
Mom needs some time to play with the khamera to get used to it - SO please furgive us fur sharing these khrakhkberry photos!
We were able to khapture this week's Walkin' Wednesday video with the other khamera - the video part is khwite funkhtional - it was the photo settings that went AWOL!
Here is the link to THIS WEEK'S WALKIN' WEDNESDAY!!!
Now fur the PSSSSST part - our furiend Frankie in O hi O that lives with the 87,000 snowkhreatures has a special message on his blog -
Please go chekhk it out but don't tell Mango!
Very sneaky of Frankie! ;)
I hope the flakes are falling as i type this!!
Hi khyra! We were just over at Harry's. That was a very special and sad tribute for his mommy..
thank you for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
You is a wonderful walker my friend!
Hi Khyra! It's the McGillinator! I LOVE a good walk or a run is even better!
You keep warning me about Lacie...should I be concerned? Love is blind, you know!
we love your photos even from the krackberry as long as we get to see your bewootiful face all is ok in the pibble world
we are sending frankie a card from ush tomorrow
mommish was in the hospital with daddish all day so she did'nt get to go to the post office but we'll wemind her tomorrow
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
I think the pictures look really nice! And all the walking looks even better :)
We will definitely stop by Harry's. More white stuff? You are so lucky!!! The crackberry photos look great!
Teddy Bear
A very sad story for Dad and Harry.
We wrote a short note to them.
I am anxious to see the new camera pictures. The Khrackberry leaves something to be desired!
Happy Walking Weds to you!
Are you ready for more snow? Can't wait to see more pics of it!
Such a sad sad story about Harry's mom. Major leak alert!
Love Frankie's idea! RH will love it!
Your walking pictures are great. It looks like you are getting some more snow. If it's not enough, you can come by my house. I have plenty.
We went straight to Harry's bloggy and boy did it make mom tear up... it's just so sad and life is just so cruel sometimes. Don't understand it one bit...
Oh my goodness, we've just been to Harry's blog. That is just incredibly sad. It was a very special tribute.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
khyra your so a good photomodel :D
El'bow & Hauwii
I don't think my message ever got back to you on SMS (really weird how messages don't always go) but thanks for posting that link. What a story.
And love the Snowy Sunday / Walking Wednesday Video. We are like really, really cold today, so hope the storm is nice - but not vicious - to you today.
Miss Khyra! I am so far behind reading bloggies I almost missed walkie Wednesday. Momma is still trigger happy with that mark all as read button because she says she is suffering from blogy overload.
Those pics are great!!
We'll go over to Harry's.
Dear Khyra -
Thanks for the get-well wishes. They worked!
ps - Diamond says HI!
Mum's the word - we will take care of business per Frankie's request.
Wonder how much taller Khyra's wall is today. Hope you didn't get buried.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I expected to see you up to your floof in snow today!
Tell your mum there is nothing wrong with the Krackberry pictures, they show you off just lovely.. Mum is going to visit your friends now and says as it is before work she will probably be a mess going in.. Hugs GJ xx
We went over to Harry's, thanks for letting us know ..
These pictures are awesome! I'm sure those roads are all covered with snow by now!
We are stopping in to say "hi". We have been up all night with the babies and are exhausted.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
We will go check out Cheyanne's blog.
Lots and lotsa snow coming your way! We will be FINALLY getting some 3-5"! Woohoo!!!
Have fun playing in the snow Khyra!
Sam & June
We stopped by Harry's blog and left a note. So so sad...
Ummmm Khyra, do you think the snow will get toooo deep for YOU to be able to walk in???
What a sad thing for Harry.
Thank you for sending us over to see Harry & his dad. We are so sad for them but so honored to read the beautiful tribute to Dena. I can see they need all of our support right now through this extremely difficult time. You are an angel.
HaRoooo Khyra!
We gots more white stuff too! About time!
Thank woo fur sharing!
Hug your maw!
Husky kisses,
You are always thinking of others, like Harry. What a generous dog-human pair you two are!
Wooos MFT! I hope woo are getting your snow! We went to Harry's, so sad, but touching! We will be visiting the other secret place next!....
My! your pantyloons are fluffy today!
-Kira The No Snow Dog!
Great pics! Walks are wonderful! You are a great friend -- thanks for sharing the blog of Harry. My heart aches for them....
Hi Khyra
We are supposed to have sunny skies for over a week. Maybe all our snow allotment has been falling in your area.
Love Ruby & Penny
Bambi and I love to go for our walks many times a day. Thank you for sharing your walk with us. I hope you get the snow that you want!!
kiss Khyra for me, Fern
PS We will head over to the other blogs.
Thanks for posting about Harry's tribute.
Looks like perfect walking weather for you!
GUESS WHAT????? We got snow! Finally! Mom measured it at work (for a contest) and we got 5-5/8". She says we're going to play outside tonight. I <3 snow!!!
Your walkin' Wednesday is awesome, as usual.
Your pal,
So much here again, Khyra - you do stay on top of the news, no matter what it's made of. We were so sad to read about Harry's mom - tres touching - yes... hankies needed - we'll check back. And Frankie has a marvellous idea - good one! But Khyra's snow walk was a winner, especially for us snow lovin' doggies who don't receive that bounty hehee!
Big Hugs xo
That is a great Walkin' Wednesday Khyra! We are going to visit Harry later when mom is home from work - she saw the warning and doesn't want to get weepy there.
We liked your video Khyra, you seemed to have big mountains of snow and then none!
We will keep our paws crossed for more for you.
Martha & Bailey xxx
What are you looking for Khyra? Good smells on your walk? Thank you for sharing your friends story.
Happy trails
Benny & Lily
Khrakhberry photos are khwite dramatikh.
Misty the ap
Thank you for letting us know about Harry and his dad. It was such a beautiful tribute to his mom.
I love your snow pics! I can't wait to see more! :)
Dear Khyra, I just got back from Harry's blog and I'm spent. Thank you for being an ambassador and helping us all connect and support one another. Phew. Pink ribbon going up on my blog.
More SNOW...You must be in sibe paradise Khyra!!
We are headed over to Harry's bloggie now to show our support.
Are you getting new snow Khyra? I sent some more your way.
i'm going to get tissues. blog is opened but not yet read.
Khyra... LOVELY FLOOF. as usual. but what would woo expect from MFT?
wild dingo
snowing during the walk! my that must have been nice for you
Your walking photos really show off how pretty and floofy your tail is. And your tail is probably as big and me. *snickers* But it's a very pretty tail.
Wow, that khrakraberry takes some purrty good pictures.
We visitied Harry...and how very sad. We hope they feel better soon.
And we went over to Frankies and have a note all ready to send out!
I hear you have even more snow now!
What a great idea from Frankie!
We are so sorry to hear about Harry's loving Mom. You can only hope that God had something better in mind for her...
Mom is leaking now so she said she had to quit...
Great walk Khyra..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Glad you're enjoying all that snow Khyra.
Khyra, wow, just came from Harry's blog. We joined and let a comment. Thanks for sharing that. Seems like Dad and Harry need some support. ;-)
Nice walk photos. Much LOVE. Woof soon.
For some reason, walkin Wednesday wouldn't play for us this week! poopoo
We're getting snow, Khyra! We have about 6" of heavy wet stuff and it's still coming down!
We're off to visit Harry!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thank you for the direct link, Khyra! It worked!
I guess you never get snow packed in between your pads and your mom has to stop and brush them out for you? That happens to me when I walk in the snow but Mitch doesn't have that same problem!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We have just come from Harry's blog. That is such a heartbreaking post - the NSLM's Mom cried and cried reading it.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Hope your friends are better soon.
My mom is tired of all this snow, but I love it!
You SO need a sled! Imagine mushing across the golf course pulling mom...wind in your fur...snow flying up behind you...blazing a trail! Khyra, Khween of the Tundra!
oh thats so sad for harry and his dad! i would hope my dad continues our bloggy too
We are so saddened to hear about Dena, Harry's mom. What an incredible letter.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hey, Khyra-Face..I just stopped over for some more tishoos. I used up all I had over there.
Oh, and your tail is looking parTICKularly floofified in those pictures. Must be all that glorious snow.
We went over to Harry's and read the really lovely tribute.
Your walks are always happy!
Monty says hi!
Brrrr.. It looks very cold where you are, but the snow looks fun.
Werf werf! :) I like ur sno pikshers. I wish I had a funny blankey like that to play with.
I am very sad for Harry and his Mom and Dad. :( I send them hugs.
Thank for letting us know Khyra, we will go visit Harry. We enjoyed your photos :)
Hope you got your snow! Your Moms uber cool device made good piccies!! We love our Moms iWoof!!
Woofs and Kisses!
We enjoyed going on the snowy walk with you and your mom! The snow wall was taller than you are! Can't wait to see a picture of you and your mom too!
Hi, Khyra.
We went to visit Harry. We feel so sad for him and his Dad. Their tribute for his mom is so beautiful. I hope they are going to be fine.
Happy Walkie!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. We really enjoy yours - especially the video of Walkin' Wednesday. Layla's eyes are glued to the screen, and anytime a different noise comes through the speakers, her head turns to the opposite side. She said to tell you that, "Wouldn't walks be so much more fun if it snowed 928764 days of the year, and we didn't have those humans to slow us down?"
- Layla and her mom/servant Amy
Thanks for stopping by and wishing Nigel a Happy Gotcha Day...that's pawsome since you are a woofie. Grete smiled and wagged her tail. She is walking on a leash like a good girl but she wants to cut loose.
We will stop by and visit your friends bloggie.
Hi Khyra
I still seem to be behind- everywhere I go.
I just went over to Harry and Dads and left some love.
That is sooooo terribly sad,
thank you for letting everyone know when we can share love to those who hurt so bad. I know you are just as affected as we are with sadness.
We are still sobbin here... for the Harry and his the Dad. Sure hope some of our words could somehow make them feel the better...
I am startin to lobby the Mom... we need move to 11f Hole, Paw-silvania... not so much for the snow as for the walks wif the Khyra!!!
I would love the walks... rain sleet or snow!!!
wif love from the Luke
Hi, Khyra -
We just visited Harry's blog. Mama is leaking as she writes this.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Oh Khyra we hear all those stretching noises you are making. BOL..we love your pictures. We are going to walk by Harrys. Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
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