Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday KhatSurday Special Edition

10pm Friday night!
Five or Six Inches and Khounting!
Our sekhond walk of the day - the snow had just khommenced
We wrote Auntie Di and told her - she wanted to see some pikhs - I told her it was too soon to REALLY see it but here is one

When we got bakhk, Mom decided to take some befur shots (3:30pm) and do a khwikhk poo harvest fur who knows when we'll see the ground again!
She went bakhk inside to wash her hands then she looked out and saw me waiting
and looking
and waiting some more
(let's see how these pikhs look at this same tomorrow)

And other assorted khritters! Brofur enjoying his sunbath
These were the pikhs Mom took befur our ROTE earlier this week
Mom still hasn't been able to touch him though
Nice Toesies!
Heading fur a walk BUT furst, I spy

Fur some reason, I thought Mom should share this video - it was my furst time and all!

AND DEAREST MANGO RH, I hear there are more of these nom noms around - I'll think of woo next time I get to enjoy some!

Brazen Little Rat
Throwing itself into getting a drink!
Yes, I know IT is there
I was letting it have a snakhk befur I pounced on it!
Darned tether got me again along with this not being able to khlimb trees!

Mom's transport fur Sunday (with Brownie, Sol, and Cheyenne) was postponed until next weekend. SOOOO, we'll share MY furst transport on Monday's post. There aren't many pikhs but she did get a few worth posting on MY blog!

Now, bakhk to enjoying my snow!




Jack & Moo said...

snow? Snow?? SNOW???!!!
*sigh* We're jealous. But also furry happy for woo, MFT!!! Enjoy every single flake!

a-roos to yous,
snowless jack a-roo & moo too

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...


Suka said...

hey Khyra,

I am SO furry happy you are getting tons of snow!! Your patient waiting paid off. I hope this snow lasts long enough for you to really enjoy it!

That squirrel was awfully close to you Khyra! I admire your stamina!


Martine said...

That kitty sure is cute!!!!!

WE hope you don't get too much snow, but I'm sure you want LOTS of snow to play in!!

Happy weekend!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

BeadedTail said...

Snow, cats and squirrels! Your days are pretty full Khyra! We think you look so cute when you were looking around waiting for the snow and we're so glad it came!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Snow, you are very lucky! We don't really have snow in this part of the country.
Sally Ann

TwoSpecialWires said...

Hunker down. Stay warm. And enjoy the snow. You'll be in your element! (Ours is to start arriving on Sunday.)

Khyra. Thank you sooo much for making our Girl so happy. She was excited and pleased to know you've been reading and commenting on her blog. What a great way to encourage writing. About us (at least part of the time!)

Have fun!
Love ya, Khyra,
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Teddy Bear said...

You got lots of SNOW! We heard that there is lots and lots of snow coming your way. Boy oh boy, you are going to have so much fun!:) Cute toesies.:) That squirrel...who does he think he is?

Teddy Bear

Sweet Purrfections said...

Remind me not to let my little paws get in the way of those big teeth!

kissa-bull said...

those twee rats sure are brave around your housy, we are green with jelly at all your snow
please enjoy it for us
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack

Noah the Airedale said...

What happened to the snow in your photos...did it disappear????
We hope you get lots more Khyra.
All we're getting is heaps of rain and pinky is over it big time.

Noah xx

Kate said...

Nice critters!

I like your fountain tail, very fanciful!

I hear you are getting a lot of snow, while I'm sweltering in this heat!


Leika said...

WooHoo! Congrats on your first raw chicken! Ain't it soooo yummy!???! A quick tip tho...chicken wings are really too small for us...they're the right size for kitties and teeny doggies. A leg quarter is the better small portion for us. I like to eat mine frozen sometimes! Hope you get to enjoy lots more of those raw meaty bones! They're great for our teeth!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Congrats on all the snow, Khyra! It's been raining here...

We think Brofur's pictures are really gorgeous this week!


ocmist said...

We are so happy that your wishes have come true and hope that you get a good amount, but not enough to cause to much trouble for the people in your area.

Nasty Tree RAT, sitting there and MOCKING YOU!!! Let us at him!!! The Country Corgi Crew

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So glad you got your snow.. But so much... Crikey. I love the picture where you apppear to not care there is a squirrel there lol.. Just image if you you could get up the tree. Loved your neighbour kitty pictures too. Hugs GJ x

Duke said...

We can't wait to see how much snow you end up with, Khyra! We are so happy for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sally said...

It's grazy. So much snow.
We have no more snow.
Have a nice weekend.

Nice woooh

tula monstah said...

see you're paws crossed worked! More snowballz..we want 2 see snow pics too!


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

You covered a lot of great stuff in this post, Khrya! yay for Snow (in PA)!

D.K. Wall said...

Hope you get lots and lots and lots of snow.

Vicki said...

More snow!!! I love the action shots of the squirrel....

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Khyra!!!! you put a snow KHURSE on me!!!!

Chester said...

I know FER SURE you are not sittin' on green grass right now Khyra!

It's gettin' deeper and deeper until I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to plow my way thru.

Cool, huh??
Enjoy Sibe-dawg!
Chester ;0=)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi again Khyra, I had to run so that I could vote for the Cracker Dawgs.
That is a really brave squirrel. I hope you chased him away.
Well, you FINALLY got your wish. 87 feet of snow. I am very much happy for YOU. ME, not so much. OR>>> TOOO MUCH.
I can't wait to see pics of you in all of your beloved snow. ENJOY!!!

The WriggleButts said...

We hope you're getting plenty of snow, Khyra! We're afraid ours is melting today.. Anyone want a mud slushie? BOL!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wonder how much snow you had this morning? the news is showing some awesome stuff in the DC area.

As for that chicken wing, you are so good to chew and crunch it so your teeth get nice and white - TD would have swallowed it whole.

So where to the kitties go in this snow? Hope they find aomewhere warm to cuddle up.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

the_Dogfather said...

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're hoping you got that snow - looks like it might get rough up your way - it's still snowing here - our guesstimate is that we have 14 inches or so.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Life With Dogs said...

Your next post is going to be a blast! Will we see a snow coated Khyra?

KB said...

Snow!!!!!! Yay, Khyra! Have lots of fun!

Gus said...

Khyra...I understand this is your Bonus for doing such a great job at MangoMinster. Congratulations, have a great weekend with your Mom and stay warm


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I would like to see your folks take photos today of you standing in the same spot as these photos were taken. I bet you got the lots of snow they are talking about on the news today, didn't you? I know you love the snow so have fun if you did.
See you tomorrow for the big game.

Sagira said...

We just got like 10" of snow. FUN TIMES!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Holy Moly you had lots of snows last nite alreddy. We only has mebbe an inch or two rite now and up in north Joisey they has nuttin yet.

Emma Rose said...

Hi Khyra!
We were really excited to see the raw chicken wing. Thank you for the video. The Duchess has been reading all kinds of stuff about feeding raw. She wants to switch us but has not taken the plunge yet! That squirrel looked mighty tasty too :)
I can't wait to see all the snow in your next post. We love snow at the castle, but we don't get it very often.

Emma Rose

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! So did you get some SNOW ... if you did can't wait to see more photos. WOWY!!! Squirrel ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

I really like the 1st picture Khyra. Please tell your photographer I appreciate her work (did you have to pay her overtime for that one??)

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You sure got it all Khyra.. Snow, chicken, cats and squirrels.. Mom heard that raw chicken bones really clean up puppy teeth.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Clive said...

Enjoy all that snow Khyra!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Happy Snow Khyra!!


Martha said...

Hurrah for the snow! Soon it will be deep and you can go out and build a snow dog!
Butterscotch is looking very cute!
We cannot believe you had one of those pesky squirrels and did not immediately phone us to come chase it!
Have a snowy weekend Khyra, looking forward to the pics.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Unknown said...

What snow! Khyra you must be so happy. All the waiting paid off. As for the chicken, I want some too now! I've never had anything raw.
I read your comment on Frankie's post the other day and I agree. You brought up an excellent point. We should start the movement to have a birthday every day. We deserve it!

Amber and Nala said...

Did the snow ever come? I like how you were looking to the sky for it. :)


JacksDad said...

And you just let those tree rats sit there in the dish????

Jan said...

We are getting beautiful white show up in the mountains and messy rain down here in the valley.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Jans Funny Farm said...

Parker is snowed in in O-hi-O. How are you there now?

Piti said...

how are ypu ?
I heard at TV that ii snowing at your home
hope you are okay

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra
We're so happy you're getting all the snow you've been dreaming about.
Be careful & stay safe.
Love Ruby & Penny

Interactive Dog Toys said...

I heard of all this snow you guys are getting! But I bet a husky likes it and at least your coat will keep your warm.

Need some new toys to keep you entertained during the snow?

Sign up for your $50 gift card giveaway!

Here is the link-

JD and Max said...

Hi Khyra - we've just had a catch-up on your blog. We're totally in love with your tail - that curl, that floufiness - it's enough to drive two young pups wild! And you look wonderful in the snow - it becomes you beautifully!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

You got snow finally!!!!!!
We're soooo happy for you sweety!!!!!!
Enjoy your snow!!!!!
Would love to be there with you baby!!!!
Have fun and a wonderful weekend!!!!
Stay warm!!!!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a gud tekneek letting the skwirrel eet a treet before yoo pownse then yoo git the treet by the transitiv property!!! ok bye

Donna said...

I like the pretty view of the fields there. I would have so much fun chasing the skwirels! :)

Chris and Ricky said...

We had huge flakes like that here too! Lots of snow in my yard - want to come over and enjoy it with me?

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That is a cheeky little squirrel...hehe

Enjoy your snow!, we sort of wish we had some again, it is such fun. :-)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Mumsie just broke more trails for us in the took daddy forever to do the driveway....even Stan can barely move in it...

We need a sleigh...

Khisses and wipe your paws on the way in....


Golden Samantha said...

So much... so much... Snow - we are certain there will be! Furry exciting! The cat is adorable (that from Ozzie) and of course I ADORE that tree rat, which I would be barking at and making all kinds of fusses about. You are most polite about it, Khyra - amazing! What a girl - and such a beauty too! You've got it all!
Hugs xo

Anonymous said...

I've been watching your snow on FB. When you walk though the snow by the house to break a path... that would be over my head!!


PEES: what a ballsie little rodent...

Teddy Westlife said...

If you were able to climb trees, you would surely be the most amazing dog in the universe.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Glad you got some snow to enjoy. Did we tell you Fenris caught a mole all by himself. Us cats are very proud of him. ~AFSS

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Is it still snowing?
Your yard has been on tv so much!
I think of how happys you must be,
How many snow men do you have?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I know you have lots of snow right now!
Kitty and Squirrel Edition!
Kisses and hugs

Whimpurr said...

Such gorgeous pics! We have a video of our snow from last week and some of us playing in it!

We have a brand new blog now for the dogs of Whimpurr's Whim and it's called Kissed BY A Dog ... ... hope you can stop in for a visit!

*purrs and puppy kisses*

Mochi and Bali said...

You got lots of snow! :) How cool!

Looks like you enjoyed your first raw chicken! I haven't tried that yet, but I get boiled chicken and chicken jerky all the time! :)


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I definitely think you need to get a longer tether.

Also, I think your yard looks much better with snow than without.


White Dog Blog said...

SQUIRREL AND SNOW!!!! Wow! What did you do to deserve THAT! Enjoy, my friend.

Busy Buttons said...

You're snow's back? Yeah! Have fun playing in it!

Kari in Alaska said...

Snow? How can you be so calm with a rat that close?

Ruby's Raiser said...

Getting a dusting here too, hope you're enjoying it!

Taffy said...

Khyra? Is that you? I can't believe you were just relaxin with that nasty squirrel so close! I woulda been losing my mind, leash or no leash! You amaze me! I hope you get some snow...we are supposed to get a whole bunch tonight and tomorrow. I'm wondering if Frankie Furter is right and you put a Khurse on us....?