I spent most of Thursday watching fur the snow 'they' promised us - of khourse, Mom kept taking pikhs of me - and then realised it was too many to post 'here' so
she put them in a Photobukhket Album so woo khould gaze upon my snowy beaWOOty!

Plus, it's THEIR day today

Butterskhotch and BroFur were in their khondo when Mom went out fur THEIR photoshoot

He ran off BUT Butterskhotch stayed fur a few more

Of khourse, this was pre-snow 'storm'

Mom got him on Thursday fur a khouple


FINALLY, prior to heading to bed Friday morning

The snow returned!

I went out as far as the tether pawmitted me and enjoyed it! Mom took these pikhs not knowing how they would look - they aren't great but they are FUN so we've inkhluded them!

Here I am Friday morning - sitting in the snow as it snows - watching the khanines next door play on their dekhk - we really only got an inch or two - it was diffikhult to know how much it was fur the windy kept kharrying it away from me - that was okay bekhause it meant
my buddy BILOXI and his SibeLings were getting pawesome snow snow snow!

Still watching

Watching to make sure Mom was watching

I went ovFUR fur a khloser look!

Have a GREAT Saturday evFURRYone!
We enjoyed a nice walk on Friday with our mom in 7 inches of new snow that fell over Anchorage on Thursday! Just in time for the Fur Rondy weekend of fun!! Happy Saturday, Khyra!! xoxo Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle
Happy Saturday in the snow to you Khyra!
Wish I could see the pictures instead of blank rectangles. Hope SS's computer is not going caput.
We loved the pictures with the big snowballs falling down. What a great snow.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I think Butterscotch is so pretty and I LOVE her stretch!
Khyra - you too are as gorgeous as ever and Im so happy that YOUR snow has arrived again!
Sending lots of love and licks to you all...including Brofur, Merdie and the U/Paul gang. Love to mom too ...she does amazing work!
Hello Khyra,
Great seeing you enjoying more snowflakes there. Butterscotch and Brofur are so adorable! Do they also enjoy the snow?!
Have a great weekend!
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
The Morsels sure do fluff up in the winter time!
Wrooo wroooo, your snow is beautiful, like you!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Wow - that looks like fun - we have had rain and more rain!!! Everything has sprung a leak including D!
Big licks
Sally and Paddy
Look at all that snow! Are you loving it? Where do Brother and Butterscotch hide out when it's snowing?
Teddy Bear
I'm glad I only had snow for that one day. I'm tired of cold weather and am ready for the warm weather of the south.
here kitty kitty kitty
happy snowy saturday
El'bow & Hauwii
They are so cute!!
We cannot believe how much snow you have been getting!
Keep warm, kitties!
BOL - look at that kitty yoga!!! Nice kitty shots but even nicer ones of yourself. You may have only gotten a couple of inches but you still have way more than we do. Right now all we have is little tiny piles that are ice cube size - good for nothing fun.
Keep those paws crossed so you can get even more.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Snow, rain, sleet, hail,even sunshine. You name it. Seems like we cycled through a whole year of weather here recently. I like the night photos.
Sort of non-snow event week for us here. The most we had was Monday - maybe a couple of inches - every other day has been less than an inch to just flurries. Right now watching the sun come up on a cloudless blue sky. Going to be a great day!
I love how you keep watch for the snow Khyra. The heavens have to release it because they won't want to disappoint you :)
Wow, look at all that snow!
the snow won't quit.. glad you're keeping a watch for Khyra! would hate for anything to happen to the snowballs..hehehehehe
bow scratchies back to ya-butterscotch!
snow. rain. snow. rain. more snow. then turns to rain. the story in MA! just inside the 495 force field.
Haroo, more snow! We got more too! Mom said we'll get 2-4" today as we type this comment. It rain fur a day after the big storm.
Happy Weekend Khyra!
Sam & June
Wow! It looks like you had a lot of fun with your snow! I'm surprised you're not known as The Snow Princess!
Wowzer miss k
I tried to catch snowflakes on my tongue over here looking at your fotos. Whoo hoo! lucky you!
PS butterskotch has quite the dogma stretch.
I really like the snowflakes in the dark pics. They like to sneak down when we can't see them. Hope you got even HALF as much as I did last night. I'm just sayin'.
Have a great Snow Day.
Remember last winter, Khyra? Hardly any snow at all for you, lots for me, and Brice and I tried to figure out how to send some to you! Due to the somewhat fragile nature of snow, we could never see how to do that!
I am glad this year is being kinder to you with more snow to loll around in.
I like the pictures of you out at night! We have the same problem with the flash lighting up on the snow, but it's ok - it still looks like so much fun!
Let it snow, Beautiful Khyra!! Happy Saturday - enjoy that little bit of snow.
Have a fun Saturday!! We liked the pictures with the snowflakes too!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Is Butterscotch giving you a play bow? Maybe he/she likes to play chase?
Happy Snow Saturday for you Khyra. We are hoping for warm weather as we are all tired of the COLD & the rain.
Hi Butterskhotch & BroFur. We love seeing the two of you. Stay warm. ~AFSS
Hi Khyra,
I tried real hard to send more snow your way. Sorry it wasn't as much as you wanted. Enjoy it while you can cause Spring is only 21 days away!
Glad you got your snow!!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
Khyra, me lady!
Looks like you're off to a great Saturday! I'm so glad that we don't have your snow! But, you look like a natural out there. Then again, you're breed is a little more suited for snow than mine! The kitties are even enjoying it. Pawsome!
Me fur mom and I are having a lazy Saturday after a long walk/run! Life is good, indeed!
Irish Love,
We've been getting a little snow, but most of the storms have been splitting, mostly going south of us. Mom says we might get some snow tonight, but I shouldn't count on it... Oh well, at least the snow we have hasn't melted! Have fun with your snow!
*kissey face*
Your snow looks so pawsome! Too bad its too far to sprint over fur a day...
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Yeah Snow!!!
Yeah Kitties!!
Hi, gorgeous Khyra. I'm always amazed at how hardy your kitties are. I'm pretty sure my siblings wouldn't even survive in this weather. We had a kat photo-shoot at home today too, but of course it ended in another cat-astrophe.
Hi Khyra, we are pretty fed up with the snow now.
You continue to look absolutely delighted with it!
We think your kitty brother will be like us - waiting for the sun to shine again. Having said that he looked pretty relaxed stretching out.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Do Butterscotch & Brother live outside your house?
Don't worry, Khyra, we won't take offense if you shield your snow from our sunshine. Not that it's very sunny here, but it's not snowing. Good thing. It would probably be VERY expensive to ship our snow north to you if the weather got detoured here.
Happy Saturday! We got a little snow last night but we had ALOT of rain! I think we may get snow storm on Tuesday, but these weathermen in NE are notoriously wrong!
Sorry you didn't get all the snow you wanted Khyra but you know the Winter isn't over yet.. hehe
Hope you are enjoying your weekend with Mom.. Keep those kitties in line..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Glad you got your snow. You have a great weekend K!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
We love the falling snow pictures, Khyra! Enjoy your Saturday - what's left of it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Butterscotch must have been khomfy in her khondo to come out and stretch like that!
Glad you got a little bit of snow! Have you played with our neighbor dog yet?
More snow!!
Tinkerbell would never cope with all that snow!
But you all look very 'at home' in it!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Have I tole you lately that I love your sweet nose??? I find it very irresistable, Miss Khyra!
Those nighttime pitchers are really cool, and I agree wif the you... it always good to make sure the Mom is a lookin... you know, keep her outta the trouble!
So happy you got a bit more snow!
Wif love from the Luke
P.S. Khute pitchers of the khitty khats too!
oh khyra i see sweet happinesh in the first photo
we especially liked the photos of the snow fallihng at night
so bewootiful . .kinda like you
pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the houston pittie pack
What are you going to do when your snow goes away? You really seem to enjoy it -- A LOT!
Hello Khyra! I'm Mayzie and I just wanted you to know how much I LUVS your bloggie and your pictures! They are very very beautiful and so are you! I wish I had a coat like yours!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi, Khyra!
Our computer is playing games with us!
It is not funny when you can't see your friends blogs!
Are you enjoying more snow??
Happy Khaturday!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra! Beautiful snow pics!
Did you teach Butterskotch to stretch like dat...?
Pretty pictures in the snow! :) I love that last picture!
PS...thank you for thinking of us today!
You look very much at home in that snow Khyra! I need someone like you to take me for a ride on your back in our snow because I get lost in it! Have fun!
Licks and wags...
We are glad you got some new snow but it still doesn't look like you have as much as we do! Kitty-Kats - what do you think? We think we would like to chase them! Oh No, Mom said No we don''t?
Thor and Marco Polo
We bet you wish the snow would last all year long! Whatta ya gonna do when it melts?
Riley and Star.
We got a LOT of rain, but NO SNOW! Rats, and Mice!!! We are so happy, though for you, as we KNOW how much you LOVE it! Hey, Khyra... Your blog is covered in C-A-T pictures... What's with THAT! Is you Mom MAKING you let them post on YOUR blog? Cats are experts at MIND CONTROL... I'm just saying... you better keep a close eye on your Mom! OC and the CCC
I know that everynite you wish and wish and wish for those magic snowflakes to fall at your house.
I know how much you love to do zoomies in the snow, and cool your toes off.
That snow also puts a beautiful smile on your face that I love looking at,
I do get worried however about your mom and all the rescue humans trying to help the homeless doggies.
Tell her to drive careful
Love the piccie of Butterscotch in play bow mode.
Khyra, snow and kittie cats, sounds a good Saturday to us. :)
Hm do the khats like the snow? I'd hate to have something in khommon with a KHAT. Its been raining khats and dogs here since last night, we even had some thunder. Luckily Dad had the TV on loud watching some stupid show khalled Khombat and I didn't notice.
You can has all of our snows. We has had enuff now. Next time I blow it back your way, k?
Those are great pictures Khyra - the ones of the snow are pretty cool! We are glad that you got some snow though, even if it wasn't too much!
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