Here are some pikhs from MY furst transport

Here is the link to the Photobukhet fur Sampson and Puddin' - it shows me ready to ride along! Since the transport happened in the evening, the pikhs aren't that good - it was dark - and each of them had reflekhtive khollars/leashes/khlothing that messed with Mom's flashie beastie - not to mention three invigorated khanines due to the khool temperature!
Sherrie had been fostering Puddin' - she was to have khome North to another reskhue on another weekend but that transport had gotten postponed bekhause of weather. Sherrie gave Mom the number fur someone that would meet her in Hamburg to get Puddin' - that woman lived in 'Washington's Crossing' PA - and as Mom talked with her, it turned out Terry had grown up in an area of Upper Darby that my mom knew furry furry well since her khousins lived in that area and that 'parish' area - it was another one of those small world things and gave them a chance to exchange memories from 30+ years ago!
AND then it turned out that Terry had a MALE me! She said he was larger than me but not nearly as fluffy! He had the shorter Sibe khoat!
It was fun riding along with Mom - I won't get to do it often but now I know where she goes and what she does when she leaves me fur those periods of time! I had fun playing with them too! Sampson even ventured into the bakhk of the Xterra along the way. Mom said all she khould see in her rearview mirror was his happy tail wagging away!
Khyra's Mom here with a few updates of other passengers from Khyra's Xterra
Here is the update I received from Mary in the Charlotte NC area - she was the coordinator for this transport - which had also included Bandit who seemed shell shocked at the start but gradually realised it was going to be alright - he especially came alive when he encountered a 10 year old during his overnight in VA
I wanted to pass this email and picture along from Kim at Husky Savers. It is a great picture of Finbar (now known as Nanuk), with his new daddy and his new sibe siblings (also adopted from Husky Savers) and little doggie sibling. He looks so happy. Such a lovely home for formerly abused Finbar.
Other good news from Kim is that Bandit also has a new home and his new family was to pick him up tonight; they have 3 other sibes in the family, plus children...it's a great home for Bandit!
I was thrilled to see this because those two handsome boys made for quite a special transport after experiencing all they had prior to making the trip

Khyra will be back tomorrow!
Once again, thanks for your support and kind words!
They mean so much!
Although I'm so NOT someone who enjoys their picture being taken, I think we need to all honour Max and His Special Mom's suggestion and advice!
I will see if Khyra and I can't coordinate something for a special 'Mom and Me Day' post!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Great to finally see Sampson after our e-mail exchange. And of course, it's about time you got buried again! What a winter this is turning out to be. Sibe heaven, Greyhound hell. :)
Khyra, I still love the photos of your in your recliner.:) How exciting that you were able to go on the transport with your Mom.:) You must've loved it! Look at all that snow...sigh. You are so lucky! Look at all those beautiful pups.:) Your Mom is wonderful for all that she does.
Teddy Bear
Are you sure that is all your snow, your yard? Perhaps your Mom just got a heavy foot and brought you all to Minniesnowda, did she do that?
We are having another WHOLE DAY of it tomorrow! We be buried!
Your transport pups were a beautiful bunch and Sampson made me think of my old pal Dannan!
Kisses and good work, peoples!
dont your pantyloons get cold? mine sure would!
I'll tel you one thing though Khyra, me and my sisters sure would LOVE to cuddle with you in your chair!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Woo-hoo, wo finally got to ride along! And my oh my but we are sooo jealous of your snow. Just look at all that deep cool fluffiness.... enjoy it extra for us, ok?
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
Nanuk is one very handsome pup! It's always so ood to hear about the 'happy endings' for those pups that your mom helps to transport... it really is a wonderful thing that she's doing.
Oh and keep your pantyloons warm Khyra! It looks mighty cold there..
That chair is perfect size for you!!
It's always great to see the pups that your Mom transports - and you got to go too!!
When we lived in New Jersey we were right across the river from Washington Crossing PA.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are looking so happy in all of that snow. Glad you have a path carved for comfort.
Love the updates on the transports as well. So cool seeing other furries finding forever homes. You know we are a big fan of that.
What perfect Monday shots - love the lounge one...
How wonderful to see all the good news about so many of your Mom's transport pups! Happy endings are the best.
We so need to find a way to get to Pawsylvania - our 6" of snow looks like it is going to be a measly 3" tops. All we have now is a light mix and slippery roads.
Not so sure we can get the Momster to have her picture taken with us, but we sure will try. Maybe we can bribe her with some cookies.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
It's wonderful to ctach up with all those lucky and very happy doggies
That is grrrreat. You got to go along. I think you should get to go every time. You would make the "travelers" feel at ease. I'm glad that you are loving YOUR snow. I have MORE coming tonight. I guess you haven't gotten your direction thingy fixed yet. Sigh IT IS -3 right now. Brrrrrrr Where is that Global Warming????
Thanks for the khongrats, Khyra! Yeah, I, too, hate the the N** let V**** back in. I don't watch it very often for dat reason. BUT the Saints in the Super Bowl? We HAD to watch! It would be sacreligious or somethin' in the south! Glad to see you and your mom help with rescues and placements. We do too! Know anyone that wants 2 pugs? We just got an email that we need to find homes for these babies. Their human just had a baby...doesn't that make you mad? It happens all the time though. Any way, I'll prbably post pics on my blog later.
Irish love, McG
So good to see you go alng with your mum.. I love the pictures as always from along the way..How very special that weget to see the happy home lives of past transports.That makes all your mums hard work so worth while..Thankyou for showing us.. I also thought Max's mum's words so true and we shuld all try and do that.. There are so many lovely pictures of us but hardly any with our mum's.. Hugs Gj xx
Wonderful post...we are so glad Khyra got to help out this time. And Gussie is jealous that Sampson got to "snoof the floof"
Teka toy
Great pics! You do such a good job -- what would they do without you....
Wooos Khyra and Mom! Nice too see the pupdates on those adorable pups!
Lovely snow woo have there, can woo please send some my way?
-Kira The BeaWootiful and still snowless!
What wonderful, loving work helping those doggies.
Happy Monday!
Pearl & Daisy
We always enjoy seeing your transports. Such lucky pups to have your mom and her Xterra there!
How fun that you got to go along on the transport!
I giggle every time you write "pantyloons"!
We're getting more snow tonight - I bet it's coming your way too!
more doggies finding more homes. i love it. and holy snow!
I think Sampson must be related to Wally!!
Glad you got to cool off your 'loons!
How fun for mom that you got to ride along! Thanks for the updates, good to see happy doggies in their new furever homes.
Khyra's Mom is an angel !!!!!!!!!!!
You do such womderful work with your transports!!!! Thank -you so very much!!!
WE buy fresh beets every week. We have been putting the beets tops in the critter food. WE cook critter food every week too. Last week I tasted them. Not bad. So this week they went in the stir fry Saturday night. The beet tops were a wonderful addition.
Thank you MOm for all you do for the sweet deserving dogs!!! Big kiss for Khyra, Bambi & Fern
It was nice to see the pictures of you accompanying Mom and the Bassador this week! Very cool, and awesome work as always.
We're going to take Max's Mom's advice, too, and try to get a good picture of Marge and I together.
hi k & p!
we are so happy that you got some snow! we know how much k enjoys it!
what wonderful updates on all of the sweet pups you have helped to save.
you are so special!
happy monday!
m & e
We are snow jealous!!! We got nothing, nada! Maybe this Wednesday we'll get some.
How exciting that you get to go with your mom for the transport!
Sam & June
Bassador??? OMD that is the sweetest thing ever!Glad you are still enjoying your snow.
Hi ya!
Big smiles over here while reading about the transport passenger updates! Great stuff.
And, Khyra, always great to visit and see you looking so happy in that snow!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We thought Max's Mom's suggestion was a great idea too! We're going to do something when Mother's Day comes around here!
Another great transprt Khyra, congrats to your Mom!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
What happy stories of your transports and so many people and doggies have their lives made happier. Keep up the good work and let us see their happy faces.
You look all snuggly in your chair Khyra! And you are very brave to sit int hat snow and get your pantyloons all cooled off.
What a wonderful transport you got to go on! Meowm loves that Sampson and is so glad he has a great home. And it is always good to see updates about the other transport passengers!
Looks like you had fun on your transport trip! That's great work you and your mom are doing.
Oh my I just LOVE his short stubby legs :)
I heard you gots lots of snow and wanted to come by and say WOOHOOOOOO......I knew you were wishing for some glorious snow
Very hansum pikshers of u and ur friends. I am so glad ur Mom drives the wunnerful transports and takes goggies to their noo forever homes. :) Hugs! {{{Khyra and Mom}}}
Holy snows you gots!!! It totally missed us and man, is our mom mad about that! BUT...there's more white stuff for tomorrow/Wednesday! :o)
Gosh, sooo much beautyness! And a wonderful story two. Thanks for sharing it. As usual, great post.
Riley and Star.
Hi Khyra
You have so much snow. We would get lost for sure.
Glad you could help mom out with those pups.
Love Ruby & Penny
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweety....
we love love love your photo where you're sleeping like an angel on your big armchair....
you look soooooooooooooo comfy and sweet and beautiful!!!
We would love were there and give you tons of cuddles!!!!
And thanks for the updates about the puppies!!!!
It's wonderful to see all the good news about so many of your Mom's transport pups!!!!!!!
They look all soo happy now!!!!
Have a great day!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Yeah for all the wonderful transports! And yeah for all the wonderful pictures!
And a special YEAH for all that you do!!!
Khyra's first transport!!! Yay. Way to go girl. I'm so excited for you.
How appropriate to call Sherrie, angel Sherrie. I think all transporters should add this before their first name.
As for the mommy and me photo for Max...must talk to the parental. She hates photos and doesn't even have any with her human children. What's up with that?
Aw...they all look so sweet! I still can't get over what a wonderful and generous thing your human does helping to transport all those pups!
And hey - that's cool that you got to go along for the ride, Khyra...your version of Mango's 'ROTE'!! :-)
Yes, great idea of MaxDog's - we're going to do our next post on that too!
Honey the Great Dane
Hooray for those pups and their new homes! That's wonderful news. I sure you were an excellent passenger for the transports Khyra.
Oh they are all so cute... So Mom you did do your transport with all that snow?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh Mom forgot to tell you that Callie thinks sheep treats are the bomb..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh my gosh, does Tala have a blog? Looks SO much like our Sagira!
For heavens sake!!! 10-20 more inches of snowfall is predicted to start tomorrow.
I think we should go see Beckett down south for some of those Shrove Tuesday pancakes!
Your pal,
What a good doggie transporter you are. I am getting ready for our trip to Paris. It will be great fun.
Sally Ann
Beautiful dogs!!! ALL of them!
Grrrrr..orgeous...Sugar (but not her crazy lady)
Luv all the transport pup pictures, and especially the pics of you in the snow. I could never sit down in the snow, it freezes my bottom! BOL!
You made my day.
You in snow.
Sampson takin' a ride on the freedom train.
All those pawsome updates on dogs you have helped.
Lots of khool khoincidences during the transport, I am glad you go to go along and meet some new friends. We will go check out the Max blog.
Look at all that snow! Looks like a lot of fun Khyra!
The transports were so sweet and it's nice you got to go and meet them and see what your mom does. Thanks for the updates too. We just love good news!
The perfect combination... LOTS of snow to play in, walk through, wiggle on, enjoy...AND then a comfy lounger in the warm house to relax! The transport was a wonderful mission as usual but it was even neater because you were there to be the "greeter!" I hope you get to ride along again.
Hi Khyra! Your mom is doing a wonderful work to all those puppies! Good work helping her.
It's great to hear those happy endings! =)
Hi, Khyra!
I am sure you loved your first transport!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, we love to see you in the snow!
We also love to hear how all of your passengers are doing. All the work your mom does on behalf of woofies makes us kitties purr and it makes Grete wag her tail!
Sampson is very handsome!
Your looks that you give your mom are very intense! You look so comfy in the snow! We like your chair!
You are such a good family Khyra :) Glad you have lots of snow and we always love seeing you in your special chair!
We just love Puddins windbreaker.It must have been scary transportin in all that snow. Your mom is a good human Khyra
Benny & Lily
Hi Khyra!
Wasn't that agility video something -- Mom says if I do something like that white dog did I'm not coming home! She's so mean, that looked like fun...
Your Mom's the best for giving all those doggies rides to their new homes!
Mom doesn't quite believe all the snow we're getting and going to get --she just finished making us a nice racetrack in the back yard (in 2 feet of it!) and now we get another foot? She just wants to hide....
I think it's going to be an exciting couple of days...
I keep thinking of how happy you are in all your snow
Sampson is a handsome fellow!
Woah, you got a lot of snow!
And we cats, we check each other out in that same special way!
We agree that it is very good to know where your mom is going and what she's doing. You must have been so impressed with her for helping theses woofies! It's great to get these updates.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I love the pictures of you sitting in your snow! It must be pawesome! :)
Sampson and Puddin are so cute! Puddin has the cutest jacket!
Thanks for the updates on the other pups! They look so happy! :)
Yeah for Khyra Snow!!!
I think you're just as good at transport as your mom!
Rescue is such a wonderful, worthy and worthwhile Mission. I love and share the purity of the rescuer's heart...
wif love from the Luke
Hi, Khyra -
We really like all of the photos of all the pups. Mama has a friend who lived in Darby, PA a looooooooong time ago.
Mama really liked the leashes, collars and vests. She thought it was so pawtastic that you were able to go with your Mom on this trip.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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