It happened AGAIN - a furiend furry suddenly has left us -please stop over and show Penny, Patches, and Lana some love - all too recently they lost their dad/husband/love of their life and now they've lost Poppy
Mom and I don't have the words - just more tears

Here is video demonstrating my pawesome Siberian Rules Football skills!
Mom is on a transport mission today - early afternoon run from Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA. She's looking furward to meeting these passengers but she is going to be a bit sad during the run.
Many of the drivers this weekend are dedicating their legs to Shari Johannes who was one of the humans behind Dog Pack Rescue in GA. Shari left this world late in the week - all of it got to be too much fur her to handle and she made a decision to end the pain.
We hope she's found peace and khomfort akhross The Rainbow Bridge with those furry souls she's touched with her warm and kharing human heart and paws.
So sorry for the loss of a woman who seems to have bee a great advocate for the animals.
And, wow! I can't believe you still have all of that snow. A lot of ours has melted - we can actually see the grass again!
You look so comfy in the snow. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Ooh...look at all dat snow..!!
Cozy cozy snowy snow!
We're sorry to hear about such a wonderful biped leaving, we know there will be rejoicing over the Bridge when their dear friend arrives!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
May Shari rest in peace. Love to you and your Mom also.
You're a natural in the snow.
Hi, Khyra!
You have a very comfy snowy bed!
Maybe if I had more fur I'd enjoy it too!
Sure it is very sad to know about Shari.
Great the transport is dedicated to her.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We're sorry to hear about Shari. That's very sad news.
We loved watching you play football Khyra! You were really cute looking for something else to get into too!
We hope your mom's transport goes well today.
Jeepers, were sad to hear about Sharie. We too hope she finds peace and love at the Bridge.
It is a nice tribute to dedicate the transport to her.
Khyra, I cannot believe that you are not cold out there laying in that snow! I shiver just looking at you!
Isn't it cold lying in the snow like that????
We are glad to see you are still at one with your snow, Khyra!
That's a sad story about Shari but we bet she got quite a welcome at Rainbow Bridge and all her pain was gone in an instant.
Safe Transport, Khyra's Mom!
You look so pretty in your snow, Khyra. So very sad to hear about Shari. There has been too much sadness lately.
Teddy Bear
hey Khyra,
How did you teleport yourself from outside to inside to back outside?! What a cool trick!
Your photos almost lulled me to sleep. You look so comfy and cozy in your snow bed.
My human and I are very sad to hear of Sheri Johannes' passing. She seems like an amazing human to have rescued, helped, and taken care of so many animals in need. Prayers of peace and comfort to her family and friends, and Peace to her wonderful, giving Soul.
We are so sorry to hear about Shari. She had to be a wonderful person!
We hope your snow NEVER goes away, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Watch it with the snoozing. Someone might mistake you for a feline.
We don't think you're crazy. You're just a woofie.
Love your snow bed, Khyra, but you said something shocking. You mean this snow may go away! Ack. We expected it to stay forever.
Khyra, you are so smart to make the most of your snow while you have it. That mountain is a great pillow for you. But it was fun to see that you don't just sleep on the snow. A good round of football in the white fluffs is good too.
So sorry to hear about Shari, life is so unfair. We hope Mom's transport goes well.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You are doing a great job of snow conservation. At this rate, you may have some left for Easter.
Khyra I am so happy that you are happy.
We are purring for Shari Johannes family and friends. How sad that life got to be too much for her.
We will go over what meager words of comfort we can to Poppy's family. Such sad news. ~AFSS
YOu always look so good in the snow and you still have lots of snow left you really like laying on the snow?? I love to run, and zip around in it and make it fly in the air. You are too funny
Sorry bout your friend. Thats always the sad part of life. We will go over and offer our condolances.
have a great sunday
We just saw the update. This is sooo furry sad. Don't know what to say, but we'll go right over.
We are really sorry to hear of all the humans/pups/friends that are no longer with us...
We love seeing your snow pictures Khyra, it is raining cats and dogs here right now...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
My gosh this week has been a sad one! Love to all xoxoxo
Will the sadness ever end? I guess that if we allow ourselves to love, it won't. But, it's worth it in the end, even if it isn't immediately obvious.
I'm so glad Khyra has all that snow to sleep in! I can't imagine curling up in the snow for a nap!
This is so sad, Khyra and mom.
Hugs -
Sarah, Hank and Molly
PS Khyra, as always, you and the snow are a beautiful combination.
There are absolutely NO WORDS to write that will adequately address what sadness must be in someone's heart when they make the decision to take their own life.
A young life is lost. An advocate for animals is gone. Dogs are seeking a new refuge. Parents mourn. Friends mourn.
Let all of us who do rescue or volunteer or promote responsible care for animals remember that we must take time for ourselves and for our families and that we must nurture our soul.
Let all of us who don't rescue (that's OK, too) give emotional support to those who do and lend a hand when it is possible.
For Shari: May all the dogs I have ever loved carry my coffin, howl at the moonless sky and lie down with me sleeping when I die. ~Erica Jong
We just visited Poppy's blog - what a rough time they are having :(
Don't you get cold snuggling in that snow???
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
It has been a bad month, for humans and canines alike. Our thoughts and hugs go out to all of our friends.
This has been a very rough last couple of days. Our hearts go out to everyone who has been touched by the many losses we have experienced recently. As for the snow, if you ever lose yours, we are finally getting some, so you are welcome to visit!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Family
I just lay on top of the snow, I don't dig a hole like you do, but I like it anyway.
Prayers for your friend Shari and we hope she is at peace.
Blessings on today's transport and a pleasant trip.
Oh Khyra, we cannot bear any more sad news - it really is just too sad!
We are so very sorry.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Khyra you always crack us up when we see you laying in the snow...
Benny & Lily
Lots of sad losses this week! We did send our condolences to Poppy's family.
I've noticed pictures of you inside and outside lately. I was curious, which do you prefer? The football looks like fun!
So much sad news theses days. So unfair about Poppy especially for them since the just lost their dad. So very sorry for your rescue friend. :'( Tragic that someone so needed by others could not find what they needed.
As for your snow, I think you have enough to last until June!
Hi Khyra,
Sorry to hear about the passing of your furiends, Shari and Poppy.
Oh no, we so sorry to hear of Shari's passing.
We're in shock over Poppy too. Poor Lana. What an awful time for her of late.
Noah xx
We are so sorry about Poppy. Too many leaving in such a short time.
We are so sorry for Poppy and her family. Thank you for alerting us. What a sad, sad time.
Love to you all
Miss Khyra, Be furry careful. Da snow thief is sneaking up behind woo.
Husky kisses,
Sorry to hear about Shari. We hope your snow melts soon!!! But we just got another winter wave which is heading east! Yikes!! Just a little rain for us! Hugs Joey and Kealani
:( we dont like sad news
let it snow let it snow let it snowwww
El'bow & Hauwii
Khyra, thanks for mentioning Poppy. We hope your mom has a safe trip today! We are going to be very happy when February is over! The saddness is just too much!
Penny & Patches
Oh no, not Poppy on top of everything!
No more sad updates :(
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Our thoughts are with the family. :(
Shari may or may not have taken her own life. It is a matter under investigation.
Hi Miss Khyra!
I missed woo! And thank woo so much for that very froggie valentine! I flip flopping ribbeted by your kind gesture. And mom loves the woody woodpecker with his cute redhead. You are lucky to have him near.
Snow pillows are the best. Enjoy it- it won't be around much longer.
Too much sad news toooooooo much.
snief. That makes me sad.
On the other hand you look so comfy in the snow. That makes me a bit happy again.
Nice woooh
Shari's death is being investigated.
Lovely pix of you in the snow, Khyra. And can someone please stop all the dying? We don't want to be sad anymore :(
Bajas, Virus & Khyssing Hyssing
I'm glad you're still enjoying your snow. There is too much sadness in the world right now.
so glad you like your snow! i like it toooo!
Hi Khyra,
It's always a joy seeing your beautiful face but the news you bring us today is so very sad.
We hope this long streak of losses will end soon!
We luv you sweet Khyra.
Riley and Star.
What sad news Khyra. More tears for us too. the big pee is getting depper from bothe ends.
Wiry love Eric xx
Well, I read one doggie's comment that the Rainbow Bridge has been so busy that maybe it will be closed for repairs for a bit. I sure hope so.
We have visited and left our condolences. These are very difficult times.
But we are smiling to see the most beautiful girl on her fluffy white pillow!
It's been a ruff winter in and around and outside of blogland. I am almost afraid to look anymore.
Khyra, I have to say I have never seen another creature more comfortable in the snow.
There has been too much sadness lately. :(
You look so comfy on your snow bed! :) I wish I had one!
Poppy and Shari? And just he other day Hamish, and...we've discussed this Khyra. I went by Poppy's for support. Shari was and is an angel and she will be taken care of. I'm terribly sorry.
Twinkie and family
Ahhhh.....snowbathing. I'm also falling asleep watching you....zzzz
Sorry to hear about Shari. This has been such a sad couple of weeks!
You look soooo comfortable in the snow. I hope is hangs around for a while more.
So much sadness in our bloggie world right now. We must truly count our blessings.
Sorry you lost another friend, Khyra. Lots of anipals seem to be leaving. So sad! *hugs*
Khyra, Looking at you in the snow is comforting, in the midst of such sadness!
Too much bad news today - I can't imagine how much people are hurting!!
But you still look beautiful!!
It seems like every week we lose a blog friend!! So sad.... But every week you help save some too!!!!!
Sad news, then good news!!!!
I have to think about the good news.
Thank you for your helping hand!!!!!
Long Time, No Blog! We've had some excitement around the house. Really! Me think Lacie's mom told you. It has been quite a week!
Me furmom is here now...I see that you have stopped by...I'm glad to know that you think that we will be fine. Me mom hopes so too. Me furmom is confused, and she hasn't comeout of her shell all the way...she's been through a lot and then with the airline. Sheesh!!! Me hopes that it will go well tomorrow too. She has gone to bed now. Me? At my mom's feet.
Irish Love,
love yr snow pictures! so lovely and ure so enoying yrself!
and tts a very sad news. will go over to send some love and care to them.
Sorry to hear about Poppy's passing. We stopped by to offer our sympathy.
Siberian Football looks very similar to Eskie Red Ball! You "scored", right?
So sorry to hear about the loss of a fellow dog rescuer and a good doggie!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Pee Ess: Aren't you freezing your bottom off laying down in the snow with no sweater?
Hey Khyra,
It has been a hard winter for losing dear friends, acquaintances and fellow bloggers that we hardly knew but were deeply loved by their famnilies. Poppy's mom must be devastated by the loses that she has suffered in just a matter of weeks.
Our snow is all just about gone but we have plenty of mud in its' place.
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