Here is some SHOWING (SNOWING) STUFF befure we get to the telling stuff
Now fur the telling stuff
Last week
I had some then nosed this one here
You might just be able to make out the nib
Mom pulled it up fur the flashie beastie
Then made me sit pretty
This is the 'are woo ready to play find the biskhuit' look I give her
This was the furst one I stashed here in The Doggy Nanny's bathroom - this is under the linen khloset thingie
Then I brought it down to the furamily room fur khonsumption!
I wonder where he had hidden his? Don't furget: here is the link to the PF kham and webpage
One last telling from Mom - she wanted me to remind all of woo in the DFW TX area to chekhk out and/or pass along this special 2010 Spay Day Week

One last telling from Mom - she wanted me to remind all of woo in the DFW TX area to chekhk out and/or pass along this special 2010 Spay Day Week
Mom and I were glad evFURRYone enjoyed the pikhs from Sunday's transport! Mom is still shaking her head (did woo hear it rattle?) at how khlose those pups khame to not being 'here'
Let me tell you this - I don't think I've seen you smile bigger any day - not even on a Friday! :)
SnowDoga - Ha roo roo! Really great hiding places for your biscuits too! You just make us smile so much! Have a great day Khyra!
we are so furry happy for all the shnow you keep getting
we'll be wishing for more shnow for you sweet khyra
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Your snow is hanging around, Khyra!
I wonder where the Snow Eaters have gone off too. Maybe they are down in Florida with the Doggy Nanny . Who knows?
Be Good!
You are a pro biscuit hider. Happy Snow days.
Wags and Licks,
MOllie Jo & Bobo
I heard something rattle - I thought it was a snake!
You crack me up stashing your biscuits Khyra! :)
You are the happiest puppy around, and we love seeing you that way!!
I bet nothing beats snow doga! You sure do look beautiful in the snow. I hope more snow comes your way.:) You come up with the best hiding places!
Teddy Bear
Oh, Khyra! We are so happy for you that you got the snow you've been wanting for so long! Ours never did show up... Boo hoo...
You did a good job of biscuit hiding, too. I don't know why Mom's don't appreciate how hard we work to find good hiding places for our stashes!
We are kind of nervous at our house today because Dott and Mercy are off to be Spayed tomorrow, though they don't exactly know the whole thing about it yet, and they've been taken to bed already. Think good thoughts and say a prayer that they will be ok... OC
hey Khyra,
Very clever hiding spots! My favorite is the gorilla wagon, or is that orangutan?! Either way, best spot!
You seem to be doing a great job of snow watching because you keep getting snow! Gold Medal for you!
Wow, Khyra, you do look like you are in Sibe Heaven at the moment. Treats and snow.
Guess what, Khyra? It's snowing at our house right this very minute and it's not stopping! We hope we get at least 10 feet!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You got even more snow. Khyra? That's amazing!
You got MORE snow???? We are so out of here and on our way. Ours is mostly gone and they keep saying more is coming but then all we get is flurries.
Besides, if we come there, we can help you find more places for those biscuits - but we might eat more than we hide.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I don't know how you missed yesterdays post! Thank goodness youwere able to help those beauties to a happily ever after! And thank the dog you have plenty of snow!
The berner was back this morning, and found her bowl of food, so I can be pretty sure she will be returning and I cqn go from there.
Oh! And I love Max hanging out on your corner with you , in your banner!
woo look so happy in the snow!!!!! beautiful pikshurs!
That is a big smile you have out there in all that snow - such a happy dog :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Oh, I had fun playing in the snow, too! You look like you've been having a lot of fun!
Another Snow Day. Me and Butchy sure did good work pulling that cloud out of the masses over Ioway and sending it your way.
You are the best biscuit hider ever Khyra.
Enjoy your snow.
Love Ruby & Penny
hi k & p!
oh kyra this post is wonderful! filled with snow and dog treats!
Wooos Miss Khyra! i like your hidey spots for your cookie... when woo had Merdie over did she try and steal them?
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You should make a book... Where's SNACKO??? hehehe
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Love that stuff!
Who knows where some forgotten treats may turn up.
wow Khyra all that snow and what a great looking great! You're definitely in your element!
SnowDoga! We're getting a little snow today! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!
Your pal,
MFT, woo are one clever girl... so many khool hidey spots!!!
jack a-roo & moo too
We love hide the biscuit game!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Nice snow doga! We should be able to do some snow doga as well later today when mom gets home. Yes, IT'S SNOWING!!!
Sam & June
you have a lot of snow!!!
lucky doggie
it always funn to check out were the biscuits are :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Hi Khyra, one of these days we are going to come visit you.
We know all your hiding places so we will be able to eat all your biscuits - what a fun time we will have!
You really cannot ever have enough snow, can you!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Pawesome snowdoga and more snow! What more could you ask for?
Great hiding spots for your biscuits! That sounds like such a fun game to play!
I always hide my cookies in my tummy! Muwahahahahaha!
I didn't have enough snow to be like you, but it was awesome. Maybe one day I'll get to see big snow like what you have!
Wow, look at all that snow. Your snowdoga looks like fun and finding treats must be so much fun.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy virtually hiding milk bones with you. All the while, I'm thinking of ways to hide my treats. I think I'll come up with an idea and you'll be the first to know, Khyra :)
Snow, snow and more snow.....we have snow envy over here. The humans don't really want any now though but we do!...BOL
You are good at this biscuit hiding Khyra, we don't do that. We eat them too quick...hehe
Have a good week! :)
You look so happy in your snow!
You is very good at hiding your biscuit. If I tried to do that someone else would eat it!
~lickies, Ludo
What an interesting cam!!
Hey Khyra
You look GREAT in the snow, A real snow dog!!
Love the bones too just like you. I dont hide them though, I just gobble them up!!
Have a good Tuesday
When I hide my nom noms they disappear. I think my minions are finding them and eating them.
Misty the alpha Poodle
w00fs, me glad u got snow, heehee mama says keep it there..and me hides my cookies too..me will has to show u sometime..
b safe,
We just LOVE and MOL at your cookie hidey spots!
What a great video Khyra.. You sure are lucky to have so much snow...
You sure are good at hiding those cookies.. We missed the one in the chair...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What great Tuesday Telling this week! And that one biscuit was very well hidden - we almost couldn't see it! Very impressive!
you are getting better at hiding stuff! Sticking it into cushions is hard work
You still have so much snow! I love the hide the biscuit game :)
We can't tell which you enjoy more snow, or your treats!!
We certainly hope that Butterscotch and brother are "fixed".
You are so furry hilarious! When we gets a cookie we eats that cookie! Too much competition around here to risk hiding it and then having some other doggie eat it☺
I know you enjoy playing the hiding game but I think that I have never seen you wear a bigger smile than you have in these snow pictures...you seem so pleased with the world!Enjoy the magic.
Great snow pics of you!
OMC! We are in the DFW area! We will pass that along!
You are a biscuit hiding prodigy Khyra! After I bigified that pic I could see a tiny bit only because I knew where it was. I would love to see hidden camera footage of you hiding them! Moose always hides his in his tummy.
Great banner! Who is dat handsome pup?
You sure know how to hide them biskits well!
Come on over and help me hide the fur brush will ya?
Sno-ga!!! We are so happy that you are enjoying your snow!!!
I like ur pikshers. They are funny! :)
I think I will teach my hooman friends how to play Find the Biskit with me. :)
Are you watchin the Dog Show? It is pretty neat.
Did you get more snow, Khyra??
Your hiding places are getting more and more interesting!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks pal for my b'day wishes...
Isn't the SNOW grand!!! You look so Natural in it..hee hee...
Ours is all gone now..SIGH...But it was my First and soo fun!
Paws UP! (with some snow!)
Hey Khyra! We gave you an award.
Virus & Hyssing
We love the pictures of you in all that snow. You look so happy :-)
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