I would like to share this khlip of a furry special and beaWOOtiful Sibe - many of woo saw her during Wednesday evening's Olympikh khoverage but here she is again - please do say HI TO ISOBEL!!!
(Rumour has it a certain handsome Belgian Tervuren in MinnieSNOWda khouldn't take his eyes of the television skhreen)
I hope all of woo have a GREAT Friday AND weekend!
PeeEssWoo: If woo get a chance, please chekhk out the furry pawesome post Trixie's hooman wrote fur her! She was able to see the signs Trixie had made it to The Rainbow Bridge! Mom is still leaky thinking about how special it was to read!
Hey, you cast a shadow outside! No fair, I haven't been able to do that for weeks!
That video was one of the best things I have seen all week. The again, you already knew I liked it.
I'm thinking about going to Greyhounds in Gettysburg in April. Any chance I can buy a drink for my favorite PA Sibe? :)
Hi Miss Fluffytail!
Get ready for snow, I say!
Khyra , sometimes shadowns are a best friend. Mine is!
We went and read Trixies tribute by her mom.
My mommys eyes are raining again.
loved your pickys- thank you!
We saw our shadowns today too. It felt soooo good to have them back.
We read the teary post about Trixie yesterday. And we just watched the video about Isabel. Those dogs sure do look happy and well cared for.
Sorry you didn't get as much snow as you'd like. You can have our cold weather if it will make you feel more at home until it snows again.
Love your Queen of the Snow Mountain picture! And the two with your eyes closed. How funny you fooled your mom twice into thinking your eyes would be open!
I went over to send Trixie's mom a kind and true word.
We got 6 inches of snow on Thursday, we know Khyra would just love to enjoy it!! Happy Weekend!
You look good from all angles!!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
I love the freshly floofed tail!
I wonder if Blogger ate your comment on my post 'cause I was still editing it when you commented? I posted and then went back to change some stuff. Hope you didn't have trouble 'cause of me! And I agree that it had to have been an evil squirrel that destroyed my monkey...had to be...
As always, you are too picture perfect for words Khyra! but i must tell you a little secrete. My mommy gasped when she read that you have a pussywillow bush. pussywillow bushes are my mommy's favorite bush and she hasnt seen one since she was a child. could you maybe have your mommy get the flashy beast to take a photo of you next to your pussywillow bush?
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Beautiful sunset photo! I love your napping spot for Wednesday.:)
Teddy Bear
We thought for sure that you'd have LOTS more snow, Khyra! We're getting snow at our house right now but so far it's only a dusting!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
For your sake, we hope you get some more snow soon, though I'll bet your Mom could use a snow break! Beautiful pics as usual pretty girl! The CCC
It is snowing here right now!!
We will be sure to play in it for you!
Love your plume tail shot! Great stuff!!
We think the wind blew our shadow away.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Happy friday Khyra!
I bet you get the static hair a lot, right? Maybe with the lights out even SPARKS!
Woo Khyra! Woo should really be Queen of da Snow Mountain today! Lots more snow! Da Snow Thief got chased away.
We like your pics wid your eyes squished closed. Furry funny!
Husky kisses,
Your shadow friend is very nice but we would really like to see you walking with Miss Merdie - soon???
Your mom found some beautiful skies, especially those puffy cloud ones, but out favorite has to be the one with you in the midst of the lovely snow that we don't have.
Happy Friday, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We love the Queen of the Snow Mountain picture - you are so pretty!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
That Isobel is a special pup - we love her story (and found one on CBC by googling her name as well). That BB must be speechless - er, Monkey noise less - after seeing it.
P.S. - Love your eyes closed pics Khyra!
I'd love to see my shadow outside! I'd just be happy to see the street with no snow or slush on it!
Love that floofy tail!!!!
Your floof is amazing!
I <3 Isabel and her owners!
happy happy friday k & p!
we always love seeing pictures of you!
m & e
Thanks so much for pawing about Trixie. Mama went over and read her story and, although leaky too, it made her feel all warm and fuzzy.
Hey Khyra, Do you know Baxter at kalyxcorn...??? Well today he had this recipe for SNOW TRUFFLES!!
I couldn't wait to share it with you... here it is.
you need two legger help!
Take One Treat
Cover it with SNOW!
Pack the SNOW around the treat like a SNOWball. Take GENTLY from your two legger... and ENJOY!!
Just two ingredients and I know you have them both!!!
wooo hooo...do you have more snow NOW!
Love your fluffy tail Khyra!
We got snow but then it rain, so we don't have much left. The sun came out on Wednesday but dissappear again.
Have a wonderwoof weekend!
Sam & June
Happy Friday, Khyra! We hear that the northeast is being pummeled by a bad storm, so while we hope for snow for you, we do not want you to be in the midst of very bad weather!
I hear that perhaps you are getting some more Big Snow today??
It stays cold here, we get flurries of snow, doesn't add much, but it stays, and stays, and stays!
Good luck on getting more big snow!
Khyra, you really spoil your mom you know.
All these great pics - outside in the snow and with the floofy tail on display.
Then inside too!
We didn't manageto see thevideo but will try again.
Make your mom work harder Khyra for these great pics - after all you have to think of the rest of us!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hello Khyra and Mom,
Thank you so much for sharing about Dakota. It gives us so much hope.
Thank you again for being so kind and supportive. We really appreciate what you have done on your post.
Tee and the Dog Woods Pack
We've been casting shadows for 3 weeks now. Nothing but beautiful sunny blue skys in Thunder Bay.
Have a great weekend.
Love Ruby & Penny
The post trixie's mommish wrote was quite leakyish
but we loved it all the same
we are glad she was able to knw it was her angel saying goodbye to the pack
how furry shpecial
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Khyra, you are indeed the Queen!!
We loved the piece about Isabell! What a terrific gal!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
I am so embarrassed to say that I was looking for another puppy named 'Shadow' in the pictures - and then it hit me! :)
waaaw miss my-tail-is-to-fluffy!
El'bow & Hauwii
Note to Trixie from mom: COL crying out loud. OMD
As for Isobel's video, amazin!
As for Frankie's post today, tsk tsk tsk. I believe you're the one who left the perfumed card. BOL You go, girl. If you want Him, you can have Him. I've been good. I only replied to ONE of His comments (instead of my usual barrage)
Your floofy tail is looking extra floofy today!
We are so sorry about your snow Khyra.. At least you still have some.. Maybe Sammy can come over and go on a walk with you...
Have a great weekend...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wow, you guys must be missing all that snow out there! We heard there was a lot out that way, but I guess it must have missed you.
But you had sun which is great - you do look beautiful out in the sun!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
you sure are queen of the snow mountain!
Your friend shadow is nearly as pretty as you.Hope the snow is keeping the pussy willow bush warm for spring.
Wiry love Eric xx
I hope those kitchen staff didn't keep you waiting for too long.
Shadows will be the death of me... specially when they creep up unannounced and give me the heeby-jeebys!
Your pal, Koda
Unable to floof
The photos were all great Khyra!
Have a lovely weekend
Clive and the NSLM
So the big blizzard that was heading East missed you? Nice to hear that it is sunny enough to bring Shadown back to walk with you!Trixie's moms wrote a beautiful "til we meet" letter... like your mom says, it is not forever, it is just for now. By the way, "You ain't seen nothing like the Mighty Quinn!
It's too bad someone took away some of your snow. Soon it will be springtime, though, and there will be lots of fresh grass on the lawns so you can run and sniff. :)
Hope you have a great weekend.
Have I told you lately just how cute you are?
hey Khyra,
So furry happy you still have your Snow Mountain. The Queen's reign continues!
Aren't Shadow friends the best? And I LOVE the trick you played on your mom, keeping your eyes closed for the second pic! You are furry sneaky!
I've never seen such patience from a dog while waiting for dinner... I would be standing next to the bowl, making whimpering noises and/or licking the bowl to convey its emptyness to anyone nearby. I wonder if I had a traumatic experience as a puppy.... I do seem to have an unexplainable fear that my food bowl will just stop being filled up one of these days. Hey! Guess what?! I found a dead mouse on my walk this morning! I was so excited and then my assistant (who thought it was a leaf BOL) grabbed its tail that was sticking out of my mouth. Hah! You should have seen her reaction hahahahahaha!
I hope your snow isn't leaving you yet! The pictures are lovely!
Shadow shots are awesome! We are sad to hear about Trixie! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Happy Friday!
Cute pictures:)
My TV said that you are suppose to get more snow tonight and tomorrow!
I surely hope you do!!
Love you Khyra, Bambi & Fern
Looks like a very floofy Friday for you! Hope your weekend is a floofy fun one too!!
That was a great post about (the other) Trixie, wasn't it? But this has been a bad February -- I won't be sorry to see it go.
Oh no, I hope the sunshine goes away quickly so your snow will last longer.
Only a half inch, eh? We enjoyed our 1 1/2 feet today, and we're ready to send it to you by tomorow!
Sorry - was distracted by Ms. Isobel. She sure is a pretty girl! But Momma says that she's pretty on the inside and that is more important.
O Miss Khyra, I love the figure your friend Shadow cuts, but your looks are far more strikin, My Dear!
You are just so gosh darn cute doin ever fing you do!
wif love from the Luke
My shadow is always following me around!
That was a beautiful tribute to Trixie. Thank you for posting the link.
Thank you for sharing the link to the video. It was great to watch it again!
Beautiful sky pics!
Mom likes that couch you are on!! We are off to grab some kleenex and head off to read about Trixie.
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