite cute. Is she coming to visit again soon?
Tyra ain't got nuthin on Merdie!! She can WORK IT!!!
Happy Wednesday Khyra!!
Love Ruby & Penny
Those pictures are SURE to cheer up Max!!
Thank you for letting us know about Max, we are sending our most positive thoughts their way.
As far as the girlie shots - hey, we say if you've got it, flaunt it! :)
Oooooh - Luke will go gaga over those!!! Such brazen cheescake! And as always - the Khyra poseur!
Hugs xo
Yes... we have been visiting Max, sweet pup.
Your hussy ways are beginning to rub off on Merdie, Khyra! We are shocked!
Our paws are crossed for Max.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are sending our positive vibes to Maxdog and hope that it is treatable.
We know Goldens are suppose to be innocent but when a Golden is "mixed" with a Sibe that all changed. :P
Sam & June
We just stopped by Max's to leave some thoughts and prayers! Now leaving you kudos on the great pix. Josie wants to roll on the floor with you two. You're both so gorgeous and playful looking. Woof!
You guys look like you could be sisters from another mister. With the identical poses n' all..
We have already went over to see Max - thankfully the news today seems like it might be a BIT better.. hope he and his family keep hanging in there..
Merdie...you is a furry funny gal!
Matilda just got "fixed" so maybe she doesn't get to be a huzzy? Is that true?
she sure is learning from you!
Well I never. Wasn't sure where to put my pies!
Wiry loves and paws crossed for Max. Eric xx
Even I can't out huzzy khyra.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I love your expression: "being one with the white." Ms. Alpha loves it because I stay clean, right on down to my pawpads!
I shall go pay a tender visit to Max.
Your pal always,
Merdie! Khyra is teaching you to be a huzzy! We're shocked! The two of you are going to get all the boys in the blogosphere going crazy!
We're thinking of Max and his family.
Nice try woofies. But we aren't fooled by those fluffy tummies. Well, you've almost got us. Hmmm. Ok, you're cute.
Oh Khyra...you are the original indeed....thanks for the laugh!
Great pics! You guys should be models! Sorry to hear about your friend....
What great pictures.. You 2 sure know how to spend your day...
We stopped over with some heeler vibes for Max. The saddest thing is not knowing what it going on...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Merdie does the huzzy look amazingly well. She must have taken lessons from you Khyra.
Terrible news about Max. We have already been to visit.
Hi Khyra, Merdie and mom!!! Great pix. Will go visit The Luke now! Haven't stopped by for a while to that pal.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Mom has been slacking but I MADE her khome over for Wicked Wednesday! WOO!
Yeppers Paws crossed for Max!
Hmm Hussies.. I left my dollars next to the monitor. ..
I are rootin for Max to get all better soon. :)
Merdie looks very fluffy and cute.
Those are some very come hither pictures!
And we have already stopped by to send Max lots of purrs and good thoughts - we hope he is better soon!
Merdie is coming along well. You're doing a great job with her!
Merdie can even look classy being a huzzy!
We are praying for Max's recovery too. He IS to young for this stuff.
How did the lemon chicken turn out?
your mom caught some magnificent photos of you and Merdie.
Your both so fluffy looking.
We visited Max, and gave love.
our eyes have been raining so much.
I know you and everyone feels the same concern
Merdie and Khyra's older photos should simply be called: Oldies but Goodies! :)
After getting a cool drink of water...bow-wow! Now, Lacie referred me to your page, and I am not sure why because she has been giving me sweetheart hints on MY blog at www.themcgillinator.blogspot.com. Oh well, I guess she likes competition. My Irish heart to pounding...Come visit my blog and follow me!
Khyra, are you setting a bad example for sweet Merdie, with your young and restless photos?
Sending all our positive vibes to Max!
Gosh - Merdie has such CURLY fur!! Hsin-Yi is very jealous of anything curly because she is always trying to get her hair to curl and it is always slippery straight! Me...I just have a short back & sides...hee! hee!
Honey the Great Dane
Great pics!! Poor Max :( Although our Max is a pain, I hope this one gets better soon.
Merdie is learning "tricks" from you, Khyra!
I have my paws crossed for Max!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You two are gorgeous hussies!!!
And my the Sweet Merdie, she rokhin my world wif the contemplative then belly then bakh shots!!!
Love SUPER MUCH the beautiful pitchers of your the Khousin Khyra!!! Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
I want to come lay with you guys...I know what to do! :)
Ha ha, Merdie is sure getting the hang of it! :) You're a great teacher!
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