After I had my dinner, Mom khalled in an order fur some oriental takeout. During the brief drive (five or six minutes), we kept passing vehikhles that had SNOW on them. We figured those people had been travelling from SOMEWHERE.
Imagine our surprise when we turned on the 6pm news and saw khoverage of how I83 just south of York had been shutdown fur much of the day
Here is the link to the story from our newspaper
MY SNOW was soooooo freakin' khlose yet it khouldn't make it those last few miles!
(Note from Khyra's Mom - York is basically divided with I83 running north and south; Route 30 running east and west. Many times, the snow/no snow line is along one of those reference points. Where we live, we are a bit more than a mile west of I83 and about four miles north of Route 30)
No snow here
Or there
Thank dog (khat and ferret) I have Mango Minster 2010 to take my mind of the fakht I DON'T HAVE SNOW!!!
I did get to see a few foursomes go golfing by! It was a furry nice 23F degrees when they did - we know that bekhause Mom was talking to The Doggy Nanny and she told her about the golfers, the temps, and THE LAKHK OF SNOW. They had heard about some of the fun related to the snow bekhause Fred had talked with one of his daughters.
Now I'll turn this ovFUR to Mom again so she khan share the passenger she would have transported on Sunday had all of my pals in the Soutn NOT GOTTEN MY SNOW!!!
Thanks Khyra - fear not - I'm sure we'll get more! It is only February 1!
NOTE TO BEN: I was truly looking forward to meeting Sampson and giving him some love from you and your Rescue Angels!
BUT fortunately for him, he'll have a happy ending!!!
Please go here to The Last Resort's page for available pets and use SAMPSON for the search term. You'll see the wonderful story of how he's been 'repaired' and is ready to join his furever family! There are also some more pictures of him there!
I WILL WARN YOU: you might need a tissue to read Sampson's telling of what happened to him.
PLUS, you can see some other wonderful furry hearts in need of furever homes!!!
Khyra will be bakhk tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
I just read the news - you really did have a mess on your hands down that way. Welcome to another week of fun divine Ms. K!
Wow... a lot of snow in South of York! And you didn't even got any snow?
Adele, Vincent & Bella
oh khyra, that was a huge mess! so close yet so far...
keep your paws crossed!
panks for the warning khyra our mommish eyes were leaking before she saw the shtory , she said sampsons eyes are just begging to be kissed and loved .
she panks your mommish for being such an angel and helping so many woggies.
wigglea and pibble sugar
the houston pittie pack
The snow was so close! I hope another storm comes your way soon.:) Ugh, what a great story about Sampson. I am so glad that he has a happy ending.:)
Teddy Bear
So Route 30 in the Mason Dixon line? Because we have always heard that "southern" humans don't know how to drive in snow and "northern" humans do. So those clearly were "southern" humans in that picture, right? Grins.
khyra we will mail snow !!!
hope it wont melt
El'bow & Hauwii
Wot no snow? How unfair is that?
Lucky Sampson. He will find a good home for sure.
Sorry about your no show snow. I am happy it didn't come here.
We are sorry you didn't get any snow, MFT. We thought we were going to get some today but it sounds like it will just be drizzle and maybe some freezing stuff too. We hope not as Mom will be out on the road for a bit.
We keep thinking that something will work out next weekend so your Mom can meet Sampson - you never know.
Happy Momday, Phantom and Thunder
Aw you can come and shre the snow here we have had ore this weekend!
Not to worry Khyra, we got your snow. It's everywhere, it's evrywhere. It's Monday morning and our developement hasn't seen a plow yet. The county says that the primary and secondary roads have to be plowed and kept open first because the state (VA) is under a snow emergency. Us tertiary road areas have to wait; maybe sometime today. So dad can't go to work today and he has to sleep in instead; poor dad. Mom's school isn't opening until 11:00 AM so she'll take the 4 wheel drive SUV to get out to the main roads. Mom and dad seem to not like the snow as much as we do. Mom says that just a little snow is pretty but as much as we've got is a pain in the buttski. Boy is she wrong. Playing in 2 feet of snow is much better than in 2 inches of snow. Hey, like Bob Barker used to say "COME ON DOWN." We'll have dad help us post photos on the blog when he gets up; this afternoon sometime we guess
Hey Khyra,
Our dad says that if your mom needs a transporttation segment down by I-64, I-95, or even I-81 sometime that he has the rescue wagon he uses for Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue & Sanctuary transports. If your mom look up Bumpass, VA on google maps she can find our location and she'll know the area that dad could do. Give your mom lots of thank you licks from us and a big Bravo-Zulu.
No snow for you, poor pup. Our Charlie loves the snow, even though he is half basset hound so his belly tends to drag in the snow when it is deep.
Hey...we didn't keep much of anything here except the ice! It is still on the yard and streets, and muzzer still screeches a lot on walkies.
gussie n teka
When I lived in the NY snow belt, we would wish all winter to be below it. But I am not a sibe.
Glad to hear Sampson is on his way to happiness, after a rough start. Sorry, though that he won't receive the luxury of a ride in Khyra's XTerra and all the love that comes with it.
We have one of those weather lines near my little town. So maybe you mom can take you to the snow since it is so close. Take a box and steal some of it for your yard. I'm sure no one "there" would mind. I'm just sayin'.
We are going to read about Sampson. He looks very sweet.
Sorry about the snow Khyra. Down here Feb. means it is almost spring. We are looking forward to warm weather. ~AFSS
Woof! Woof! At least you had SUNSHINE. YAH! we saw the news on TV too. Maybe this week you will get your snow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Harumph! What's up with that snow? doesn't it know that there are Siberians waiting for its arrival?
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Funny, back in New York, the snow line seemed to be about half a mile wide and it ran straight through our yard ...
you can haf some of our snows!
Khyra, that's why we've got no snow up here, our southern freinds had "kidnap" our snow!!!
Sam & June
Well, at least you can lie out and lounge in the sun, Khyra. Sorry about the snow... If you go live high in the mountains, then it just stays all winter long - now there's an idea for you!
That looks like a lot of snow - the kind you had about three weeks ago. You are looking beautiful sitting under your tree:) and I think you've already had enough fun in the snow:)
We appreciate your mom's efforts in helping pups find new homes. Licks n wags to both of you.
Maybe you will get some snow your way later this week? That's only fair, huh!
You only got 50 flurs of snow? (You only use flurries when there are too many to count!) That is wrong, wrong.
We got some snow this morning and more is coming later this afternoon. We'll be packed with the stuff until April!
I'm gonna grab some kleenex and go look at the story of Sampson!
Hi Khyra,
unfortunately, the snow is gone for me too.
Nice woooh
I'm sorry you didn't get any snow, but I'm glad you can watch it on the teevees. We still can see the snow up on the mountains, but the traffic is awful (wait times of several hours just to go up!)
the snow passed us by too.
Oh so sorry Khyra! Amazing that you didn't get any when just a mile or so away there was so much snow (and so much trouble - ugh). Oh what a dear Sampson - thank you for the warning that you issued - Mom needed to be tissued. What a dear dog - I was lucky enough to get in some playtime with Ben last fall and my Dad immediately wanted to take HIM home! We know Sampson will make a family furry happy and some family will be furry lucky to have him. Sending you golden vibes fur snow.
Hugs xo
sorry about the snow :(
I'm sorry you didn't get your snow, I hope you get some soon!
Sampson is a cutie! Maybe the schedule will work out that your mom will get to meet Sampson after all! :)
WE hope you get some snow at your house. Those sure are a lot of cars in a mess in the snow!
You were stunning at the award ceremony. I don't care what some ill meaning furiends are saying about you. You'll always be a lady to me.
As for Sampson, I swear I can't go there. I'm happy to know he's got a forever home. I get so upset and sad that sometimes, I chose to expand my energy in constructive ways rather than crying and getting angry. Thank you so much for his story. I hope you understand that sometimes even tiny dogs get really weak at heart.
Khyra....we wish we could send you some snow. You look so cute, laying there with your paws crossed....hoping for some. Maybe your Mom can take you to where that snow is and let you play in some.
What a cutie Sampson is! We are so very glad someone stopped for him and he was able to get the help he needed. We are even happier that he has a new furever home!
Sorry other areas stole your snow, Khyra.
thanks for introducing us to Sampson. What a story.
Sorry we didn't get to tell you about your award. Glad you found it. You deserve it.
PS - In case you didn't notice, the award is from Cameron -- a khat!
My dial up would not load Sampson's picture. My dial up never loads all your pictures and it takes 25 to 30 minutes to load what it does load!!! I would love to see all your blog pictures!!!
Mom, thank you for your complements on my blog!!!!
Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Hi, Khyra!
What a snowy mess!
And you got nothing of it?? Hmmmm....
My mom says she is not going to read Sampson's story because right now she is not allowed to blow her nose and she is sure she will have to! But, thanks for telling us he is going to have a happy life!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, we loved your dress at MM - we didn't think it looked tight at all - you looked very sophisticated!
We hope that snow finds it way to your house instead of clogging up traffic.
Ours didn't last so we were unable to post it to you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
You did a good job with the judging Khyra. Although I'm a bit sad I didn't win. Oh well.
EXCUSE ME? I have a dress just like that? Do you mean mine wasn't the ORIGINAL???
Lacie begins to SHRIEK...
THEY swore to me there wasn't another one like it...sheesch...
As for the snow...where the heck is yours? We've had snow since before Christmas except for like one day when we saw the grass again...we'll trade ya...
Jacie...er I mean Lacie
Stong work, Khyra!! And very witty...knee deep in litter, indeed!!!
We are doing the 15 paw snow dance in hopes that you get a little of the white stuff at your house. Not too much - there are transports to be done.
We all thought Sampson was A-DORABLE. He is even missin' the same leg - I am sure he will do just fine on 3 its easier than 4. Less paws to wipe off.
Wooos, MFT, so sorry woo did not get your snow... bummer... poor baby, and no way am I going to let Mum read another sad doggy story, last time she did she brought home Scampi!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra, we hope some more snow comes your way!
The very best of luck to your Mom with the upcoming transports.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Khyra we are so sorry about your snow.. Holy crap what happen.. Those other folks got snow..
It is so sad to hear about Ben.. Hopefully Sampson will find a great forever home..
Mom stopped over and voted. Bet you don't know who she voted for.. Mom is a bit biased..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm not sure that much snow is a good thing!
Khyra, we got LOTS of snow! We'll be glad to send you some of ours! We're officially tired of the snow now!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Khyra, the snow goblins are CHEATING you! I will keep paws crossed that flakey white stuff heads your way soon. Sampson is an amazing dog; I am glad he found a forever home.
No snow here in Denver either, Khyra! In fact it feels more like spring than winter. But it'll come and when it does, we'll send some over to you. :)
That snow sure caused a lot of problems south of you and it's too bad you didn't get any but maybe you will soon.
Our mommy was leaking after seeing Samson and reading what you wrote here so she can't go to the other link. She wishes she could save all animals but we're happy there are angels like your mom to help the ones we can't help.
You are so pretty Khyra! Just love looking at your pictures!
Wow, snow so close but so far away. We just got rain all day...but Grete did her first 30 minutes of her Iditawalk!!!
We don't have any (new) snow, either. It's all in the mountains and east of us. This weather is crazy. At least we haven't had to deal with bad roads. That'd be worrying Moma to a real bad state, knowing our Girl is on the road.
Stay safe. And keep up the good work. And thanks for stickin' with us, even in our occasional absences.
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Oh Khrya
sometimes we feel so much emotion it is hard to say what we feel about all the doggies .
your mom is an angel and we want all the doggies to have homes.
it breaks our heart to KNOW when one does not have a home.
thank goodness for your mom and all her friends who help.
and for you Khyra- how can that snow miss your house?
Oh Khyra! Too bad you didn't get any snow, after ALL that waiting! I'd let you have mine if I had any to share!
Yikes now thats a pile up. You are so patient Khyra waiting for mom.W love how your paws were crossed wishing she would hurry up. BOL
Benny & Lily
Well, we'd wish for a lot less snow. Then we could either go to the summer house, or Cliff could get out (he can't go out because of all the salt).
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