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Here is a khollekhtion of Biskhuit Hunt pikhs

Mom diskhovered on Sunday afternoon that her Kodak EasyShare C763 is about done - of khourse, since she diskhovered that, Woody Woodpekhker is spending all sorts of time in the tree - teasing Mom with the shots she KHOULD (should) be getting - as you'll see/hear in tomorrow's Walkin' Wednesday video, the video funkhtion still works - the issues are khamera funkhtion related. As the khamera is around three years old - and was a refurbished unit to start with - Mom is going to get something else - she khan't afford to go grand and glorious at this time, but we need a khamera!!!
Have a TASTY Tuesday all!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: UPDATE: I ROTE along Monday whilst Mom got a new khamera - she got another Kodak EasyShare - this one is the MD41 - as this post publishes, it is charging so I'm sure her paws will test it out later 'today'
Congrats on your new (human) toy! What would we do without your daily pic roll? We'd be left to the birds! :)
Can you smell more coming Ms. K?!?
Ooo, secret hidden bones!!!
Woohoo, I bet your Mom is excited to use her new camera.:) Love your hiding places, Khyra. You are so creative! Looks like Merdie is enjoying her bone.:)
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra,
Merdie sure is chomping on her bone! I love the way your hide your treats, Khyra. I just can't get enough of those pics! Too funny!
p.s. My human K thinks it is a sad state in America when a camera falls apart at age three. She remembers a time when products lasted years and years. Well, we are both glad your mom was able to get a new camera. Enjoy!
I'm Khomenting from inside GR! I hit preview and it opens the blog but still inside GR... is that what is supposed to happen?Congrats on the new toy! MUST have camera for sure! Cant wait to see Woody. We have some around here but I mostly just hear them!
Thanks for the GR tip! You are one Wise Sibe hee hee!
Those dog bones must really be delicious! Those eagles are soooo cool!
Merdie has made her xmas bone last well!
You have some cool hiding places Khyra but we worry your mom finds them.
Does she ever steal your biscuits?
Nice pics of the birdies.
Say good luck to your mom with her camera hunt - some good sales on right now she she could be lucky.
Martha & Bailey xxx
ps sorry we just saw another comment and had another read and we see the new camera is charging!
This is an early morning, before work post, really our human is half asleep!
I loved my kodak easy share, except the shutter broke when it got sand in it. hmfph. stoopid camera can't resist a little sand, a little water? phoey!
Mr. WD made me get a new purse with special pockhets for my mini khamera and blackh berry! imagine that!
i love the biscuit hiding. will woo teach L and J that? Khracks me up!
Pantyloons and Jodhpur Power!
wild dingo
ps. i like that Merdie joins us by satelite...very high tech!
Such patience Khyra! I wouldn't be able to resist chomping on them first!
So glad the flashy beast crisis was averted. How would we survive without daily pictures of you?
We just can't imagine "saving" cookies for later! It will just never happen here.
Our mom has the KodakEasyShare too and it's old as the hills!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hahaha recently I've picked up your habit... I've started hiding some little biscuits under the cushion in my day bed!
Hi Khyra,
My goodness, it sure looks cold in all that snow. Your as gorgeous as ever I see.
Do you think your Mom could sent us your address? I have a special Valentines card for you. If you'd like to have one please send your addy to redricca@sbcglobal.net
We're glad you got a new camera - we must have our daily "Khyra fix". And we love it when we get to see Merdie too!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Merdie & Khyra.
Congrats to your Mom on the new camera can't wait to see the pictures she takes with it.
It seems like it was only a short while ago that we were watching those PF birdies - hard to believe it is a year already.
Great biscuit hiding, MFT. If you need any help, we would be happy to come eat, we mean hide, them for you.
Are you sure you are happy about that new flashy beast - we wouldn't mind if ours got misplaced for a bit.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Darn camera! I have been shopping for awhile and it's just baffling! I'll be check out your new one.
Wooos! Another new camera to take pictures of the BeaWootiful MFT!
Interesting hiding places, I wonder what milkbone tastes like marinated in snow?
Nice to see Merdie !
-Kira The BeaWootiful and still snowless!
Grrreat to see Merdie again. You are such a good hider. Are you sure you don't have some Easter Bunny in your blood???
Please remember to post my addy so two leggers can send MM Thank Yous. Thanks.
It is doing IT again here!!
You are quite the food saver!
We have to eat our food within half a second after we first see it!
Great relief that you have a new camera. We might be able to get by with a while using reprints of favorites and any unpublished photos, but we do need our daily fix.
I can't figure out how you can hide your treats....I eat mine too quickly!
That's great that you got a new camera...we want to see that woodpecker!!!
I still can't believe how you stash your biscuits, Khyra...man,if I had an appetite I'd polish them all off for you....sigh!
...As for Merdie: Please tell her that Christmas was over a month away - surely that can't be right. Maybe you guys just get too much food:) ?
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay luks gud yoo can never hav too menny cashes of fud and treets is wot i say!!! ok bye
We love those eagle shots, so cool.
And gotta get a good biscuit hunting in, right? Hope you get to hunt every day. We like your posed shot!
Boy that's a BIG bone for kousin Merdie! Will she bring that ofur to share with you?
We just love your hidden bones games!
Sam & June
ooo you're very strong willed. i eat my treats the second I see them. it is smart to keep them hidden for emergencies tho.
hey, we're on our way to about 8 inches of snow. wanna come over and catch some snowflakes on your tongue while the camera charges?
you so goofy with your bones! Merdie looks like she is having fun
Yay for a new camera! Mom loves her Easy Share. I sure would love to come over and help you find all those cookies. I think that would be super fun. And Delicious!
Guess what?! We're getting snow, snow, snow today! Mom said she'd play with me outside tonight. I can't wait!
Your pal,
Khyra, cool! A new camera. And only you Khyra can make eating bones funny. I love the whole story. Merdie's heart shaped face is very cute too. ;-) Thanks for the eagle pix. Those birds are just magnificent. Like you! Now go find that one bone mom didn't see you hide!!! Much LOVE! Woof soon!
We're so glad your mom got a camera. We were worried cause we need our Khyra photo fix! Your hiding spots always make us chuckle Khyra!
Merdie is sure enjoying that bone! Does she get to come visit soon!
Those eagles are so pretty. Can't wait to watch them again!
Wowzer you are quite the little biscuit pack-rat eigh?? I eat my biscuits so quickly that they never get a chance to hide. I have been known to bury a rawhide chew in the olden days though.
Smooches, BabyRocketDog
Haha. I'd find those bones & eat'em right up.I am always finding BRD's buried bones...usually all black and ugly lookin'. Yum!!
Lots to catch up on this time! You is very creative with your hiding places. I tried to do that the other day with the last of my chicken leg I had for dinner. Apparently Grandpa did not think it beed good to find it under his pillow.
They never understand.
We excited to see the PF's back again AND wow! You got to go on your furry own transport!
~lickies, Ludo
Hi Khyra! Hi Merdie!!
Gosh...I don't think I could let those delicious looking snacks of yours hide for any length of time!!!
Have fun with the new camera!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We loved the indoor photo shoot - is that what woo do when woo aren't out in that glorious snow???
Congrats on snagging a new camera, Phyll! (Obviously our human posted this comment)
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
it's always lovely to see merdy
El'bow & Hauwii
Excellent that your Mom got a new camera. We couldn't stand the thought of being deprived of "WOO" khyra!
Those eagles sure are purrty!
Merdie sure is taking her time with that bone! And she looks like she is having a good time with it!
We think it is so cool that you hide your bones and let your Mom find them! We hide our nip toys, but Meowm doesn't search for them very often. And that last picture of you is so cute! Meowm wants to scritch your sweet face!
We are very glad your Mom got a new camera already....we wouldn't want to miss pictures of you!
We haven't checked in for a while - so it was very cool to see you and Merdie and the birds and the biscuits and hear about the new camera.
And we (or at least I, Jake) appeciate the superior level of thinking that goes into biscuit placement. But that's another story.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Mmm Merdie that sure looks good..
Khyra you are pretty good at hiding things. They sure wouldn't last our the heeler house..
Can't wait to check out the new camera...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The fact you hide your biscuits so makes me laugh! Glad to hear your mum got another camera. We can't do without pictures of you!
Very cool - even better photos of you, Khyra. Lucky, lucky, us.
Your hiding places are awesome!
Oh a new camera, that means we will be treated to more lovely pictures from your mum.. Cant believe its time for baby birds again. The time is going so fast..Yu are geting more inventive with your hiding places for the bones.. I am impressed.. Hugs GJ x
I'm so glad your mom got her camera fixed! We need pics of you! :) I'm glad we got to see some pics of Merdie too!
You always find the best hiding spots! I'm always hiding my food in the same places. My favorite pic is of you at the top of the stairs with the biscuit in your mouth! :)
That looks like a fun game. I would be good at Find the Milkbone. :)
The bird pics are very neat!
Oh...love the hidden bone idea!
A few short weeks ago, Merdie was homeless, and now she's got an iPhone? (Moooooooooo!)
Oh, before I go, Khyra, great job hiding those treats. I "swear" I can't see them, when I put my paw over the photo.
Khyra, you are so cute hiding the bones!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Please stop by and visit Harry the Golden and his dad, Robert. They are very sad and could use all of our support now.
Thanks everyone,
Rescue Golden
Dear Khyra and Phyll,
Thanks SOOOO much for visiting Harry and his daddy and sharing you love and kind words. You all are so sweet.
Cheyanne and her mom
Hi Khyra,
Do you ever forget where you've hidden your biskuits?
It's a good thing you don't have a little brother following you around. You would never be able to hide anything!
Merdie sure has a BiG bone. It would take me furever to eat that thing!
Hi, Khyra!
More and more spots for your cookies!
You are so creative!
Congratulations on your new camera!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra!
I loved the photo of Merdie. A nice thing is that she looks just as at home at your house as she does at her house!
Goodie for the new camera . . .we will look forward to all kinds of new pics.
Do you pretend you are hunting for food when you hide your bonez and then go look for them?
Love and hugs,
Jo and Stella
I love all your secret hiding places for your cookies. You are quite creative - yes you are.
I am SO happy your mama gots another camera! Gee I cannot imagine not being able to see you and Merdie and Brofur and Butterskoth and rescuses and SKY!
thank goodness
MMM Bikkies!
I can just about taste them.
Merdie sure loves her bone!! I wonder if she needs some assistance?
oh thank dogs that you mommish got a new flashy beast we cant phantom even a day without looking at your bewootiful piksures
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Merdie!!! Please do tell her ... ahem..."hello from the Luke..."!
Khyra, how I DO love to see your hidin places! It really is big fun for the me! I dream of followin your round... gazin at the pretty you and also scarfin up your crumbs! (Sorry!)
My the Mom has never had a video camera and she is missin out big time on all the good stuff me and the Bleu act out... She all ways fink she cannot a ford nuffin. Sure hope she change her mind!
Can't wait to see more still and monvin pitchers of the you!
wif love from the Luke
p.s. I fought you were VERY pretty in purple!
We do love the birdie cams.
Woofie-pics are ok too.
Hi, Khyra -
Mama had a good laugh looking at all the hidden bones. We are glad that you have a new camera.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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