Mom and I are at a loss fur finding the words right now - we know the feelings but just khan't put them into khonkhrete terms - we also know the feelings of tears running down my mom's cheek as we put this post together
Please visit his blog fur updates

Mom khreated a Photobukhket Album fur the snow pikhs from this FebWOOary 05 and 06 storm...she kept adding to it throughout the day on Saturday. Due to that, they are not in order but she had khaptioned them to give you an idea of how the progression goes. Here is the link fur the slideshow AND here is the link fur the album itself which inkhludes two videos (she uploaded other videos to YouTube inkhluding those two - if woo khlikhk the YouTube link woo khan see all of them)
Since we wanted to get to visit the other blogs AND get out to play, she had to build this post (just befur 3pm) and stage fur our normal publishing time of 12mn EST. As of now, 'they' say we have approximately 20.5" of white goodness! (8pm Update: I think we ended up with khlose to 24")
I just wish I khould enjoy it more fur I have Max and his furamily on my mind BUT I've decided that since I know Max would want me to go have some fun, I will BUT my 'Being One With The White' is fur MAX!!!
Damn this hurts - and if it hurts ME this much, Mom says she knows all too well how much his special furamily members are hurting and will be hurting in the unknown amount of days ahead.
In a sense, Max has made the world a smaller place as he's brought us together BUT at times like this we are sadly reminded how far away he is bekhause we just want to hold him and hug his mom.
Khyra and Her Mom
PeeEssWoo: Here is the link to our lokhal paper's website with news of our snow!
My heart is breaking for dear Max. He is too young and too loved for this :'-(
You just look like a natural in the snow Khyra, being one with the white! I think you live in Philly (or at least PA?) and I read this and thought of you & Wally- apparently the storms you have had this winter only happen once every 10,000 years in Philly! I am a weather geek so things like that amaze me and thought I would share. I am sure you don't need to know that to know it is a sibe dream winter!
We are still praying for Max too.
Look at all that SNOW! You are so lucky. Have a great time playing and rolling and eating :)
Emma Rose
my candles are lit.
Our eyes are raining.
You're a natural in the snow!
Hey Khyra
Us dogs must just do what us dogs must do...
Thank you for your words, your thoughts and tears. Please tell mom not to worry about me. I will be in good, while Im resting with my family...and into eternity.
We love you too. YouR snow reminds us of a greater world out there and Khyra's 'serene' picture says it all.
With love and hugs to you all too.
We're both sending healing purrs to Max - and I'm sending RUMBLEPURRs... really want him to feel better.
Khyra, we are thinking of Max and sending good vibes his way. Look at ALL that snow. You must be in heaven!!! Are you going to sleep in the snow tonight?
Teddy Bear
Check my blog on Friday I have an Award for you!
We are also so sad about the news that Max received.
We are hopeful that he will have some good time with his family with the help of medication.
Since becoming bloggers we have been touched by so many stories - we have shared the good times and the bad.
We wish it could all be good but life isn't like that.
Enjoy your happy time in the snow Khyra. We so loved your pictures today.
Don't worry, Max is a dog like us, and we don't worry about the future.
We enjoy each day as it happens. He is surrounded by the love of his family who will make sure he is looked after.
It is the humans it is hard for - if only humans were more like dogs@
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
hey Khyra,
You look like you are in doggy heaven! I am so furry happy for you getting all that wonderful snow! And you snow does look tasty! Just don't eat it all, you want to leave some to play with!
Max has been in our hearts and prayers for the past few days and we are heartbroken by his diagnosis.
It is very sad not only for Max and his family but also for good friends like yourselves.
Max is in our thoughts as are you and your mum Khyra.
Now about that snow. We are very happy for you. We know how much you love it.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We are definitely praying for Max. Many tears have been shed by us too. My Mom just holds me and ugs and kisses me and prays every day.
As for the snow, you can have it! We had a little in Mississippi, and I didn't care too much for it. You can see some pics on my blog. I did like to pee in it and eat it. Mom kept remonding me "Don't eat the yellow snow, McG!!!
Lots of Irish Love, McGillicutty
We love all your snow pictures Khyra, it looks so much fun.
We are thinking of Max and sending lots of vibes his way.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Well, Miss Khyra, I certainly hope woo are happy now. That is a ton of snow. I think the Beastie might have almost drowned in it. Thank goodness it did not make it to Master Chew Sits.
What sad news :( x
Great pictures Khyra
chelsea and cassie
We are all so sorry to hear about Max and just this morning we read that our dear friend, Hamish, in Scotland is declining rapidly. We have tears flowing.
We are glad you got some snow - our Dad says that if it snows any more here he must move the cattle -they will be able to walk over the electric fences!! BOL!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
MIss Khyra
You are right there are no words but you seem to state it eloquently in your post.
PS I would love to pee on your snow mountain.. that's just how I am.
So glad that you got all of your snow. Looks like you are savoring it!
P.S. - Love Max's post today and the challenge to all of us.
Mum too keeps leaking at the news from Max, but today it was a lovely post and tells what we already know take lots of picture memory's I just adore your snow pictures. I am also sure that Max would love you to have fun.. Keep on having fun and keep on being you.. Cause we love you and yours.. Hugs GJ xx
The latest of Max's news is just heartbreaking. We have him and his family in our thoughts and prayers and we hope they are able to enjoy fully whatever time he has left with them.
We are very jealous of your snow although our Mom says she is very happy to see it fall so far away from us. But we are going to fix her - we have a new storm coming in today with the hope of at least another 4 or 5 inches of our precious white fluff.
Enjoy the snow, MFT.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Hi Khyra, honey:
I'm real sorry about yer friend, Max.
Enjoy that snow, honey.
I am grieving over Max and your contemplative photo speaks a thousand words.
Yes, I've become an honorary sibe. And I even get The Mask when I tunnel and romp in the snow.
Don't forget to vote in Mango Minster's Best in Show contest going on now. Your's truly is represent the herding group!!
Your snowy pal,
Our hearts are breaking for Max and his family. We wishes we could hug all of you.
We have never seen so much snow. Hope you enjoy it Khyra.
We just visited Max's blog...we're so sad to hear that he is so sick.
Your snow looks like fun (for you)! Stay safe and have fun playing in all that white stuff!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I too am sad for Max and his two leggers.
I was glad to read that you are going to fine tune your Khsomic Snow aim so that it won't hit me so hard in the future. Thank you. I thought you had put a Snow Khurse on me for some reason. It is good to know that it was just a directional error. I'm just sayin'
You surel do look fine in those snowy pics..
HI Khyra,
I'm so happy you got all that snow I sent ya. Enjoy!
We just went and visited Max's bloggie...and it made us sad because we lost our guardian angel Colby to liver and pancreatic cancer.
Grete woofie is doing great....according to her! Mom and dad know she needs to be on limited activity but Grete doesn't understand...therefore is making us kitties crazy!!! Her motto is "play through the pain".
Ahhh... your post made me tears all overs again, Khyra. I feel that we somehow all know Max, which is pretty extraordinary and probably due to the fact that his mom is so great at doing the dictation in his style and personality. We just went there and were amazed and furry happy to see that he hads a swim and did other things. We knows the Max would even want to PLAZYZ with you in all that glorious snow! And it looks like the temp is 20 degrees, so hopefully it will stay fur a bit! Enjoy it!
With Huge Hugs xo
OMD we are so jealous of you Khyra.. You look like you are truly in your element there...
We stopped over and wished Max and his family well. We know how much pain they have to be going through... A dogs life is just to short...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a beautiful post...
We love you Khyra!
Cloud and his mom
I know Max and stopped by and left a comment. I'm still crying. It took me back down a familiar road I had 6 years ago with Rufus. Thank you for the update. It's been raining here in Las Vegas for 2 days off & on. Stay warm.
Good morning pretty Khrya.
Mom and I have Max & his family in our prayers.
We hope it snows 10 feet for you today!
We agree on a point! Snow is yummy.
We agree with a woofie!
Khyra & mom....your post is sooooo sweet...
our hearts are breaking for MAxxi and his great mommy....
life is soooooooooooo short and sometimes soooo bad....
But we know he's enjoying all his days surrounded by the special love of his humans and all of us DWB friends!!!!
he's sooooooooooooo special for all of us.....
tears are rolling down on our faces....
Ok sweety.....
You got tons of snow!!!!
You looks soooooooo happy....
We got tons of snow too....and...Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...can we play together????
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!
Thats a LOT of snow you have Khyra...have fun in it!!
Praying for Max,
Dory and the Mama
Wowzers, you did get some snow. I love how you are sitting confidently atop your snow mountain. :) I know what you mean about wishing to hug sad but good that he has touched so many lives.
We are thinking of Max too.
You do look very content in all your snow! I wish I could come play in it with you since I haven't seen any snow yet this year at all.
Oh my goodness Khyra you must be loving all that snow. There must be a billion feet. We are very sad for Max too. We sure do have our paws crossed for him and his family. Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
Hi, Khyra!
My mom feels the same. She does not have the words to express how sad we are right now.
I can see how happy you are with all that snow! 24 inches is a lot!
Kisses and hugs
cant you send us some snow???
El'bow & Hauwii
Our hearts are breaking for our dear Max and mommies eyes keep leaking!! She says she can barely write on her blog anymore! But we came to visit you Khyra! Wow! You have a ton of snow to play with!! You look awesome in your element!!! We love you Khyra! Dont get too cold! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Your snow is sooooooooooo beautiful, Khyra!
Our hearts are breaking for Max and his family.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a wonderful and thoughtful post Caryl put up again today. I can't believe her. I start to sniffle before Max's page loads, but we mustn't do that. We have to be their cheerleaders and keep up sending positive thoughts.
Khyra, that's very much what Max and his family would want. Go get it, girlfriend! Go enjoy your snow. It was a special order, for you!
Khyra and Mom, your gentleness and the way you care about others just pours out from this post. Like so many others, we are sad beyond words, thinking and knowing about Max and his health, and the impact that has on his family and his whole world of friends. Just as we were with Sweet Snickers, we are so thankful for the realization of the depth of love and understanding that is out there, and understanding that is really driven home when sadness like this blankets us. Right at this very moment, there are many dogs and many families that suffer and feel sad and cry. We hold them all in our hearts and prayers. 'Cause we really do understand.
Enjoy that snow. We are getting a little today. Enough that our Girl left early for the mountains, trying to beat the big dump (if there is one .. so far there's not).
We love you
Jake and Fergi, Moma and OurGirlintheMountains
our pibble hearts broke when we heard thelast news
we continue to pray vewy hard for him and his family
we are staging some mommish and daddish pics in honor of max due to his last post so soon we shall post some of them
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Biggest. Sno-Cone. Ever.
Very sad about Max, but good advice there about getting pictures taken with the ones you love. I tend to be resistant to having my picture taken so it's good to be reminded that there always comes a day when there will be no more pictures.
Well where did all that snow come from? All we got is water!
You are a Snow Dog!
I want Max to get better and run and play again....
Such true words about Max. How he has reached right into all our hearts and how helpless we all feel.
But you're right about the snow too, Khyra! It is there for you to savour, and we would hate for you not too. So GO FOR IT!
We agree with you - I think Max would want us all to go out and do the things we love instead of stay inside and be sad for him. It is so sad about him -- like you, we really feel bad and really hurt for his family too.
Woof! Woof! YES we are thinking of MAX and continue to send my Golden Healing Thoughts.
WOWY ... there's your SNOW. HAVE FUN n Be Safe. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I am very very sad for Max and his family. You have lots of lovely snow now!
Hi Khyra! That's so sad to hear about Max. Mom will pray for him. By the way, beautiful pictures, as always. :) -Hector and Lola
I'm so glad that a Sibe like you got some snow. But that happiness is dampened a lot by knowing what Max and his family are going through.. You couldn't have said it better.
We are at a total loss as well to know what to say or do over Max. The NLSM is so upset - he truly loves him.
Enjoy that snow, it is lovely and we should enjoy what is good and what makes us happy.
Clive and the NSLM
Wow - that's a lot of snow! Doesn't it make your belly cold?
That's sad news about Max. We lost my sissy unexpectedly in December, so we can sympathize.
So much snow. I'm glad all my friends have some, but I still hope I get some before spring!
So sad about Max, we will go for a visit now. Our happiest memories of our dogs are of them playing in the snow, so enjoy Khyra!
I'm so sad for Max and his family. Everything they said today is so true.
You look so happy in your snow!!! That beats those wimpy snow cones dad makes me all the time! I want real snow! :)
Dat't some serious SNOW!
Enjoy it while you can.
Or stuff it in a big ole freezer for next summer.
Our paws are crossed. Your sure got a ton of snow. Enjoy it.
Hi Khyra! Wow! sure looks like your snow's back! Grreeaat!
We've just visited Max's and we will always be praying for him and his family's good health and happiness.
Enjoy your day!
Your friend is in our thoughts.
We are sending lots of love and hugs to Max and his family. We are also sending thanks to the snow gods for keeping all that khrap out of our yard!
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