I'll admit I've been having fun with Mom and the flashie beastie! I'll be just lounging in the yard under my tree or in my snow fort and I'll let out some of my impressive Khyra Khalls. Mom will look out, see me, and then go 'oh, I've got to get pikhs of THAT' - so she does - and I appease her by posing and doing some of my khute stuff! She's SOOOOOOOO easily entertained!
I'd like to thank Titus fur sending me this furry special Valentine!

THANKS HANDSOME (and any time woo need help with THOSE twins, I'm there!)
I was furry happy to receive this sweet one from THESE sweet ones: Batu Khan,
And this one from Piti!

Piti, and

Thanks to all of woo! It is always furry special to get to share some love with our pals!
Mom and I would like to thank all of woo that visited Chandler's blog to paw some support to his furamily - we khan nevFUR paw it all bakhk but we khan paw it furward by keeping the Cirkhle of Paws growing!
Moms are so easily entertained when we're being khute aren't they? But we're glad she is taking so many pictures of you so we can see your adorable face!
Congrats on your awards!
Furry funny card! Moms can be happy with the little things...its so cute.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Your way with words always touch our hearts. We have also been thinking about the losses and sometimes we feel so empty and feel helpless because we cannot help the crying hearts except to share our love.
I know your a little sad to see the snow go away- but it looks to me like you could stash some of it someplace. How about in the freezer?
You are so beautifuls in the snow- and I just wanted to thank you for being such a friend to everyone!
When I grow up, I want to be just like you.
we are so lucky to have you as a friend and like Tweedles, we also feel helpless when we would like to offer so much more to our friends in need.
congrats on your well deserved awards
I don't know another doggie who enjoys the snow as much as you!
You always make me smile!
Hugs and belly rubs...
yes we would like to play!
I DO want to play!
What time shall I come over?
Congratulations on your awards!
If it's dog fuzz you want, I can send you like 20 pounds a day. Do you have a large pickup truck??? :)
Nice Valentine!
I'd show you my thinking spot, but that would be TMI...
I'm so glad you are having such a great time with your snow. Loved the video and you digging!! That is always the most fun part! Oh, and eating it, of course!
I've never seen a dog as content as you are in snow! Well, except maybe Tucker on mama's lap ...
Enjoy that stupid snow!! Soon it will be NICE again ;)) I hope the sad stuff is over for a while.
We wish you could have snow all year round puppy pal!!
i think it's so weird how sibes just lay in the snow like it's a blanket!
Juno would like to come over and think with Khrya. tho i think she'd be a little bit more pouncy in her thinking patterns!
What a fun card! Congrats on all your awards. I'll come play with you. We'd have so much fun in all that snow.:)
Teddy Bear
I wish I can come play with you in the snow. :)
Khyra, I'm so jealous of all that glorious snow you're having. You look beautiful in it!
Purrs, Siena Snowfox
hey Khyra,
Congratulations on your two furry sweet awards! And thanks for sharing your sweet Valentine's Day card. What great fur-friends you have!
Love your snow pics, and I agree, you should enjoy it while you can. It never stays long enough! Your "khool" and "khozy" pics are my favs!
You look so happy and contented! Your Mom takes such great pictures of your beautiful self! Wish we could come and play with you... we STILL haven't had any snow near enough to go play in! We are POUTING! The Corgi Country Pups
Hey Khyra
It's not surprising that mom grabbed the camera...you look ultra-cute!
How will we ever be able to go on when our snow melts, Khyra? You sure do love lounging in it! Neither one of us is that brave!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
luck lucky lucky doggie :)
that are some great awards!!
El'bow & Hauwii
What a lovely card. I see things went well with your fluffy boyfriend, Mack. Savor the snow. I am watching ours melt with great glee.
So glad that the snow is hanging out for you a while.
We loved Khyra and the Snow, part 87, video. We sibes sure do love playing in the snow (and hide and seek behind the tree).
Nice cards, nice awards, and beautiful Miss Khyrain photo and video. "They" say we will get "some" snow over the next few days. We guess some is better than none but the Momster keeps yelling NO MORE SNOW!!! Who knows why she is like that since SHE isn't ever out in the snow"}
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I am glad your snow is sticking around, for awhile!
Those are very cute pictures of you in your snow fort. It is amazing how easily entertained our moms are. Just do something cute and they ooh and ahh over it :)
Hope your snow doesn't melt too fast - you look like you are really enjoying it!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Our Mom is the same way - has that flashy beastie out all the time, especially now that we have babies in the house. Enjoy your snow - you look beautiful in it.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Wow, Khyra! What a nice Valentine you got from Titus! He is such a cool dude.
PS: That does look like me, doesn't it?!
You are very photogenic, no wonder your mom likes taking pictures of you!
Khyra - you is furry beautiful!
Ah, we love to do cute stuff, wait until she races to find the camera, and then turn our backs on her when she comes to "snap" a picture.
Hehehe...try it sometime!
teka toy and gussie
Those were some great poses and facial expressions Khyra! And, only a Sibe could curl up in snow for a nap and be happy about it. I know that Labs would never like it!
One thing about the circle of paws is that, as I discover more blogs of dogs, I simply can't keep up. I'm really serious... I need to stop expanding my horizons!
Wooos Miss Fluffy Tail! I think I would like woo snow bed. It looks nice and comfy.
Nice awards and cards! Congrats
And we all need to keep the Moms happy, don't we?
Thank woo for all woo do to keep the support and circle of love ever growing!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I'm so happy you still have so much snow, Khyra. I love seeing how happy you look!
Want to get together and play in the snow! I bet WE would have a blast together!
You really need to move to Minniesnowda, Khyra! You won't have to worry about snow disappearing for five or six months. I like to play in it too and keep the squirrels out of MY yard.
But the only trouble with snow is when it does go, MUDTIME comes and my Mom hates that! Then its TTT time (Tea Towell Time) to clean feets.
Khyra it just blows my tiny mind to see you LOVING that cold stuff. Speaking of that... are you sure you pulled the o HI o pins out???? They are telling us that Sun. and Mon. we could get ANOTHER 6 inches... unless YOU can do something about it. PLEASE???
There has Not been any school in my county for a full week. YIKES mom is sooooo glad that she be tired so she won't have to loose her entire summer making up days. hehehe
Khyra, I love your thoughtful poses. You must be the most pensive pup I know! I especially love the eyes almost closed pose! So Khute! :)
You have a great thinking spot, Khyra!! We'll be glad to come play with you!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Khyra, did you find what was under the snow? That's what I like to do too when I'm out in the snow!
LOVE the snow pics! Your thinking spot is very cool! We will have to see if we can find one in our yard (but it won't be covered in snow.) :(
The Puppies
I think my little sister Abby must be a Sibe in disguise, because she loves to just lie out in the snow. (Oh, wait. So did I, before I got my buzz cut. Now it's a little nippy on the belly and I prefer to dash through it, instead!)
Great photos (as always).
*kissey face*
Really nice post Khyra! Yes, I would LOVE to come play with you in the snow!!! Beam me up ok!?
Great awards.... Wootwoot!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Meowm says she will come play with you in the snow...we will stay here where it is warm and safe.
What an adorable card from Titus!!!!! And concats on your awards!
Your Mom got some great pics of you! Of course, YOU made them all special!
It's sure been a sad time. We're sorry to hear about Chandler and we just read about Jazzy.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Khyra, I've been thinking too about the many losses. As for your card, it was darling. And two awards! Congratulations, my furiend.
I liked when you licked the snow off the snotter! I think cute can get you whatever you want you know. Someone should do a scientific people study on it.
I hope your snow stays.
I has some of you on my blog!
~lickies, Ludo
I'm gonna start callin' you KHueen Khyra of the Snow. You are so regal you needed a royal title.
Khyra, I am in awe of your ability to LIE DOWN IN THE SNOW!!! I know I'm one wiff the snow and all, but there's no way I'm lying down in the stuff!!!
Ilove snow too, but is was only lasting for two days. :+(
Nice woooh Sally
Looks like you had a lot of fun in the snow. What were you digging for? Mice? Did you catch any?
You look like you're in heaven in the snow! ConCats on your awards too!!!
I love to see you communing with nature. Congrats on your award!
Congrad's on your awards..
We oh so loved your video. You like hiding your head in the snow just like Callie girl does. To bad our snow didn't stick around...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I don't has as much furs as you so I cannot lay in the snows as long as you can but I do for as long as I can coz it feels GOOD!
Enjoy the snow until every flake is gone and then have just as much excitement for the returning green and the active squirrels and the renewal of life...it is all about the now.
Yep our mum is the same, she is very easily entertained by us too.
We are glad that you get your mum out with the flashie beastie though, then she can share the lovely piccies of you with us. :)
Keep enjoying your snow Khyra, we had some today, not much but enough for some snow zoomies....so we were very happy. :)
Getting mail is so much fun!
Gosh you look so pretty in that snow. Just like a Christmas card!
Riley and Star.
When you're that gorgeous, the paparazzi is going to flock around you, just a fact of life!
BTW, thanks for the sending the snow, we have some happy doggies out here!
Khyra...Mumsie just peemailed your mom...she has a question....
We like your card Khyra and your own snowy patio...you are so cute
Benny & Lily
You really look so great on the snow, Khyra! How we wish there's also snow in Indonesia! BOL
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Hi Khyra,
Seeing these pictures of you chilling out in the snow reminds us of a show we watched not long ago. It was called Eight Below and starred some doggies that look alot like you! It was pawesome and sad and happy all at the same time. Me, mom and Banjo curled up on the couch under a blanket to watch it together. Have you seen that movie?
You are looking so blissful in your snow Khyra!
we want to play in the shnow with you sweet khyra
im sure you'd keep ush warm
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Yes,we are glad Mom is taking all those pictures of you too!!!
We love your pretty face Khyra!!!
Kiss, Bambi & Fern
You're a true Northern Dog to still be this happy about the snow! Marge likes the snow, but now she's done with it and just wants to be able to walk on the grass again!
I heard we may be getting more next week.. if so, I guess you're in for another treat and there will be more happy flashie beastie pics of you!
I love that video! You are soooo happy with your snow! :) The digging was awesome! Mom wishes I had snow to dig instead of our red dirt. :)
Congrats on your awards!
That was a very cute card you got!
Khyra you are beautiful in the snow - we know you will miss it when it is gone, so we hope it hangs around for a while!
And we are so sad too about all the furries who have been leaving - kitties and doggies,even if we didn't get a chance to meet them (even by blog) it still makes us sad. We hope that everyone can just stay put for a while!
What a poser you are! You look so elegant and relaxed in your snowy element. Me? I'd look like a spiky snowball.
Your pal,
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